The Truth of the Villain Killer

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Bakugo swore, as he had been found. And clearly not where he was supposed to be. "Crap."
Aizawa had noticed him listening. "I thought I saw you listening when I was talking with Uraraka, but I wasn't sure. Now I am. Why are you interested in the Villain Killer?"
Looking away, he attempted to "No reason."
His teacher raised an eyebrow. He thought he'd beaten this insubordination out of his class, yet this was still happening. "If you don't tell me, I can get someone who can force it out of you."

It seems that it was enough, but he still didn't answer the question right away. "Tch, fine. What was the name he gave, round face?"
Uraraka spoke, just as unsure as Aizawa. "Deku... why?"
He nodded, then looked away, in slight shame. The reason was soon apparent. "I think I know who he is..." 

While Aizawa was mildly surprised, Ochako leapt forward, nearly making the blond fall back. She gripped his shoulders, nearly shaking him for info. "You do?! Give us a name!"

Bakugo, meanwhile, pushed her back, gently, as they were both in front of a teacher. "Chill, round face."

The raven haired teacher agreed. "Bakugo's right. The infirmary is not the right place to discuss this. However, I will discuss this later, when Momo is ready."
Ochako was slightly confused, even if she had a vague idea of the answer to her own question. "Why then?"
Aizawa's response was enough for the two, "Because this is something every pro hero here needs to know."

Aizawa couldn't call a meeting until two days later... and when he did get all the teachers together in the meeting room, it was already tense, due to the fact that the USJ fiasco happened the day before. Thankfully, casualties were kept to a minimum as every pro hero was brought to the facility and took care of every villain. Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki escaped, but the attack was a decisive failure. After this attack, the UA staff made the students move into dormitories for safety. The priority of the meeting was the Serial killer Deku.

Nezu, as diplomatic as ever, stated calmly. "So, I take it that new information has surfaced."

Aizawa nodded in understanding, before introducing the topic properly. All heroes were silent, their attention directed to him. "Yes. Although I thought it prudent to review the information we know, which is why I brought these three here..." Taking a breath, he called out to the first in line. His student with a bobcut and the ability to ignore gravity, for a time. "Uraraka. You met him at his first kill. Can you describe what he was like?"

She had clearly thought hard about this since the last time it was discussed, as she had only three very powerful words to describe him. "He was lonely. Desperate. Hungry."

Vlad King was surprised. Even though he shared a similar type of quirk, it was clear that this boy was mad, and having a two students come back unharmed was unusual. As the saying goes, with one murder, look for motive, for two, a connection. The same could be said for the survivors of Deku, the villain killer. What connected the two, Ochako Uraraka and Momo Yaoyorozu? "He treated you kindly?"
"In his way, yes."
And he wanted to make absolute certain about his morals. "But killed the villain that mugged you?"
She nodded again. "Yes."

Aizawa then moved on, "Then we have the most recent survivor, Momo... how was he to you?"

She closed her eyes, focusing on three words to describe him. Similar to Uraraka's... but with a slight difference. One that indicated a serious decline in their morality. "Mad, sadistic. Hungry."

Toshinori commented, noting one of the connections. The students weren't sure who he was and why he was there... maybe as a councilor of some sort? But Hound Dog was also there, and he was the actual councilor... either way, he spoke his mind. "Hunger ties their stories together. His quirk is a vampiric quirk, forcing him to drink human blood. Forgive me for asking, as I have yet to read what happened to you in your file... but did you... donate blood to him?"

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