Reunion with Aunty

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Time passes for Class A, and as the semester ended, the students suddenly had a lot of free time on their hands. During this, Katsuki suddenly asked Izuku out of nowhere: "Hey Deku, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner..."

He raised an eyebrow, surprised. After all, the last time he did so was before his digestive tract had adapted to a blood only diet. That... and his appearance. But, first, he focused on the . "You do know what I eat, right?"
However, the reason why he asked was soon apparent. After all, Auntie was the closest thing to true family he had left, of course she would be searching for him. "I told mom that you were found. She's been wanting to see you ever since... since Aunty Inko died..."

Accepting that, he continued his conversation with the blond. "I have a couple of questions first..."
Of course the boy would answer them. "Yes?"
The first made sense. Would she be surprised by his appearance? "Did they ever put a sketch out of my face when I was a villain?"
Nodding, Katsuki answered it, "Yes... after Momo got attacked, a police sketch artist visited her..."
Well, that made sense. They wanted to capture the villain killer, and any information, including police sketches, would be necessary. It would make sense, "...I see... second question... does she know... anything...?" 

He shook his head, and gave the reason why. It was very respectable. "No. I respected your wishes at the time."

Izuku sighed, not looking forward to the evening. Don't get him wrong, he loved his Aunt, but boy was it going to be incredibly awkward. "Ok... tonight is going to be awkward..."

The other boy agreed, "Yeah..." After a moment of awkward silence, Izuku asked, "What time should I arrive? I have to go through pops first."

That made sense. He had rules to follow, and if he didn't... well... his life would be much, much harder. "6:30? I have to get ready too." Waving goodbye, he made sure to get home quickly. 

Mitskuki Bakugo welcomed her son home with a hug. "Good to see you back, Katsuki."

He actually reciprocated to the mother's surprise. "Thanks... there is something I need to tell you before Izuku arrives."
A bit of shock and a hint of joy lit her features as she realized what he said. It was the first time in years that Izuku would be visiting... and... well... she was excited for that! He was absolutely adorable last time, with his dark green hair, and shining eyes, full of hope for the future. Katsuki did mention that he was in a rehab program, but why always eluded her. "You're actually serious."
He hissed back, annoyed. "This is serious!"

She let go and started to get things ready in the kitchen, only absentmindedly listening to her son as he tried to inform her of something else, eventually asking, "What is it?"
"He isn't the green haired small boy you remember... his quirk changed him..."

Rolling her eyes, the image of the boy she remembered remained, but with little vampire fangs. "I already know what his quirk is. Inko told me years ago."

He looked at her blankly for a second, before shaking his head in disbelief at how stubborn she was being. "You knew...? Anyway, he also isn't the gentle kid you remember. He's not all right in the head, ok? He was a villain for a while, but don't call him that. He's killed a lot of people."

Now that made her pause, before turning to him, a sorrowful expression on her face. This was not what she had expected. With a rehab, she didn't expect much, maybe just a bit of delinquent behaviour... but not villainous activity. Murders, if not anything else, was the most tragic part. The boy who couldn't hurt a fly... was now a fully fledged killer. "Not Izuku... how was he found?"
"My teachers, all heroes, captured him, and he is in the villain rehabilitation program. His choker is designed to shock him if he attacks anyone, and transmits his location to UA staff."

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