Training Camp Part 2

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After another day of training, everyone decided to relax. Meanwhile, Izuku brought Momo to a secret spot on the cliffs. Apparently, his conversation with Kota led to him actually liking the hero student, as opposed to everyone else. Their blunt natures, and the fact he didn't tell him how to think really endeared him. So, as a favor, the hat wearing boy told him of the place after the day had ended, as a sign of some respect. The raven haired beauty, admired the view, taking in all of the stars. "This place is beautiful..."

Back against a rock, Izuku was sitting down, and patted the space next to him. "Glad you think so..."

Taking the offer, Momo sat down, leaning against him. "How did you find this place?"
"Kota told me."
That answer in particular surprised the girl. She glanced at him only for a moment, before returning her gaze back to the wonders of nature, only slightly marred by the lights from the cabin. "Why would he? Doesn't he hate us?"
Izuku's mature, and sane take on the situation almost threw her for a loop. He had been... becoming more 'normal' ever since he arrived, but this was a new level for him. "He hates what the conflict does. He respected that I treated him like an equal, not an idiot. Everyone disrespects him because they don't appreciate what he has been through. He just needed some empathy."
"That's very kind of you... you do have that softer side. It's part of what made me fall for you..."
He actually started to tear up. "I'm lucky... not early in life, but now I am. I have friends that care, a family, and you... This is the first time I've really been happy again since Mom... Since Inko died..."

"Hush..." Momo turned and pulled him in for a kiss. "Just enjoy the moment with me." She leaned into him, closing her eyes.
Wrapping his arm around her, he leaned back into her. "I will..." They sat up for an hour, watching the stars. However, when they got back up, they saw Hagakure and Mina recording them with a phone.

After a moment of shock at their audacity... his green gaze turned furious. Momo covered her face in embarassment as Izuku growled, "You..."

Mina dramatically tapped her phone, stating the dreaded words. It hadn't even lasted three days of secrecy... "And... sent to the group chat!"

Momo shuddered, and they were both aware of what her family would think of this. She was afraid of an almost divine retribution, and Izuku, while not privy to her full situation, wouldn't stand for this blatant disrespect. They had potentially caused a major problem, and they didn't even know it. "That's it. Tomorrow's training is going to be hell."

"Worth it!" They ran back down to the main building. The fact they laughed means they were ignorant of the circumstances.

Momo sighed, slightly afraid. "So much for our secret..."
Izuku rested his head against the rock behind him. "Yeah... We'll never hear the end of it..."
Still leaning into him, the ravenette, whispered, "Izu... I'm a bit tired..."

He nodded, asking gently, "Want a ride back?"
"Sure..." Izuku stood up, and carefully carried her over his back. By the time she was there, her eyes was closed. When they arrived back at the building, everyone was watching them. Eyes wide. With some manner of smiles on their faces. Even Aizawa smiled knowingly. Ignorant, all. The raven haired boy interrupted any ideas by stating: "Questions tomorrow, Momo's asleep. And by the way, pops... can I personally train with Mina and Hagakure tomorrow?"

Aizawa was all for it, in his cavalier manner. "Hm...? Sure..." He smiled slyly, "Payback?"
Whirling to him, he stated. His carven smile twisted into a grimace. "What do you think?"
And, with that, he closed his eyes, a smirk on his face. "I'll prepare the body bags and popcorn."
"You should... if you'll excuse me..." He left the room, taking her back to her room.

The next day, Izuku was peppered with questions about him and Momo. With a hand held up, he stated, "I will wait for Momo to get up first. Besides, I will not break the promise I made."
However, the girl in question replied right after that, still disheveled, and with other things on her mind now, now that the cat was out of the bag. "I'm up... what is going on...?"
After getting a cup of tea, and sitting down, Mina asked, barely contained glee on her face. "Is it true you and Midoriya...?"

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