✨ 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮 ✨

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"Faster! Move faster!!" Jeongukk yelled loudly as he trained the alphas of the pack. "What is this? You all can't even carry three logs?" Jeongukk yelled disappointedly.

"Everyone take a break for ten minutes. After that I expect everyone to do better!" Jeongukk said as he walked away from the training grounds. "It's not that hard!" Taehyung mumbled as he sat by a bench, where the alpha's were training.

"You lift them and run five laps and then tell us if it's hard or not." Someone from the group said, making Taehyung raise his brows. "He already did that. Five logs and seven rounds." Namjoon spoke making taehyung smile. The alphas just grumbled as they walked away from the two.

"Good morning Namjoon shi!" Taehyung said as he bowed to the older alpha. "Ahh don't be so formal Taehyungie. Call me joonie or hyung. " Namjoon answered as he smiled at the other.

Before Taehyung could reply he heard someone call his name. He looked around to see the same hot sight he woke up to. "Taehyung get your sword. I have to test your skills." Jeongukk spoke making Taehyung nod.

He quickly grabbed his sword, making sure to bow to Namjoon before running towards Jeongukk.

"Are you ready Tae?" Jeongukk asked as he tied his long hair back into a pony tail. "Yes!" Taehyung said as he pulled out his sword from it's case.

The long sword was double sided, thick in center and sharp at the tip and edges, giving it a sleek look. The handle was encrusted with a beautiful pattern of blue and silver jewels. It was magnificent.

"Your sword is just as beautiful as you." Raven linked Lily making him giggle silently. The cheesy lines and corny jokes were becoming a part of the wolves routine as they both cracked weird jokes with each other, embarrassing their humans. "Not as much as you though alpha~" Lily replied making Taehyung roll his eyes at his cheesy wolf.

"But nothing on the planet is more beautiful than you sweetheart~" The sentence made him blush as his wolf quickly cut off the link, feeling shy. The nickname made his heart skip as few beats as he looked up to see a smirking Jeongukk.

"Let's begin shall we?" Jeongukk asked as he held his similar looking navy blue and silver sword. "Yes please...." Taehyung said as he set his training clothes one last time.

He was dressed in a white loose cloth as a shirt which was tied in the back and some loose white pants which were tied tightly around his slim waist.

The two got into a defensive stance as they waited for one of them to make the first move. Taehyung being the brave omega he was, made the first move, stricking his sword against the alpha's.

The move was sudden making Jeongukk move back slightly, he quickly regained his composure as he stricked back.

His sword went past the omega's slim waist, almost hitting him but the other was fast as he dodged the attack. "Good move Tae." Jeongukk spoke as he charged back. His sword skillfully avoiding the other's he stepped forward.

Taehyung stumbled backwards as he pushed Jeongukk's sword away with his own. With his elbow he pushed Jeongukk away. Jeongukk stumbled back, not expecting the attack. Taehyung took this opportunity as he got behind Jeongukk, pressing his sword against the elder's throat.

"Look at this alpha, your omega is pressing a sword on your neck and you're not gonna do anything about it hmm??" Taehyung whispered in to Jeongukk's ear in the most seductive tone making Jeongukk groan. 

Jeongukk smirked when taehyung pressed the sword more into his neck almost bruising his neck

But the next moment he grabbed taehyung's arm which was around his neck and pulled taehyung along with the sword and turned him around, now  Jeongukk had his sword pressed against taehyung neck being careful not to hurt the pretty omega.

Taehyung was caught off guard by Jeongukk's actions as he struggled to free himself from the alpha's hold. The strong, muscular arm across his body was holding him tight against the muscular body of Jeongukk.

Jeongukk smirked liking how Taehyung was struggling as he tightened his grip on taehyung's  waist.

"Oh my dear taehyungie, you think you can win against me" he whispered in the other's ear as he gently nibbled on his ear. Jeongukk's breath fanned the younger's neck, making him feel ticklish. "Let me goo~~" Taehyung whined, feeling defeated as, he pouted. "Don't pout like that snowflake. You did great, don't feel bad bub." Jeongukk spoke before sneakily planting a kiss on the younger's nape.

Taehyung smiled as Jeongukk untwirled him. "Your training is done for now sweetheart. Can you be a doll and ask all the alphas to come here?" Jeongukk asked as he put his sword back in. "Of course alpha.. " Taehyung spoke blushing as he ran away from the other.

He happily walked across the training ground, smiling at a few things replaying in the back of his head when something unpleasant hit him. That scent. His scent spiked at the  familiar scent. The scent he hated with his entire heart. Panic started to take over him as he felt the scent get stronger.

"R-Raven... Alpha... I need help!" He linked Jeongukk as he tried to hide somewhere. "Bub what happened? Where are you?" Jeongukk linked back in an instant as Taehyung tried to locate the center of the scent.

"He is here alpha. Help me please. I'm scared. Please help me." Taehyung begged as fear started to take over him. "Where are you bub? I'm able to smell you but I can't pinpoint where you are..." Jeongukk linked as Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to relax.

The scent was was getting way too strong, indicating that the person was close by. The sound of footsteps and the familiar, comforting scent hit him. Jeongukk was here.... But the words which left the alpha's mouth made him freeze in his place.

"Oh hello uncle! How are you?"


Everything will start making more sense from the next chapter guys. All the missing pieces of this puzzle  will be revealed in the few upcoming chapters.

Take care ♡♡

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now