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"Kim Taehyung, Luna of Pearl Pack. Do you know the reason why you are here?" The voice of the elder rang through the silent room as Taehyung looked up at the man. "I do" He answered confidently. The elder nodded as he opened a book which was placed on the desk before him.

"For the pack members of Blue Moon present in the court, Omega Lee Jinae of Pearl pack has been charged for the deaths of sixteen omegas, twenty four alphas and ten betas. The omega was approached by Alpha OH Sehun and Alpha Park Chanyeol after being reported for suspicious activity. The Omega in fear had attacked the two alphas before running away and setting fire to the 15 homes, killing a total of fifty wolves."

"Since you already know the reason, let's cut to the chase, You have two options for now. Hand over Omega wolf Lee Jinae or hand over the bearer of the punishment. Which one do you choose?" Taehyung looked up at the, group of elders, the Ex Luna of Blue Moon pack and Jeongukk sitting a few feet away from him.

"I would like to undergo the punishment instead of my pack member Jinae." The crowd of people were shocked as whispers filled the room. The statement made the, elder raise his brows as he cleared his throat.

"And the reason for.....for a lack of words, rash decision?" He asked making Taehyung sigh at his words. "Lee Jinae is mentally unstable and is a victim of physical and sexual abuse. She is incredibly terrified of Alphas. I can't let a wolf like her go and live in an unknown pack all alone by herself. Also she just turned 17 and is a minor." The statement made more whispers arise as Jeongukk passed the elder a note.

The elder looked back at the head Alpha with a questionable look to which Jeongukk just glared at him. The elder sighed as he reviewed the evidences once again. The entire court room was filled with silence as everyone stared at the Luna of Pearl pack.

"By rule 12 under the retributions for unnecessary harm , the parents or legal guardians shall be held responsible for the actions of a minor wolf. As she is a minor, her parents will be held responsible for her actions. What are the whereabouts of Omega Jinae's parents? Why aren't they present in the trial?"

"Omega Lee Jinae is an orphan. Under the pack rules, every orphan of Pearl is considered as a child of the Luna untill they are adopted. By this law I, Kim Taehyung, am the legal guardian of Lee Jinae." "What about your mate? The one who marked you?" "My mate has nothing to do with this. I don't want them involved in this matter. " The elder let out a frustrated sigh before he went back to read the book. The scowl on the head alpha's face only deepened as he relized all his plans have been destroyed.

"The punishment for the killing of innocent wolves who are not a threat to the society, by rule 372 under the division of unnatural deaths is 25 whippings and a year of work under the effected pack. The wolf shall be released on parole. Terms are open for negotiations." The elder read out from the book.

"Since Omega wolf Lee Jinae is a minor, a victim of abuse and mentally unstable, the sentence has been reduced to 25 whippings and only six months of work under Blue Moon. As the bearer of the punishment, Kim Taehyung are you on terms with this?" The elder asked as he looked at the Omega.

"Yes. I am willing to." Taehyung answered back with a confident nod. "Is everyone in the court satisfied with the outcome of today's trial? If no please raise your hand." The elder asked as it was a custom. The entire room went silent as they looked around to check of anyone had any objections.

Very unexpectedly, one of the advisors had raised their hand making Jeongukk clutch the throne he was seated on tighter as he glared at the male. "Alpha Jun Jyunho what is the matter?" The elder asked with sigh. "Since the Omega isn't bearing the punishment why must you decrease the sentence??" "That is the most ridiculou-" Jeongukk was cut off by the Queen.

"Kim Taehyung is just bearing the sentence of the omega. The punishment will be according to the crime committed and the criminal's health conditions, not the bearers." Taehyung was in awe as he heard the strong voice of the Ex Luna of Blue Moon, cold yet powerful. It was like a strict yet motherly tone which made him smile.

"But it isn't fair! At least increase the whippings!" He said making the Luna roll her eyes. "Sit down alpha Jyunho." She said making Taehyung chuckle. "The punishment has been decided and the verdict will be delivered."

"With tthe power given to me by the Moon Goddes, The court has found Lee Jinae guilty of deaths of fifty wolves belonging to the Blue Moon pack. The guilty is sentenced to 25 whippings and six months of rigorous work under Blue Moon pack." The elder read out as everyone nodded. "May the proceedings begin."

Taehyung took a deep breath in as he mentally prepared himself for the pain. A series of loud chants were repeated by the crowd as the whip was brought by a tall alpha.

"Repent your sins."

The alpha said as the first hit landed on his back. A jolt of pain rushed through his body as he clutched the fabric of his pants tightly.


Another jolt of pain surged through his body as his arm glowed red.


The delicate lacey fabric tore as the whip cut through his skin. A hiss left his pink lips as he felt the whip hit his back. Blood gushed out of the wounds as the alpha whipped him over and over. His body was in pain but he refused to let out a single tear.

The pain was familiar, it reminded him of times he wanted to forget. With a hiss he closed his eyes as he heard the alpha male yell seventeen. His wolf blocked all of his sense, trying to block out most of the pain from his human. He closed his eyes, thinking about a certain male with a tight lipped smile.

Jeongukk was agitated. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he looked at the male being whipped. The alpha in him was screaming at him to go and protect the male but he couldn't. A low growl left his lips as he looked at Taehyung who stumbled slightly at the nineteenth whip. His nails slowly turned into claws, his alpha threatening to come out as he looked at the blood soaked male.

"Calm down alpha" The voice in his head made him look up to see Taehyung looking at him with a tiny smile. "Tae let me s-" "No! Don't! You'll get punished too for intervening!" "But-" "Calm down! You are slowly changing into your wolf form!" Taehyung linked, wincing at the twentieth whip. "It's just five more! I'll be fine!" Taehyung linked nonchalantly but Jeongukk knew how much pain he was in. He knew the feeling way too well...

"Twenty Five!"

The alpha male yelled before bringing his hand down, whipping the omega one last time.

The entire crowd was left speechless as they stared at the bloodied male. Not even a single tear was present in his eyes. Every wolf who had experienced the punishment were drenched in tears. The first ever wolf to stay strong after 25 whippings was Kim Taehyung, an omega.

"Kim Taehyung will from now on be considered as a commoner of the Blue Moon pack. He shall be provided shelter and food within the packhouse for security reasons. All wolves of blue moon are expected to treat him with respect." Jeongukk read out from the scroll the elder had handed him.

"LaLisa! Treat him and bring him to my chamber!" The Ex Luna spoke as she stood up, walking down her throne as everyone in the room stood up, bowing to her in respect. The Luna walked towards Taehyung who despite his injuries bowed to the Luna.

The Luna patted Taehyung's shoulder making Taehyung look up at her. Her eyes held a dark and unreadable expression as she stared at him, slightly intimidating him. His eyes gazed back to the gulity looking alpha standing behind her who looked mighty yet soft in his eyes. His eyes snapped back to the Luna as soon as he heard her call his name.

"Welcome to Blue Moon"

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now