A Formal Introduction to Class 1A

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Aizawa waited outside the bathroom, almost under the urge to tap his feet in impatience. Checking the time, he called out, "You done yet? We can't keep my class waiting."
There was a shuffling sound, then a reply. Looking up, he saw the boy had barely put it on. No tie, collar was open for breathability, and he didn't bother to put on the shoes offered, instead preferring to have his old, bloodstained pair. They were white, so the blood was kinda obvious if anyone actually decided to look down. "Done... how do you like it, teach?"
An illogical question. As there was little time left, he said hurriedly. "Passable. C'mon."

The two power walked until they both arrived outside the room. "Right, stay here until I call you." He gave a glare as if daring him to do anything else.

Deku nodded, content. This was his time to shine, and, if he remembered correctly, he might already know three of them. While the mad student waited, he hummed a darker version of Sweet Dreams by Annie Lennox.

Aizawa entered the room, his presence commanding attention, all while  "Quiet down everyone, I hope yesterday was... entertaining for you?"

Everyone agreed readily... well, most everyone did. There were, ironically, three who were more... demure than the others. "Yes!"

Those being, the three who had encountered Deku in the first place. Something that would, no doubt change soon.

With a grin under his scarf, he was perfectly ready to deliver the 'good news'. "Good, because yesterday, we covertly captured the Villain Killer."

They didn't get why he seemed... amused, but congratulated him nonetheless. Iida in particular, was proud of their homeroom teach. "Great job!"

Dismissing that, with a wave of his hand, the class quieted down. "Yes, yes I know great accomplishment. However, due to his... younger age, he is eligible for a Villain rehab program."

Everyone started to get uneasy, as they were wondering how this was going to affect them.

The next line made their veins run cold, as they now knew that they'd be sharing their lives, their dorm space, with a mad serial killer. "Our Villain Rehab Program. Your lives are about to become a little bit tougher. Come in."

Izuku Midoriya entered the room, and everyone just stared. Their expressions were of shock, disgust, horror, and from Mina, a bit of awe, probably due to her love of horror movies. However, Momo and Uraraka were less startled, having seen him before... but Bakugo was among those.

He immediately asked, "What the fuck happened to you?"
While Izuku wasn't mad at his only friend throughout the years, completely getting his concern, but none of what happened, happened to him, it happened because of him. Clear difference. "You know, the exile of those who have quirks 'too evil' to exist." He bared his teeth, and gestured to his scars. "Just gotta smile and keep on going. Even if you have to physically put it there."

Bakugo seemed genuinely caught off guard by that. "Y-you..."
He spat out the next part, "I'm mad! Yes! But they..." points to Aizawa, "Are even more so for letting me in here. Let's see how this goes..."

With a bored voice, Aizawa asked him. "Full name and quirk."
He gave a bit of a theatrical bow, keeping his eyes on them, watching the group become even more unnerved, through the way he spoke and acted. "Izuku Midoriya, but I don't care what you call me. My quirk is vampiric. It has no name, but made my skin pale, resistant to pain, gave me black hair, and the inability to digest anything but human blood. I don't know if it does anything else."

Mina, sympathetic to his outlook somewhat, especially since he showed signs of bullying, tried to rationalize this by asking, "Is that why you killed...?"
"Nah, I killed for fun too... but I let Uraraka and Momo go because they generously gave me dinner. And it was delicious." He licked his lips, as if still savoring the flavor.

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