✨𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ✨

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The omega huffed as he looked away. "Come on baby~" The alpha spoke as he stared at his omega. "Fine..... I went to meet my baby sister and hyungs.... I'm sorry... " Taehyung spoke. "And where did Lisa come into this mix?" Jeongukk asked as he furrowed his brows. "Ohhh Lisa followed me cause she smelt her mate on me. " The answer made Jeongukk gasp as he quickly realised something.

"Fuck! She must have seen us both! Dammit! I should have been more careful and not take you to an open space. Gosh! I'm such a dumba-"

A pair of soft, plum lips shut Jeongukk off as he looked at the omega wide eyed. Within fraction of seconds, Jeongukk gripped Taehyung's waist as he dominated the kiss.

Honey. That was how Taehyung's lips tasted. Soft, juicy pink lips. Jeongukk could feel his wolf  doing a little victory dance and howling in joy. The two separated from each other, panting heavily.

"Don't blame yourself gukkie... It wasn't your fault.." Taehyung spoke as he held Jeongukk's face in his palms.


The nickname made Jeongukk feel all fuzzy on the inside.

Jeongukk smiled, closing his eyes as he melted into Taehyung's warm touch. It was just so warm and comforting. Taehyung felt his heart melt at his alpha's reaction.

'The little blush on his face and the big doe eyes...ugh absolutely adorable...' Taehyung thought. Smiling he let his finger's glide over the scar on Jeongukk's cheek as he gently caressed it.

Their beautiful moment got ruined by a harsh knock on the door. Taehyung quickly stood up as he ran towards Jeongukk's closet. Jeongukk quickly adjusted himself as he made sure Taehyung was safe in the closet before answering the door.

Jeongukk opened the door to see a pissed of Jeon Hyeri and an equally pissed off Kim Seokjin. "Young man I have been linking you for the past twenty minutes. Why have you been cutting off the mindlink!" His mom asked as both the omegas stepped into his room.

"Woah! Your room reeks of a fruity scent. Did you have anyone over without telling me Young man?" His mom asked as the two sat on Jeongukk's gigantic bed. Jeongukk scowled as he looked at his mom. "No mom! I don't fuck around!" Jeongukk said as he sat across the two on his couch.

"Wait.... I know this scent... I smelt it somewhere.. " Both Jeongukk and Taehyung panicked as they heard Jin's statement. "Oh it's similar to T-" "Why are you here hyung? What happened?" Jeongukk cut off Jin in a panic as he quickly glanced at the closet. "Oh yeah... We have some news... " Jin trailed off as he looked at Hyeri. "What is it?" Jeongukk asked in a serious tone as he sensed the tension and discomfort in Jin's scent.

"Your uncle will be here tomorrow."

Jeongukk scowled as he looked at his mom. "He is not my uncle mom and why is he here again!" Jeongukk groaned angrily as he gripped his dark locks."I know you hate him, so do I but.... We still have to... At least for your father's sake. He was his best friend after all... " Hyeri spoke calmly as she looked at her frustrated son.

"Ugh! I hate him ma. He is such a creep! I get bad vibes from him and so does Raven. He is just twisted.. He literally leeches us all the time and is such a misogynistic, sexist, vial and disgusting person.... Ugh.. " Jeongukk angrily spoke as he balled his fist. "One last time... Please?" Jin asked. "Fine... One last time.... If he even comes back, I personally am kicking him out of the pack!" Jeongukk spoke making his mom smile.

"Great. Now fresh up and get to work!" She said as the two stood up. "Nooooooo~ I don't want to work today!!" Jeongukk whined like a baby making everyone chuckle, including Taehyung who watched the entire thing go down. "Fine.... It's going to be a holiday today in the packhouse. A reward for doing your duties correctly. " His mom spoke smiling as she and Jin left the alpha's room.

Jeongukk gently closed the door, before sneaking back to his closet. He heard tiny giggles and shuffling inside as he slowly opened the door. Jeongukk's heart fluttered as he looked at the adorable sight in front of him.

A blushing Taehyung wearing his white shirt and his favorite pair of dangling earrings. Jeongukk groaned slightly as he looked at Taehyung's perky ass in those tiny shorts.
The younger didn't notice the presence of his alpha behind him and continued to twirl and pose in front of the huge mirror, giggling lowly.

A little shriek left the omega's mouth as he felt two muscular, tatted arms snake around his waist as the familiar scent engulfed him. The alpha gently pulled him closer, resting his head on the younger's shoulder. Blood rushed Tae's face as he looked down at the muscular arms. "Snowflake~" The deep voice made Taehyung look up at the mirror.

His eyes met Jeongukk's as he looked at their reflection. A lazy smile danced on his alpha's lips as he stared at him. "You look so pretty.... " Jeongukk spoke as he nuzzled his nose into the younger's scent gland, inhaling the delicious scent. An involuntary moan left Taehyung's lips as Jeongukk nipped on his scent gland.

Jeongukk froze after hearing the angelic sound that left Taehyung's mouth. His eyes set on Taehyung who looked like he could burst anytime. Taehyung just wanted the earth to crack open and swallow him. The omega gently nudged the alpha away before attempting to run out of the closet.

Jeongukk chuckled as he grabbed Taehyung's hand pulling him back into his strong arms. "Why so eager to run away sweetheart?" Jeongukk spoke in a low and deep voice as he sway their bodies together. "Embarassed...." Taehyung spoke making the elder chuckle lowly. A whimper left Taehyung's mouth as jeongukk continued to nip his neck.

A low growl left Jeongukk's mouth as his eyes spotted the mate mark on Taehyung's neck. The mark forced onto him. The surrounding area of the mark was turning black making Jeongukk frown.

"Snowflake... Why is you skin turning black?" Jeongukk asked as he looked at Taehyung. "Oh every time that bastard fucks another omega, the mate mark becomes poisonous. The posion is spreading through my blood." Taehyung spoke weakly as he wrapped his arms around Jeongukk's tiny waist, laying his head on Jeongukk's chest as he listened to the other's calming heart beat.

"Is it painful?" Jeongukk asked quietly as he gently lifted Taehyung up. "Yes. Very much. The poision  actually spread alot. It's the reason why I keep getting weaker day by day." Taehyung spoke as he wrapped his legs around Jeongukk's waist. The alpha hummed lowly as he carried Taehyung out of his giant closet.

"Sweetheart you aren't weak. You are the strongest omega I know. I will make sure to drag that bastard through hell." Jeongukk growled as he layed down on his soft mattress. He leaned against the headboard, placing Taehyung on top of him. Sparks ran through their bodies as they held each other closely.

The two layed in a comfortable silence, snuggling into each other. They both drifted off to sleep not really caring about the outside world.

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now