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Izuku walked back home, covered in blood. Another fun night. Time to kick back and relax... Since his mother died, the power and water had been shut off, and he had already tossed all the food before it could start to smell. The feel of the apartment was that it was abandoned. The only reason he hadn't been forced to leave was because nobody wanted the apartment of a dead woman. He made his way to his room, where all of the Allmight posters had been drawn over with bloody smiles similar to his. Going into the bathroom, he checked his mouth. It had begun to heal, with only scar tissue dried blood remaining. "That's no good... a smile needs to be fresh, recent, for it to mean anything..." He brought up his knife and got to work.

Meanwhile, the UA heroes, or at least the active ones were on their way to the residence of Izuku Midoriya, with Eraserhead providing an intel breakdown as they climbed the stairs up to the apartment. Normally, villains like this would be handed over to the police, but as Nezu wanted to try something... different... they didn't have the luxury of backup. Although, if Midoriya was able to overpower Allmight, then they'd really have a problem. Point was, everyone there all knew the story, but he was reiterating what they knew. "Alright everyone, you must realize this kid is one of the most unstable villains we've ever come across. Be wary. He is unpredictable in his fighting patterns, even able to catch me off guard."

Midnight looked over at him as they climbed, "Sho, honey, we get it. We'll be careful."

The man sighed, looking ahead to a door. 4b. That was the one. "I don't think you do, but let's do this quickly."

They all nodded and prepared to breach the door, getting on either side of the door. A curious civilian looked out and saw the heroes preparing to breach, but Allmight put a finger to his smile, indicating silence. They nodded, and watched as the group putting on gas masks, Allmight getting into position in front of the door, before quickly breaking it down. Midnight, the only one unaffected by her quirk, immediately activated Somnibulist inside the apartment. The pink gas would put him to put him to sleep, and since the rest wore masks, she wouldn't affecting her colleagues.

Hearing the door smash open, Deku awoke, knife in hand. He tried to get to a window, but Midnight's pheromones acted quickly, overpowering him as he started to fall asleep. Midnight... Damn, it works fast...

As the heroes checked each room, they were disturbed by what they had seen. Blood on the walls and insane messages scrawled in each one, Midnight found his room. "What happened to his mental state to make him like this..." Seeing the boy on the bed, she walked over. Long, wild black hair, pale skin... she was about to call out, when he reached out to grab at her, dragging her down onto the bed. Wresting with him, she was actually impressed by his natural strength, but then remembered what Shota said before about his fighting style. I don't think you do understand.

Knife raised, he tried to bring it to her face, his emerald eyes glittering with bloodlust. One hand was gripping her throat, while another held a knife to her face. It made her shiver to see that, eventually horror crept onto her face as she saw his full face, with carven smile and all, as he whispered, "Midnight... why don't you smile like me?"

Gritting her teeth as she struggled to keep the blade away, she replied, a smirk on her face. "I do like to smile, but knives are a bit out there for me." She released an ultra powerful blast of her quirk, and it was clearly taking its toll. His strength left him as he faded into unconsciousness. With him now fully unconscious, his weight fell onto her, and she pushed him off, back onto where she found him.

Allmight called out, having just heard the struggle. "Find him yet?"

Taking a moment to breath, she replied, "Yeah... he's... he's in his room."

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