A New Family

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Ms. Joke waited in the Class 1B dorm common room with Shinsou. Her first adopted son was in this class, while she was more involved with the upper classes. When her partner came in months ago about a boy with no family, she could tell her family would be getting bigger by another member. This class was used to seeing Ms. Joke around, just as much as Vlad King, at this point... however, her attention turned back to her sleep deprived looking son as he commented on the big news. He hadn't heard much of their discussions, so of course it came out of left field. "Dad adopted another son? Seems hard to believe..."

Laughing slightly, she agreed. It did kind of seem a bit quick, but it's happened, and hopefully they'd get along. "I know! It's a joke even I wouldn't think of! Haha..."

However, before they could continue their conversation, a voice called out. "I believe this kid is yours...?" They turned and saw what could only be described as a nightmare. One of class B's students was being dragged by the hair... and half her body was missing, blood all over. Shinsou froze, completely terrified by this new person, who, in his own right, held a terrible visage. 

Tall, with long, wild black hair, pale skin, and a lithe strength. Green eyes glittered with amusement, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was the blood. Oh, the blood. His clothes were covered in the stuff, a razor in his grip. An English styled one, more akin to a pocket knife, dripping with crimson liquid. However, the horrifying part was the scars, clearly self inflicted. Around his wrists, were two identical cuts, dripping blood. On his face, however, were two symmetrical scars, twisting up his cheeks into a carven smile. And it was all for the both of them.

Emi was faster to react, glaring at him, and getting into a combat stance. "You... how dare you do that!?"

He dropped her, and moved closer. "Aw... did I touch a nerve?"

However, Hitoshi knew that this shouldn't be possible. After all, that's what Vlad King told them, and why Monoma didn't have any physical injuries after his altercation. Only wounded pride. "Why?! You're the rehab kid! You aren't supposed to be able to hurt anyone."
However, the boy bared his teeth, accentuating the smile as he replied simply, "Gotta love pain tolerance."

Fortunately, a familiar voice called out, one they both knew and trusted with all their hearts. "Midoriya, enough!" Shota Aizawa entered behind him. He looked down at the student. "You went all out with this... joke, didn't you?" A Joke?! A JOKE?! That was... wait... they both looked down at the girl, only to see her still breathing... with green hair. There was something about the dark verdant strands of hair that made Hitoshi calm down, but why?
"Yeah..." looking down, the mad boy thanked them... and then it was revealed how he did it. "Thanks for the help, Tokage." The two sighed with relief. After all, Tokage's quirk was the ability to split apart... and he'd never directly shown the cross-section, which would've been a dead giveaway.
The body looked up, and she smiled, her distinctive sharp toothed grin present as always. "I always wanted to try that kinda prank." She hovered her upper torso, as the rest of her body walked in from outside, the two halves reassembling herself.

Ms. Joke was still worried, especially with the sheer volume of blood on her and Midoriya. "Tokage, are you alright? You're all bloody!"

However, that did dampen the mood when she rubbed her arm in nervousness. "This isn't my blood..."
The four of them looked at Izuku who was rubbing his wrist scars. He stopped when he felt their gazes, and shrugged defensively. "What? I didn't hurt anyone, and her quirk was... perfect... for this."

Giving her husband a side eye, Emi asked, "Did you approve of this... Shouta?"
However, he was resolute, and indifferent. As if this boy continued to test his patience... in a similar way to her, in fact. Something that wasn't lost on the Laughing Heroine. "No. I told him to meet with you."

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