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The source of the commotion was their constant thorn... that being... Monoma, from their sister class. He was seemingly obsessed with them, and they had no real clue why. It wasn't like they wanted all the attention on them. And now... he was jeering the rehab student. Was he even trying to be a hero? "Wow, they even let a villain into class 1A? How pathetic!"

However, Izuku used a lot of restraint with a deep, guttural growl. "I am many things... but do not. call. me. that!"

However, it was clear that the terms of his rehab were not exclusively known by Class A. He continued to jeer at the taller student. "What are you going to do? You can't attack me!" 
Composing himself, he closed his eyes and asked patiently, still questioning this idiot. "So... if your class is so much better, what quirk do you have?"
Mildly surprised, but in a good way, Monoma dug his own grave, not that he realized it yet. "Hah, I can copy any quirk by touching them!"

"Interesting..." He bared his teeth, pronouncing his demented grin, putting off all those who didn't know him, "Even mutant types?"
Unnerved, he still answered confidently, like the ass he was being. "Even them!"

"Then..." He approached Monoma, and grabbed his hand, forcing him to copy his quirk before Kendo could get involved. "Enjoy your lunch. If you can." He laughed as he walked back to class, pushing through the crowd, before calling back. "Oh, and I can't deactivate my quirk, so you will suffer my curse for as long as it lasts."

"What does..." He looked like he was going to be nauseous. He'd only eaten the finest steak that Lunch Rush could provide, how was this happening ? Quickly, he turned to a class A member, demanding an answer. "What quirk does he have?"
Bakugo laughed, glad to see the spiteful boy get some karma. "You're a fucking idiot... he loves to analyze quirks... he will know exactly how to beat you now... He can only digest blood, and you just had lunch, didn't you...?"
Paling, he felt his teeth change alongside his new dietary needs, "What the... hell!?"
"You better run along before you puke in the halls, you fucking extra!" The blond continued to laugh as he followed Deku back to class.

1A headed back, each with their own unique take on the situation. 
Ojiro was just glad that it didn't devolve to bloodshed. "That's clever... never thought I'd see that used against him."

Sero agreed, in his own way. "Even nonlethal, that guy is savage!"

Tsu, however, was still not sure of him at all. "I think that went a little too far, kero."

Ochako, however, placated her concerns, after all, he'd made jabs about all of them, "He needed to be humbled, Tsu."

She admitted as much. "I guess he was kind of asking for it, Kero."
Iida gave his thoughts, "As much as I do not approve of his behavior, I can't help but admire his creativity in such a situation."

Aizawa commented on their reactions, as they still talked about what happened when they arrived back at their homeroom. Wanting to find out what, he  "Did something happen during lunch break?"

They all glanced between each other, and stated one word, a name which had already caused headaches in staff meetings already. Someone Vlad didn't bother to moderate. At this point, they may have to trade him with a different teacher to avoid bias allegations. "Monoma."
Sighing, he asked, "And Midoriya...?"
"Put him in his place immediately."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he asked rhetorically, "Do I want to ask how?"
However, Tsu put his worries to ease. At least for now. "He forced him to copy his quirk, kero."

That was a relief. It was no secret amongst the staff that the "preventative measures" was a crock. They had nothing to really control him, so a lie was concocted to hopefully contain him. It seems to be working so far, as his usual default was to bite. Then stab if he had a weapon. "Clever... and non-violent... good..."

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