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"It's so beautiful here... " Raven spoke to Lily as they both sat at the edge of the cliff, staring at the moon. They were in their human forms but decided not give their humans control. "I know right. We used to come here whenever we felt sad. My human used to come here every other day to cry his heart out." Lily spoke sadly as her scent changed. Raven noticed it as he moved closer to the other. He rest his head on the other's shoulder, hand holding the other's delicate ones.

"Don't feel bad wolfie. Things will get better over time. " Raven said smiling as he pat the blue eyed male's fluffy blonde hair. "Aww you are so adorable unlike your human. Why doesn't your human talk that much? Is he shy or something?" Lily asked as she snuggled into the other. "He is just shy. Your human is making him go shy and feel all tingly." Raven linked making Lily let out a tiny giggle.

"My human finds your human extremely handsome but his too shy to admit it." Lily said as Taehyung gasped. 'Don't embarrass me Lily!' Taehyung linked him wolf who ignored his words. "Well my human and I find you both extremely adorable." Raven said making Lily let out a tiny whine.

"Oh my gosh! You are so adorable!" Raven said as he pinched the pouting male's bread cheeks. "I know." Lily said as she flipped her hair, making Raven chuckle. "Raven I wanted to ask you and Jeongukk something... " Raven instantly knew that it was something serious as Lily mentioned Jeongukk's name.

"What is it bub? What's bothering you?" Jeongukk asked as he took control over his wolf. "We wanted to ask.... Aren't you mad at me? Aren't you supposed to hate me for what I did? Don't you hate me? " Taehyung asked as his eyes shone with tears. Jeongukk frowned as he lift the younger, placing him in his lap as he held him tightly against his chest.

"Buba don't cry it isn't your fault. It was never your fault so why should I be angry at you? My little snowflake smile for me? Don't be sad buba." Jeongukk said as he rocked their bodies together as heart wrenching cries left the other. Jeongukk whispered sweet things into his ears as he soothed the other.

The cries turned to sobs and sobs to sniffles. "I'm sorry gukkie I couldn't help bu-" "Shhh! Calm down snowflake. It's not your fault. Now wipe those tears out of your pretty eyes." Jeongukk said making the omega blush slightly. The sound of paws was first detected by Jeongukk as he gently places the younger on the ground before standing up, ready to face the attackers.

But the attack never came as five wolves walked towards them, Jeongukk immediately recognizing two of them. Amber and Knight. "Jin hyung? Joon hyung what happened why are you here?" Jeongukk asked as he walked towards the wolves. Taehyung quickly ran towards Jade, Ruby and Zircon.

"Hyung! What happened?" Taehyung asked as he bent down. "Sohyun is back and he is harassing Sunmi!" Jade linked Taehyung making his eyes turn dark blue. "Guk- Jeongukk we need to leave." Taehyung said as he shifted into his wolf form. The seven wolves rushed back to the pack grounds to be met with a brown wolf who was growling at an omega, forcefully making her submit.

"PARK SOHYUN! " Taehyung yelled making the alpha freeze in his place for a second. "What are you doing I'm my pack grounds!" The deep voice of the omega thundered as his blue eyes pierced into the red eyes of the alpha. The omega didn't flinch a bit when the alpha growled at him.

"I am here to take my mate." The alpha said as he walked towards Taehyung. "Lee Sunmi of Pearl pack has publicly rejected you. She no longer is your mate. She has found her second mate and is living happily. You have no rights to call her your mate." Taehyung spoke as the alpha stood right in front of him.

A small growl left the Omega's mouth as he smelt the pheromones the alpha was trying to release to make him submit. "You can't take my mate away from. She belongs to me." The alpha said, glaring at the other, trying to intimidate the omega who laughed at his pathetic attempt.

"She has rejected you. You have been rejected. You have been thrown out of this pack to betraying your own pack. You are a rouge. Let that sink into your brain." Taehyung said as he smirked at how the alpha's pride slowly crumbled. "This is not fair! She is mine! That bitch is mine." The alpha growled as he pushed the omega who stumbled back slightly.

Jeongukk who was right behind him caught him before he(tae) crashed onto the ground.

"Just because your alpha left after marking you doesn't me you can seperate me and my mate! You are just a crazy bitch. That's why your alpha abandoned you after using you! You are a slut!" The alpha barked making Taehyung freeze in his place. Every single wolf of the Pearl pack felt their bodies freeze at the statement.

No one ever knew who the head alpha of Pearl pack was or who was the mate of their luna. They all were curious of the alpha who's mark their luna carried around. Even though no one ever asked about the alpha they were dying in curiosity and joy to meet their head alpha someday. They all recognized that the topic of his mate made the Luna extremely uncomfortable so they made sure to never bring it up.

"You bi-" The alpha dared not to continue as he looked at the pair of silver eyes boring holes into his soul. His blood ran cold as he looked at the tall and muscular alpha. The strong gaze of the powerful alpha made Sohyun want to submit. His inner wolf submitting as everyone smelt the strong and angry pheromones of the young alpha.

Sohyun clutched his nose, unable to bear the intensity of the pheromones as his nose bleed profusely. "Submit!" Jeongukk spoke, his eyes turning silver making the alpha fall onto his knees immediately.

Just in time Hoseok and Yoongi pinned the alpha down onto the floor as Jimin ran towards Taehyung to comfort him. "Tae! Bear?" Jimin said as he took Taehyung from Jeongukk's hold, hugging him. "Are you ok Tae? I swear to God I'll kill hi-" "I'm fine chim." Taehyung answered as he broke the hug.

Taehyung walked towards the alpha who was pinned down on the floor by his hyungs. "Park Sohyun shall be sentenced to three years of imprisonment for repeated harassment of an mated omega. By the universal laws, Park Sohyun, after his release, shall also be throwing out of the pack for disrespecting the pack and it's members." Taehyung said as he crouched down in front of the alpha.

"Don't judge a wolf by their mark or status of relationship with their mate. You're very lucky that I rejected the shithead who marked me cause if he was ruling you wouldn't even be here. Oh also don't worry I'll make sure she has a better life with her mate than she will ever have with you." Taehyung said as he smirked at the fuming alpha.

"Throw him into the dungeons hyung. Jen will take care of him after she is back." Taehyung said as he turned around to face his pack. "Sorry for the nuisance. Please have your dinner and go back as soon as possible. I'm leaving for the day." Taehyung said as he bowed down to all of them.

"Uh! Luna Taehyung!" Jeongukk called out as he ran behind the omega. "I'm really sorry! I accidentally released my pheromones! I'm really sorry I couldn't control myself!" Jeongukk apologized as he bowed down to the omega and his pack members. "It's fine alpha. You in fact helped me. It's fine. Please take rest as we have a long trip to go on tomorrow." Taehyung spoke formally as the two wolves went in their own paths.

"Wahhh!! Luna Taehyung is genuinely a great person!" One of the advisors of Blue moon spoke making Jin nod at his statement. "I know right! I find him and Alpha Jeongukk adorable together... Too bad he is mated... " Another advisor said making Naejun smirk.

"Oh why do you want our great alpha to be mated with this rebellious and cocky omega!" The statement pissed off all of the advisors of blue moon as they looked at him with a 'are you serious' look. "What? I'm just stating facts. Even if that omega wasn't mated, no way alpha Jeon would fall for him. They are soo different!" Naejun said trying to defend himself.

Unknown to all of them, two other wolves were secretly communicating with each other.

"Good night wolfie~"

"Good night Mr Handsome~"

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now