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The sound of water flowing filled his ears as he layed down peacefully. His fluffy tail swayed from left to right as he stared at the moon. "Mommy.... How are you and appa? I hope you both are safe in heaven... " He thought to himself as he rolled around. He whined lowly when he looked at the entrance of the cave.

"Tae Tae~" His ears stood stiff as he sniffed around for one of his favourite scents. "Tae baby!" Taehyung smiled mentally as his fluffy tail waged side to side. Taehyung let out a low howl to indicate his location.

Seconds later he was engulfed by four people, his tiny wolf letting out little noises of happiness. "Lily! My baby bun!" Jimin almost cried as he ruffled his milky white fur. "Lily... How are you?" Yoongi asked softly as he pet Tae's fur.. "Perfectly fine hyung!" Taehyung linked as he layed on hoseok's lap.

The three smiled as hoseok ran his fingers through the silky white fur. "Hyung! If you keep doing that I'll fall sleep!" Taehyung whined as he linked the three. He quickly stood up and went to his sister. He buried his head into her neck, taking a huge whiff of his favourite scent.

'Why isn't is  nice like it used to be... ' Taehyung thought as his mind replayed the deliciously addicting musky. "Bubies how are you doing? Did that Jeon shit go too hard on you?" Jennie asked as she hugged Taehyung. Lily only let out a little whine before huffing, making Jennie chuckle.

"I'll be back. " Lily linked as the others nodded. Once Taehyung was out of sight Yoongi and Hoseok growled loudly. The small movements of some other wolf caught their ears. Their alpha growling loudly to make sure their little mate is safe. "Come out right now if you don't want to end up dead." The angry pheromones from the three alphas was too heavy to bare.

A little whimper was heard making Jennie instantly get up. The slight sweet scent in the air made her eyes glow red. "Submit Omega!" Jennie growled loudly after realising it was an omega. "I-Im sorry a-alpha." A young woman who the three didn't recognise said as she kneeled down in front of the three alphas.

"Who are you? What are you doing in here? " Jimin asked softly as he approached the crying woman who was shivering badly. As an omega himself, he knew how the poor woman felt right now. "I'm s-sorry! Please don't hurt me! " She cried making the three alphas feel extremely guilty.

"Hey hey! I don't want to hurt you. Just tell why y-" "What the fuck i- Noona?!" Taehyung gasped as he recognised the woman as he ran towards her. "Lisa? What are you doing here? Oh my god! Why are you kneeling! Get up!" Taehyung said as he helped a sniffling Lisa up.

"Do you know her?" Hoseok asked as he stared at the two. "Yes! She is my friend! What are you doing here noona? Why couldn't I smell you!" Taehyung spoke frowning as he hugged Lisa. "I'm sorry T-Tae... I smelt my mate on y-you and came t-to see w-who it was... " Lisa said as she wiped her tears.

"Me?" Taehyung asked, confused. "Yes... It was  a nutmeg-y smell." Lisa said as she stared at Jennie. A gasp left Jimin's mouth as his eyes widened in excitement. "OH MY GOD! MS Lisa can you please remove your scent blocker?" Jimin asked as he clapped his hands in excitement. Lisa nodded as she removed the amulet around her neck. In a split second Lisa was pinned onto the rough cave wall as Jennie growled loudly.



Taehyung and Jimin squealed loudly as they excitedly clap. "I'm sorry for forcing you to submit." Jennie spoke as she kissed a blushing Lisa's cheek. "They are so adorablee!!!" Taehyung squealed loudly as he felt extremely happy for his sister. 

"Would you like to come back with me to our pack?" Jennie asked making Lisa smile as she nodded happily. "BUT WAIT! We can't let you both leave together. How? Like how are we going to explain your meeting and shit?" Hoseok said making everyone frown. "We actually have visiting hours for all types of prisoners  every two months. We can make it look like it was our first meet and then i can come to you-" Lisa spoke smiling as she held Jennie's hand. "-Till then we can meet in secret." 

" You are so beautiful my mate." Lisa blushed at her alpha's comment as she hugged Jennie. "I love you." Lisa spoke making Jennie smile as mutter a small 'I love you' back.

A tiny tear fell from Taehyung's eyes as he smiled at his sister. "Tae baby it's getting late already. It's 1 am. We have to go back." Yoongi spoke softly as he noticed the sadness clouding the omega. "Yea... We probably should leave hyung... " Taehyung spoke as he put on a fake smile.

"Don't worry bub. You'll get your chance too... " Hoseok linked as he sympathetically patted Taehyung's back. Taehyung only smiled back as he threw on his....well.....someone else's jacket as he composed himself.

"Let's go Lisa." Taehyung spoke as walked out of the cave. Jennie and Lisa had a quick kiss before parting ways. Taehyung bid his hyungs and sister a goodbye before shifting. Lisa too shifted into her little light great colored wolf.

The journey back was silent as only laboured breaths and paws hitting the crunchy leaves was heard. Not a single word, howl or whimper was communicated between the two wolves.

Sounds of multiple people talking was picked up by the wolves years as both of them came to an abrupt stop just a few feet away from the pack house. Taehyung put his paw on the clothes wrapped around his tummy, asking Lisa to also go and shift. Lisa nodded as she disappeared into the nearby bushes.

"Done? May I turn around?" Taehyung asked respectfully as he turned away from the bushes where Lisa was changing. "One second!" And Lisa appeared in front of him in her sweatpants.

"Let's go!" Lisa said cheerfully as she dragged a full Taehyung along with her. They were welcomed by multiple stressed out alphas and betas. A collective sigh was heard as soon as they two came into the view.

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