Rich Questions & Gadgets

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The next day's class was a buzz of excitement. After all, it was a heroics class first thing, and the first one with Midoriya in their group. They wanted to see what he would be made of, in a word. Aizawa, with dead, sleep deprived eyes, nodded, "Right, today you have heroics... Allmight will be here shortly. Until then, don't disturb me." He went into his yellow sleeping bag. Everyone did glance over at Izuku, but he didn't really care, as he got up from his seat, papers in hand.

The boy walked up to Aizawa, who, despite looking asleep, wasn't. Izuku could give his reasons for why, the breathing pattern's too regular, the heartbeat was too fast... but that didn't matter to him. What did, however, was the answer to his question. "Hey padre, can I take my designs to the Support class?"
Opening a single eye to show his confusion with the nickname, he just... didn't ask directly. However, he nodded, putting trust into him. A gesture that Izuku would respect and appreciate, "Sure."

Momo asked the teacher as well, clearly a more imprompteau thing than the raven haired boy's ask. "Can... I go with him? I have some design changes."
Aizawa looked at Izuku, who, realizing the ball was in his court, shrugged, "I don't mind."

Aizawa called out, confirming that yes, she could go for that reason. "You heard him."

They both left the room, the others still talking excitedly about what the lesson could bring.

However, as soon as Izuku and Momo were out of earshot, he asked, rather bluntly. "That seemed like a flimsy argument just to walk with me alone. What do you really want?"

Looking down, she admitted to there was something nagging the back of her mind. "That's... true. While I do have things to change... it's not the only reason I wanted to... walk with you..."

He put the pieces together. Just because his sanity was in shambles from a combination of his quirk's influence and isolation, it's not like he was an idiot. Izuku was sharp as a blade, after all... and just as lethal. "You wanted me to answer a question."

Stopping, she looked at him, eye to emerald eye. "Why did you save me?"

Pausing himself, he thought for a moment, "Hm?" However, instead of giving the actual answer... he gave a joke one. Clearly through his tone, "You didn't seem fun to fight."

It took a second for her to realize the 'joke', and countered with a huff, catching up to him. "Rude. I'm improving."
It was then that he gave the actual answer, glad to have positive interactions like this. "As much as that may be true, killing you wouldn't have been... right... with me."
Genuinely curious. "Why is that?"

However, instead of just admitting that he still had some sense of morality, he instead danced around the issue. Almost as if he viewed himself as irredeemable, in a way. "I... I like to kill, but... I just don't want to kill those who have amazing blood... I found that out with Uraraka, and you were just another."

Asking a more direct answer, the raven haired girl asked, "Then... why kill?"
He didn't have a concrete answer, but he did enjoy delivering it. After all, when they first met, he did offer her a kill, as if it was a good thing to do. "Call it my twisted instincts. I do it for fun..."

Deciding to move on, she asked a completely different question. One that had been bugging her ever since their first encounter. The subject of taste... or rather the taste of blood. After all, he did mention how he could taste drugs in a man's bloodstream. "Does blood taste different for each person?"
Izuku glanced at her and seemed to smile warmly, in his way, of course. The way he described it... it was almost as refined a palette as professional wine tasters. He spoke of blood as her father would speak of different types of brandy. With nuance and almost grace... it was almost endearing to those who would listen... but most would be put off by the topic in question. "Yes... girl's tend to be sweeter, and men's tends to be like fine broth... but each is unique, and often times, their quirks do change the flavor, as much as their blood type does. A man with a squid like quirk has a seafood stew, while a girl with a blood quirk like mine is more like licorice. Uraraka's was like a vanilla milkshake... I think... while yours..." He remembered the flavor, savoring it in his mind. It had been a while since he tasted that flavor. "...a delicious hot chocolate?"

"Wow... thanks?" She blushed hard at the compliment. After all, he did have a lot of blood flavors in his memory. Having hers praised was no easy feat... but then... he was mildly flirting with her.

Grinning, he replied, "I would gladly have it again. Looks like we're here..." he looked at her. "You might need a moment so you can chill and not look so... delicious." He entered the room, to her protest at that last comment.

Powerloader was working on something as the rehab student entered the room. A lot of the work going on in his class ceased as they looked with a mix of horror and fascination. The only one still working was Hatsume, who didn't care about anything except her inventions. News of his arrival had travelled quickly, and the fact that he was in a heroics class was especially... unexpected. And now he was here with schematics in his grip. The hero nodded to him, "Ah, Izuku Midoriya... you have your designs?"
He nodded, handing them over, replying as the man started to read them over. "Right here. I added some notes for... clarification."
Having looked over them quickly... he did note a few things. In particular... the blades. They were unique in the fact that would utilize two at once. And they were retractable, almost as long as swords at full length. "Hm... those are some pretty unique design choices. You want blades?"
Nodding, it was clear why. His quirk gave no advantage in a fight, so it did make sense... if not still being a little concerning, due to the... reputation of the recipient of those weapons. Izuku's argument was sound, however. "I benefit from them more so than normal CQC."

Understanding, he noted the other parts he could see. Clearly, he had been inspired by his classmates, at least in terms of resistances of the outfit itself. It was clear he valued durability. Not to mention a method of mobility... "I see heat resistance? Electrical resistance? Very few fabrics use both. That vambrace design is pretty technical... It'll be a challenge, but we'll get it for you!"
He nodded, before pointing behind him with a thumb. "Thanks... Momo's outside with some edits to her costume."

The girl of the moment did arrive, before saying to him. "Not outside anymore." Turning to the professor, she handed him a paper of her own. Some adjustments to the costume's general design, as well as a note about a harness for a book of schematics. Useful for a quirk like hers, Izuku supposed, as she gave it. "Here..."

Looking them over, the hero nodded to her in turn. "These are pretty straightforward. We'll get them to you by next week."

Momo lowered her head in appreciation, before turning to her classmate. "Thanks. We should get to class. We'll meet them at the training field."

"Right." He followed her as she powerwalked out of the room. 

A few moments later, the rest of the class got back to work, and Powerloader sighed to himself. He's got a sense of style, but a nasty imagination. I'm glad he's here getting help. Let's get this made! To his students, he called their attention. "Alright everyone. I'm sure you noticed that there's a new hero student, and he has a very, very specific costume. It's gotta be electrical and heat resistant. Who wants it?"

One student raised their hand, and the hero acknowledged them, "Good. Next is his vambraces. They're technical, but minimal. Theoretically, his blueprint is sound. But... he's no engineer. Who wants that part?"
A different student raised their hand to that. "Good. Next is an air filter. Complex, yet sleek design." The same student wanted that part too. "Alright, you've got it. Last... is the blades. He's after two very intricate blades... which is, arguably, the crucial part of his gear..."
"I'll take it!" Hatsume had looked up from her work, as soon as she heard 'crucial'.

"Hatsume... you know that deviating from what he wants, especially explosively, is likely to keep him away from you, correct?"

"Psh... I'm sure he won't mind as long as he gets the best."

"He asked for a specific design. No going off the schematics on this one." He locked eyes with his student. "Do you still want it?"

She nodded, resolutely. "Very well. All parts have been taken. Work together to get this made. It needs to be done by next week." He put the schematics on the center table, which the three students all took from, before he walked over to the student in charge of Momo's costume. Giving them the details and her requests, the support teacher went back to his desk, to observe. If they had questions, they'd ask. He just hoped Allmight wasn't going to have too much trouble with that one...

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