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"Catch it! Don't let it go!" One of the wolves howled linking the others. "It's getting away!" Another one howled. A large midnight-blue wolf leaped across the path, making the fleeing wolf halt in its spot. The fur of the wolf was as dark as the night sky, silver eyes which looked like the moon itself. His eyes bore holes into the fleeing wolf, making it submit.

"Shift!" The wolf commanded throwing it a blanket. The grey-colored wolf morphed into a short woman as the sound of the cracking of bones was heard. "Turn away!" The alpha wolf commanded after noticing the gender of the wolf. All the other wolves turned away as they shifted back into their human form.

"What is your name omega?" The head of the wolves asked as they faced the now-covered woman, making sure to keep a safe distance from the female wolf. "J-Jinae... " The omega answered as she covered herself with the blanket. "Which pack do you belong to?" He asked as he moved his dark hair away from his eyes. "Pearl pack... " She whispered, the head of the group nodding as he motioned the female beta to guard her.

"Let's go... " The leading wolf said as they walked back to the pack house. "Thank you for your work guards. Everyone has some rest. We have a long trip waiting for us tomorrow... " The same alpha said as he addressed the group of guards. The guards bowed down to the alpha before retiring to their respective homes. The alpha turned around to see the omega wolf standing in the corner, still covered in the same blanket.

"Please don't punish our Luna! I beg you!" She cried, falling onto her knees. "Get up and take a rest. I don't decide the punishments. The elders do... " The alpha spoke, making sure to not even bat an eye at the omega. "I beg you! Please! He has been through enough troubles!" She cried but the alpha ignored the cries as he walked away. "Give her some food and clothes. Show her a guest room and make sure to guard the room... " "Done Alpha."

At the crack of dawn, a group of twenty wolves left for the Pearl Pack. The wolves were welcomed warmly by the residents of the Pearl pack. They were guided to the packhouse where they found three men waiting for them.

"Greetings to the Alpha of the blue moon. Please make yourself comfortable." The short male spoke as the three bowed down. The group acknowledged their greetings as they were led into the main throne room. "May we know the reasons why you have visited our pack alpha?" The same male asked as they were seated in the throne room. "Please call me Jeongukk. We have a problem to solve and it would be a pleasure to meet your pack leaders. " The alpha wolf named Jeongukk spoke making the short male nod.

"The Luna will be here soon" "Can you just call the alpha? It's a waste of time to speak with Luna. Your names?" One of the other wolves of the group spoke making Jeongukk roll his eyes. "Oh Pearl pack is ruled by our Luna. I'm Park Jimin. This is Jung Hoseok and This is Min Yoongi." The short male introduced themselves before walking away.

"See this is the reason why omegas shouldn't rule packs. Their pack members will not follow the rules and will always cause trouble. Packs should be ruled by males only. Females and omegas are not fit to rule. They are weak. " Jeongukk rolled his eyes at the misogynistic words of one of their advisors.

"So are you saying that our Luna is weak? How dare you disrespect our Luna!" A voice fired making Jeongukk look up. A young girl with dark hair spoke as her eyes glowed red, indicating that she was an alpha. "Seulgi calm down. Don't yell at our visitors." A deep voice spoke causing everyone to snap their heads towards the huge doors of the pack house.

A tall person walked in as Jeongukk stood up. His heart felt uneasy as his alpha within him howled loudly. A very faint scent of lilies and roses hit his nose making his heart beat wildly. "Calm down Raven... " He told his wolf as he looked up to see one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen on the planet. His heart thumped loudly as his breath hitched, looking at the male's icy blue eyes.

"Greetings to the alpha of Blue Moon. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jeon." The beautiful male said as he bowed down to the group of wolves. "It's nice to meet you too... " "Taehyung. Kim Taehyung... " The male said as he shook hands with the handsome male. A sudden spark went through their hands making them retract their hands immediately.

"May I know the reason why you have appeared in our pack house?" The pretty male asked as he sat on the throne which was on the same level as all the other chairs, making Jeongukk slightly confused. The Luna and Alpha are supposed to sit above their advisors. Sitting on the same level as the ruler was considered disrespectful.

"An omega wolf from your pack has killed almost fifty people. The lives of sixteen omegas, twenty-four alphas, and ten betas were lost. None of them were a threat to the omega. Due to the unnecessary damage caused to our pack, we have come forward to claim justice for those fifty wolves." The beta sitting beside Jeongukk spoke as Taehyung had a stone-cold face.

"May I know the name of the omega wolf?" Taehyung asked as he motioned for the woman standing behind him. "Jinae" "Oh... Where will the meeting with the elders be held at?" Taehyung asked nonchalantly. "It will be held at the Blue moon pack. So it would be better if we leave right away...." Jeongukk spoke making Taehyung shake his head in disapproval.

"I'm afraid I can't leave right away. I can't leave the pack without someone to look after it. My sister will be returning tomorrow. We may leave at the crack of dawn." Taehyung spoke making one of the older advisors groan. "Why should we listen to a low rank like you? You are wasting our time omega." The eyes of the three advisors of Pearl pack glowed red for a split second.

"Naejun control your tongue...." Jeongukk growled making the advisor shut up immediately. The alpha cleared his throat before facing the smug male sitting across him. "I apologize for the foul mouths of my pack members. We may leave tomorrow." Jeongukk spoke with a small smile making Taehyung smile back slightly.

"Please rest for the day in our packhouse alpha. It would be an honor to have you in our packhouse. Please accept our hospitality. " Hoseok spoke making Jeongukk nod. The group of twenty wolves rose to their feet along with the three advisors of Pearl's pack. "Let me tour you around our pack. " Yoongi said as everyone nodded, walking behind the short male.

A sudden tug on his sleeve made Jeongukk freeze in his tracks as he turned around to see the beautiful male looking at him with literal puppy eyes. He looked so adorable. Jeongukk's heart made flips as he noticed how beautiful the male was.

"May I have a word with you in private Alpha Jeon?"


 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now