The Day Before Camp

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The next morning, since it was the Saturday before the camp, everyone was relaxing after packing what they needed. It was a chill day, with no classes, and no need to interact with teachers, only each other. When Midoriya arrived in the common room, one of the few times he chilled there, Mina asked everyone, "How about we all have some fun with a competitive performance? Everyone gets to play what they want, and we all have fun!"

Everyone agreed, even Iida, and they turned to Midoriya. He was the only one who didn't agree... and caved under the pressure. This was clearly brought on by his performance the other day. Jirou may have had to speak about his musical ability, but not why it was so important to him. Sighing in resignation, he stated, "Fine, I will join too, but I'm not lugging a baby grand down 3 flights of stairs. When it's my turn, you come to my room if you want to hear it."

Jiro said slyly. "If that's how you're going to do it... then you have to play 3 songs. One for each flight of stairs."
He glared at her as everyone, yes, everyone, including Bakugo and even Mineta agreed to that. Seeing no choice, he accepted that. "Fine."

"Alright..." Everyone worked to bring all of Jiro's instruments downstairs. While initially bashful about her ability to play every instrument in her room... right now she was a bit more excited to see others involved with her hobby. Quite a few girls laughed at her enthusiasm, to her own embarrassment.

After it was ready, the pink, horned, gossip hungry Mina asked, curious, "Who wants to go first?"

"I will show you extras how it's done!" Bakugo went first, using the drumset to assault everyone's ears with a spectacular rock beat. Afterwards, he grinned, satisfied with his performance, and challenging the others. "Beat that!"

"I'll take that challenge!" Kirishima went next, choosing the saxophone and performing a smooth jazz solo. Everyone cheered for both of them, and many were surprised that he was actually good with such a contrasting instrument. After he was done, he grinned, "Who would like to go next?"

One by one, each student showed their best for music. Standout students included Jiro rocking an electric guitar, Momo with the violin, and Tokoyami with the Cello. Iida, Todoroki, and Uraraka were the worst with the instruments they chose, but that was due to outside circumstances instead of anything they could control. However, everyone cheered each performance. Even Bakugo did. The last student remaining was Midoriya, who had been keeping a low profile, as the violet haired musician finished her guitar solo.

Jirou grinned, pointing to him. "You can't get out of this, Midoriya."
Baring his teeth, he met the challenge. "Wasn't planning to... just saving the best for last."
"You think you're better than me, Izuku?!" Bakugo replied, glancing to him, a similar smile to Jirou on his face as well.
He continued to smile, leading the class upstairs, saying to himself... but also to the others, "Gotta love his competitive spirit! Come on up..." Arriving, he let them in, and the tang of iron. While many recoiled, unnerved by the blood in his room ever since they saw it... they put that aside. They wanted to hear his performance, especially as Jirou had hyped it up. After opening the key cover, and sitting, "Three songs, right?"

The crowd called out: "Yes!"

"First one Up!" The song started, and everyone couldn't help but get enveloped into the beat even when he started to sing along with it. The lyrics he sang were catchy, if not disturbed, and the music even more so. They couldn't help but applaud. However, Izuku wasn't really paying attention to that. "Next up... hm... I could... this one..."

He started with the lullaby from the day before. He held back from tearing up, and focused on the performance. After it was done, before they could applaud, he went into the final piece, the impassioned one from the day before.

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