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"Moving on... I expect every single alpha in the pack to be alert and at the first borders. Omegas and betas are expected to guard the second and third borders. All the old people and kids below the age of 18 should be in the pack house till I return. Food and money will be given out by our advisers. " Taehyung said as he addressed the huge group of wolves sitting in a circle on the ground with him in the center.

"I just want you all to be safe. Please don't venture into the forest all alone at the night. If you all need anything you can always come to me or Minnie or Yoonie or Seokie. You have us... " Taehyung said in a soft tone as all of the wolves obediently nodded their heads.

"You got me
I got you
Together we are the Starlight
that shines more in the darkest of nights"

All the wolves sang in a harmony, hands on their hearts as they all looked at each other and then back at the beautiful male who sat in the center. Taehyung smiled slightly as he sang along. He sat there oblivious to the loving stare of an alpha who sat right across from him, slightly away from the group.

"Ok, everyone time for dinner!!" Taehyung said smiling, standing up as he clapped his hands. "We have rabbit, sheep, and goat meat and much more. Courtesy to the Heather omega group for the meat tonight! Help yourselves!" Jimin said as the others cheered for the omega group. "Baby don't carry things on your shoulder! It's injured baby! I'll pick them up wait!" Jimin heard the voice of his mate as he looked back to see Hoseok scolding a pouty yoongi.

"Baby don't pout. Now let's go and get some food!" Jimin said leaving Taehyung all alone. The pretty male smiled as he looked at how happy his pack members looked. "Luna! Please join us!" One of the younger alphas named Bangchan yelled out for Taehyung. "I'll be there! You all have some food!" Taehyung said as he walked to the group of wolves sitting away from them.

"Please join us for the group dinner. It's a tradition in our pack to never let anyone go hungry to bed." Taehyung spoke to the group of wolves. Most of them were very impressed with the pack and their progressive ways but there were a few who were acting all grumpy because an omega had more power than them.

"I don't consume meat hunted by low ranks," Naejun spoke making everyone groan in annoyance, including his own pack members. "Guess you have to starve for today!" Jeongukk said nonchalantly as he walked behind the beautiful omega. He just had been mesmerized by the male ever since he step foot into the pack house.

"Taehyung ah! Look Jin hyung made some delicious meat! Come and taste it! " Jimin yelled out to Taehyung making him rush over to the group of five. "Alpha Jeon please join us... " Yoongi addressed the lost alpha who stood all alone in the middle of the area. "Oh! Please don't be so formal! Call me Jeongukk." Jeongukk said as he sat down beside the Luna of pearl.

"Taste this gukk! It's so good!" Namjoon said shoving a skewer with meat toward Jeongukk. Jeongukk hummed at the spicy yet sweet taste of the meat, it reminded him of his dad's cooking. "Wah! It's so delicious! Who made it?" Jeongukk asked, licking the skewer clean. "Taehyungie made it. He is excellent at cooking meat." Hoseok said making Jeongukk smile.

"That's why it's so good... " Jeongukk said making the younger omega slightly blush. "Thank you... " Taehyung mumbled suddenly feeling shy. "So you three are mates?" Jin asked trying to spark a conversation. "Yep. We are a rare pair." Jimin said smiling as he held the hands of his mates. "What's your story? How did you meet?" Namjoon asked interested. The five chatted continuously as the other two sat awkwardly.

"Let me walk you... " Taehyung said standing up as soon as Jeongukk stood up. "Ah, it's fine! I just wanted to look around!" Jeongukk said as he dusted his palms. "Let's go for a run then... " Taehyung said as he looked at the other. "You sure? It's pretty late and-" "It's fine alpha. No one can do anything to me. " Taehyung spoke confidently which made Jeongukk smirk.

"Let's go then... " Jeongukk said as they both walked away from the group. The two hid behind two huge trees as they shifted into their wolf forms. The sound of bones cracking was the only noise audible. A huge midnight blue color wolf with silver eyes jumped out of the bushes, standing in the middle of the path tall and proud. The wolf stood almost four feet above the ground, the dark fur almost camouflaging with its surroundings. Taehyung swore he was the biggest wolf he had ever seen.

The majestic beast looked so intimidating that Taehyung didn't even want to breathe the same air as him, scared that he might offend the terrifying-looking creature. Never in his life did he feel this submissive or scared. With a tiny whimper, he quickly shifted into his wolf form.

His wolf was a stark contrast to Jeongukk's. His wolf was tinier than an average omega wolf but he was stronger than a regular alpha. Don't ever underestimate his wolf. He might look tiny and fluffy but he is way stronger than a regular wolf. The silver fur shone under the moonlight as his fluffy paws hit the muddy path. His midnight blue eyes scanned around for the majestic beast as he walked out of the bushes.

A tiny bark from behind him startled him and he instantly turned around to see the huge wolf standing behind him. Jeongukk swore he could see and feel the little fluffy wolf pouting. The tiny wolf walked towards him, tapping his (JK) nose with his fluffy paw almost as if he was scolding him.

"Follow me.."

The voice in his head startled him, as he looked at the fluffy wolf in shock. "We can link each other?" Jeongukk asked confused as he threaded behind the fluffy wolf. "I don't know. I just was able to randomly link you. Your wolf is so huge and beautiful!" Lilly, Taehyung's wolf spoke making the bigger wolf freeze for a split second.

"And you are so tiny, adorable, and fluffy!" Raven, Jeongukk's overjoyed wolf answered back instead of his dumbstruck human as he walked closer to the silver wolf. "Hey~ don't say that! I'm strong! Not fluffy or adorable!" Lily said as she bumped her head into the neck of the huge wolf.

"Whatever you say wolfie~"

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now