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The UA faculty, from Aizawa to Allmight, and everyone in between held a meeting that evening, in groups separated by year level and course track. While a variety of topics were covered, from the Year 3 excursions the following week, to the Year 2 business courses having their annual stock market exercise... nothing was left untouched. However, when Nezu reached the teachers for Year one, he asked a simple, yet complex question, "What do you think of Midoriya's progress in the program?"

Aizawa spoke up first. As he was now the closest source. He could certainly give the most information. "Emi and I offered to adopt him, and he accepted. On top of that, his condition is stable. He has some... issues... to iron out, but he hasn't tried to harm anyone... well, maybe Monoma indirectly," Vlad King nodded, never quite seeing eye to eye with the Class A teacher. This was something he could agree with, that he was harsh with his student... at least until Aizawa continued, "but from what I hear, he was asking for it."

"Why you..." Vlad started, before being silenced with a glare from Nezu. The interclass rivalry can wait, Kan.

Aizawa changed to what he noticed about his personality. "His idea of humor is very dark and twisted, but other than that, he is like any other student. In need of support."
Allmight spoke up next, having had a cordial exchange with the boy. "I agree. Despite his previous condition... I think it's going well. His personality hasn't really changed yet, if at all, but he is more stable than I remember. It will take time to undo the damage that's been done to him." Pausing, he couldn't help but have his knees shake a little, remembering Kaminari's scream. No, I cannot view a student in need like Gran... Gran Torino! "Although, he is quite scary to fight against, as I... the rest of 1A can attest to. He is cunning, morbid in execution, and well aware of his weaknesses. He'll be a fearsome opponent, especially for the underground scene."
Nezu, on the other hand, was estatic. Proof of concept, right here, that a serial killer could be redeemed into a hero. Once this works, he'll show it off the HPSC, and watch them wring their hands as he would reform even more villains, reducing the problem of juvenile retention in the criminal world. He could see it now, perhaps getting ahead of himself, but allowed to in this case. "Great to hear! This shows that rehabilitation can work well!" He did pause, if only for a moment, "That being said, he was more of an unstable vigilante before. We have one boy as proof of concept, but we would need more to have an actual idea how actual serial killers or villains would react to this. As Yagi stated, we would need It would probably take longer, but progress is progress."
Powerloader reported, impressed and... mildly disturbed. He had no clue what he was like in combat, but could imagine it with all its visceral detail. "He has his hero costumes currently in production, with a magnificent set of designs, I might add, but no name as of yet... and it's almost time for the exams."

Aizawa nodded, agreeing that it was important, finalizing their meeting with a simple statement. "Noted. He'll make it in time."

Aizawa called his class to attention the next day. After all, their exams were coming up, and they'd need to know all the information here. Even the two... dimmest bulbs in the pack paid attention. It wasn't often he'd addressed them directly. "Listen up everyone. The exams contain 2 portions, the written, and the practical. The contents of the practical are confidential, to avoid giving you an advantage, but the written exam covers everything done over the year... Don't worry Midoriya, provisions have been made for your test."
Lowering his raised hand, he nodded, grinning. "Understood, pops."
Why did I adopt this... child? Annoyance laced his voice, far more than it had for the other "...don't call me that."
His voice intoned disinterest, but he now had, unbeknownst to Aizawa, settled on what to call him. It had provoked the most emotion, so he'll make it stick. "Whatever."
Oblivious to this new development, he continued his homeroom announcement. "Anyway, I'm allocating this time for study work. Make sure to use it wisely..." he looked exclusively at Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima. They were the lowest academically, and he wanted them to know that inaction would lead to failure. "...or your hero career might be over before you even reach the field. That is all." He did the usual thing, which was to get into his sleeping bag and fall asleep. At least, on a visual level. He was monitoring them, but his eyes were more sensitive than most, due to his quirk, and this was a way to hide such a weakness. Something Midoriya could respect, having a similar problem at times.

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