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The omega huffed in annoyance as stared at the three other wolves standing by the carriage. He had packed enough clothes and other things for the three days trip. Very few people were expected to join the Luna and Taehyung was kind off happy to be one of them.

"Lisa yah don't wake him up. Make sure he has his breakfast before he starts working. Ah also remind him about the meeting next week. That kid can't keep track of all the things. " The Luna spoke as she got into the carriage.

Taehyung's lips slightly curved upwards as he continued to brush his hands through his horse's silky mane.

"Let's go!"


The queen was accompanied by two omega helpers, a beta healer and three alphas.
Kim Jyunho, Shin Jungwon, Lee Uyngmin to be specific. All three of them looked at Taehyung as if he was a worm in the dirt, especially Uyngmin
who was the son of the one and only piece of shit Naejun. Jyunho was being weird and Jungwon.... Was just a total creep.

"Haeyeon shi you shouldn't keep that omega so close! He is still our enemy. Like after his punishment he will once again be the Luna of pearl. He can... You know attack us? Or steal our milita-" "Calm down Uyngmin! Who can do anything to us? We are the strongest pack! I know Taehyung! He isn't that type of person! So stop with this!" Haeyeon spoke as she walked through the streets of their pack.

It was almost 5 in the evening. The five were travelling non stop for the past 11 hours. They had visited a total of 11 villages and there were 38 more to go The first few hours went by pretty fast but Taehyung slowly started to feel bored out of his wits.

Most of the meetings regarding his pack always took place on designated days. Each village had a specific date on which they could visit him and express their problems. If it was an emergency, they were free to arrive at any time. Taehyung found that method more efficient than the one being followed by this pack.

"Look at those poor roads! Note this down! Get these repaired in two days!" The ex Lun spoke as she listened to the problems of their citizens. "Haeyeon shi there have been many rouge attacks in this area lately. Every other day one or the other house is getting robbed!" A young wolf spoke as she showed the Luna all the broken fences and smashed doors of the village.

"I'll get people to catch them. Don't worry about it." The Luna spoke with a gentle smile as she listened to the next citizen. Taehyung sighed, feeling bored as he stood a few feet away from the crowd.

"E-Excuse me... " A tiny voice from behind interrupted him as he turned around to face a group of little kids who seemed to be around 5 years old. "Yes little ones? How may I help you?" Taehyung asked gently with a small smile. "S-sir our kite got stuck in the tree. Can you please get it down?" A little girl with pigtails asked as she stepped towards the amused omega.

Taehyung smiled as he stood on his tip toes, pulling the string of the kite from the branches. The kite eventually fell from the tree causing all of the kids to jump around in happiness. "Thank you sir!!" The little girl spoke as she and the other kids hugged Taehyung's legs. A slight blush spread on his cheeks as one of the kids took a deep whiff of his scent.

"Sir you smell so nice!! Like c-candy!" The kid spoke with a huge smile making him chuckle. "What's your name?" Taehyung asked smiling as he extended his palm out to greet the little kid. "I'm Kim Youngchae! You can all me CoCo!" The kid beamed happily. "Well I'm K-" Taehyung was cut off by an annoying voice.

"Hey you weak little omega don't you know it's not safe to tell your name to strangers?!" Uyngmin spoke as he approached the group, making the little kid cower in fear. The group hid behind the tall frame of the elder omega who scowled at the alpha who was releasing pheromones to intimidate them.

"It's my name and it's my wish if I want to tell it to someone! I'm not weak! Don't look down on me you stinky alpha!" CoCo yelled as she clutched Taehyung's hand. The shock was visible on Uyngmin's face at the disrespect. 'Looks like no one ever put him in his place tae... ' Lily spoke as taehyung smiled smugly.

"You little brat! How dare you disrespect me!" Uyngmin yelled as he tried to grab onto the little omega only to be pushed back by a strong blow. Taehyung pushed him away with a single arm as he shielded the little kids.

"Don't show off your stupid power in front of kids." Taehyung spoke in his deep voice as he turned away to talk to the little children who showed off their gummy smiles."So little ones shall we go back to your parents?" Taehyung spoke as he lead the little kids back, completely ignoring the fuming male behind him.

Jeongukk was frustrated. He couldn't wait to sign the last few papers and run away to his mate and his mom to spend the next two days in peace. Work was draining the life force out of him and the throbbing pain in his head didn't help with it either.

"Gukk?" Lisa knocked on the door as she stepped in. "What is it Lisa?" Jeongukk asked sighing as he fell back into his comfortable chair. "Have some of this. Jin hyung asked me to give this when your head starts aching." Lisa spoke as she handed the tired male a cup of his favorite chamomile tea. He smiled at how caring his Jin and Namjoon hyung were.

Smiling he took a sip of the tea only to spit it out in absolute disgust. He looked up to see Lisa looking at him with an innocent smile.

"Yah! Lisa! How can you fuck up Tea?!! It tastes disgusting! Yuck!" Jeongukk gagged as he put the cup down. "Well I put some soy sauce to wake your dumbass up. Finish up your work to go to your mate asshat!" Lisa yelled as she slammed the door to Jeongukk's room, leaving the male to choke once again.

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