Music of the Soul

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Class 1A waited in the homeroom, with little to distract them after their short break. Aizawa arrived in class right after Izuku did, causing any complaints along the shortness of that break lines to be silenced. Especially with his patience-lacking voice. "Everyone, take your seats... I have some important information."

They did what he asked. "About the summer camp... it was actually a training camp, one that the exam failures can't afford to miss, so they are coming too."

All of those who failed the exams cheered, especially Mina.

Although, they should have expected some kind of killjoy statement to follow right behind the original one. This was Aizawa's class, after all, and he somewhat enjoyed crushing his student's spirits. "However... there will be remedial work to complete during this time. So you will be working harder than your classmates who passed."
The cheering stopped in an instant, and their faces froze in pained smiles, their eyes expressing their fear. Izuku was laughing his head off at the sight, specifically pointing at Kaminari. "Oh, you all thought...!"

Placing a stack of papers on a desk towards the front, he stated, "You will take these forms to your guardians for permission to come. Have these returned to me by the end of the week. Iida, if you could pass them out."

Snapping to attention, he immediately went to do what he was asked to. "Sir!"

After seeing the forms passed out, the raven haired man stated, "You are dismissed until class."

However, instead of letting Aizawa go into his sleeping bag to nap, Izuku went over to him. "Hey pops... do I have to ask you...?"

He signed, annoyed by his nickname, but putting up with it. He'd already made the mistake of showing his annoyance with that one in particular. He didn't need a new, worse nickname than that. "I already have signed your form. You have nothing to worry about."


Class resumed as normal that day, and they went back to the dorms afterward.

Most of his classmates returned back to their homes, to get signatures for the trip, and spend time with their families. Bored, he finally organized his room the way he wanted it. His Journals, all 24, about quirks and their users, were put into the bookshelf properly. He put his clothes into the wardrobe and organized the few things he was given. He placed a limited edition Allmight figure carefully on top of the bookshelf. It was not covered in blood, it was the one thing he refused to dirty. It would be an insult to dirty a gift from mom...

Afterwards he was still bored, so he decided to tidy up his notes on his classmates. Opening book 25, he edited the entry on Fumikage Tokoyami. He adjusted what his weaknesses were after observing the exams. After this, he closed the book, and put it on his bedside table. What to do...

Then he remembered his piano. It had been sitting, lonely and covered in a small layer of blood... unused. Hopefully dust hadn't settled onto it yet, through the neglect of the instrument. I haven't tried it yet... maybe one of the lullabies from Grandmother's side of the family... It's been a bit too long... he started to play, testing the keys, getting into flow with the music. He then started to sing the actual melody of the lullaby. Absent-mindedly he sang along with it softly, tearing up and remembering his mother. It was personal, sue him. "Bayu Bayushki Bayu..."

Many of the students had received their permission early in the afternoon, and decided to hang out with each other. At the end of the day, they arrived back at the dorms, all of them lingering out in the common room. However, as they relaxed there, Jiro heard music inside the building.

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