Just Like Home!

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Everyone waited downstairs. When they saw Momo return in a different shirt, they had questions. "What did he ask you to make?"

However, a certain voice could be heard after the initial question, especially since he noticed that her shirt had been replaced. "Did he..."
However, Sero whacked him in the back of his head, knowing that this wasn't the time, nor the place. "Shut up Mineta."
The ravenette merely replied, "He just wanted a simple double bed, a bookshelf, a table, and a piano of all things."

Jiro asked, as a musician herself, "He can play?"
She nodded, and smiled, "Yeah, apparently."
Bakugo added his own knowledge into the mix. Part of which was annoyed by the past. "He used to play that a lot, but stopped after work piled up. Teachers assigned him a lot of BS work because he was thought to be "Quirkless". Biggest piece of crap I ever heard."

However, before anyone else could ask, Aizawa entered the common room and asked for them. "How's he fitting in?"

Momo replied with a confident nod. "Nicely, I think. I made some furniture for him and he's decorating the rest of the space now."

Raising an eyebrow, he asked, suspicion in his voice. After all, she could make anything... even things which he wasn't allowed. "Did he ask for anything else from you?"
Realizing why he asked, Momo's voice started to falter, as she offered what he asked for. "Well... He did ask for an English razor..."
The teacher immediately remembered the morning's conversation. Don't need to shave... "But he doesn't need to... goddamn it!" He started running upstairs, faster and with more fear on his face than they'd seen from any of them. Not even during the USJ. It was inferring that this boy was a far greater risk with just a razor than the villains had with all of their forces... and that didn't bode well. The rest of the class immediately followed and reached his dorm. He banged on the door, shouting to its single occupant. "Midoriya, open the door!"

He called from inside, more annoyed than worried. That did not put the audience at ease. "What?"

Aizawa cursed to himself, before asking through the door. "Please tell me you didn't decorate your room like you did your house..."

Most of 1A were confused by that statement. After all, they missed the context. Momo, Bakugo, and Uraraka, however could already guess what they found at his home. They understood what he was, as well as one raven headed boy, who seemed to already understand him, from one emo to another. At least as he saw it.

Kirishima, the ever naive boy, asked, "What was so bad about his house?"

Sero looked at him with mild panic on his features, "I don't know, but if Aizawa says it's bad, it must be!"
However, before any more conversation could be had, Midoriya called out, "It's my room, isn't it?"
"You're cleaning the walls." That got a few whispers amongst the students. After all, a comment like that... left much to the imagination. (Cleaning the walls?)
However, the boy actually countered with something just as unsettling. "Hey, they get to paint their rooms, why not me?"
Aizawa, though, would have none of that. After all, in most people's eyes... "Blood is not paint, Midoriya! And give me the razor!" Everyone paled at the realization, that this boy... would do that. (B-blood?! What's he doing with that razor... he's not, is he?!)

However, the boy refused. It seems they were learning more about their classmate than they imagined. "No. As long as I don't harm anyone, I'm not giving it to you."

Their teacher, though, tried to reason with him... unsuccessfully. Then having to indicate force. "That includes yourself! Are you really going to force me to get spare keys?"
There was a moment's pause, before Midoriya said, his voice... reserved. Unusually so. "Do your students know what's inside my... room?"
"No..." He turned to them, and with an understanding and care that was... unusual. "You all should leave."
With wide eyes, those not in the know questioned him, with complete honesty. "What? Why?!"

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