Training Camp: Part 1

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Aizawa stood in front of the buses used for transportation. His students would be leaving today, and the sister class, Class B, would be following the next day. Illogical, in his opinion. Especially considering the fact that UA had been attacked multiple times in the past term. All hero students should be better prepared. Especially since Class A's results were, overall, higher than Class B's. Seeing his class arrive, he waited until all were there. When he was sure everyone was, with the help of the Class Rep, stated for all to hear. "Alright, everyone on the bus. We are leaving for  camp now."

Everyone was excited to see what the camp was exactly... even if it was hours away. Momo decided to sit next to Izuku, who raised an eyebrow. "A little risky, don't cha think?"
"Maybe." She shrugged, and sat back against the chair. She was correct, however, in that many were too excited to pay attention. Everyone was so busy they didn't notice the two of them together, especially when Momo fell asleep against his shoulder. Something that Mina would have definitely teased her about. However, the bus stopped. 

And something about what Aizawa announced made him narrow his eyes. This is too simple. Especially with how he stated the distance. "Alright, this is a pit stop. We're roughly halfway there."

Still suspicious, Izuku gently woke her up, whispering as quietly as he could. "Hey, get up."
Stirring, she drowsily hummed to him, "Hmm...?"
And, in two words, "Pit stop."

"Right..." Yawning, she got up and walked out of the bus. Everyone got out to stretch.

Aizawa smiled slyly, which Izuku immediately noticed. Instead of letting him get the first dig, he decided to pivot the man's thoughts to something else. "Staying on the bus isn't really an option, is it, pops?"
Mildly annoyed at the nickname, he still smirked at his foster son putting the pieces together before most. "No, no it is not. Get out."
He got out without a word, but asked Aizawa when outside, using his hand to protect his verdant eyes from the sun. "Is that building in this forest where we're going?"
"Correct..." Aizawa smirked yet again under his scarf, as the students realized what was going on.
Horror blanketed over the class, with Izuku starting to say something over the silence. "Let me guess..."
"You don't have to!" A woman leapt down from the ledge above the overlook, followed by another. "Hello, my name is Pixie Bob! You have all made it to camp!"

"What?! We're nowhere near it." Class A was shocked, while Izuku, and Momo understood what's going on. The raven haired boy called out, "Another one of your deceptions, pops?"
The grin he gave was straight up unnatural, "You know me so well."
His eyes widened as he realized what Pixie Bob's quirk was. Walking over to Momo, he whispered, "Get ready. Camp starts now."
"What...?" Before she could stop him, Izuku jumped over the edge and slid down the cliff.

Denki, shocked like everyone else, especially since they knew he was a rehab student, called back, "Wait, where are you going?!"
Meanwhile, Pixie-Bob grinned with enthusiasm. She hadn't seen the student's face, but approved of the attitude. "Oooh, looks like one understands what's going on. Your training... starts now!" Some students tried to run back to the bus, but the pro heroine put her hands on the floor, altering the earth and forcing them over the edge of the overlook.

Izuku landed perfectly fine on the forest floor. Brushing dust off his white trenchcoat, he thought aloud to himself. "Now it makes sense why we were asked to wear our hero uniforms..." A noise... escalating to something far louder than student complaints sounded above him. Turning, his eyes widened, and saw them all careen over the edge. Quickly, the mad boy ran to avoid the avalanche, nearly growling in annoyance. However, he wouldn't be able to avoid them all...

"Look out!" Momo crashed right into him as he turned to hear her. She slammed into him, making them both fall, roughly, to the ground with a large THUD.

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