✨𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ✨

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Jeongukk's eyes shot open as he heard steps nearing his room. His sharp senses made him react super quickly as he lifted his sleeping mate up. The only place near him was under the bed. He quickly yet gently pushed Taehyung under the bed mentally apologizing to his adorable mate.

Just as he was about to get back on his bed the door flung open. Jeongukk frowned at the scent as he growled at the intuder.

"Why are you here Jyunho?" Jeongukk asked in pissed of tone as he blocked the entrance to his room, glaring at the shorter alpha. "I heard you were all alone alpha so I just wanted to see you." He spoke in a shy tone as he tried to act cutely.

You see if it was anyone else, they would have found him cute but Jeongukk knew this man way too well. "No thank you. Please leave before I have to get you kicked out." Jeongukk spoke politely as he tried to block Jyunho.

"Why does your room smell like an omega? Did you have an omega in your room!?" Jeongukk growled at the disrespect. Another alpha using his alpha voice on him. The sheer disrespect shown to him was making his wolf want to rip the male's throat.

"Out. Of. My. Room. Now. " Raven took over as his silver eyes bore holes into Jyunho's soul. "*gasp* is that Taehyung!" Jyunho pushed a startled Jeongukk as he ran towards the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jyunho yelled as he pulled a now awake Taehyung from under the bed. "What the fuck!" Jeongukk shoved Jyunho away as he gently lifted his mate up.

"Get away from him!" Jeongukk yelled as he held Taehyung close to his body. "Why are you holding him like that Jeongukk! Did he put a spell on you!" Jyunho gasped as he tried to seperate the two.

Jeongukk possessively held Taehyung closer to him as Taehyung had a death grip on his arms. Both of them too possessive. "Fuck off! He is my mate!" Raven barked in anger as he glared at Jyunho.

"What are you cra--" Jyunho was left shocked as he witnessed Jeongukk kiss Taehyung passionately and the other kissing back with the same passion.

"He is my mate. Now fuck off!!" Taehyung snarled as Lilly took over him. Jeongukk smirked as he wrapped his arms around the omega's waist, holding him tightly against his chest.

"W-what? I'm bringing this to everyone's notice!" Jyunho yelled as he ran out. "What if he really tells everyone!" Taehyung gasped making Jeongukk smile. "Don't worry my little omega. No one is going to believe me. Trust your alpha on this one. " Taehyung smiled as he kissed the alpha's jaw. The couple chuckled and followed the angry alpha, maintaining a little distance between them.

"GUYS I JUST SAW ALPHA JEONGUKK AND TAEHYUNG KISSING!! TAEHYUNG IS SEDUCING ALPHA JEONGUKK!!! " Jyunho screamed in the middle of the pack house, catching everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at Jyunho like he was a mad man. What kind of bullshit was he spweing early in the morning. "I swear to moon goddess I saw them both kissing in alpha's room!" Jyunho tried to explain as he looked at the frown on everyone's faces.

"Today is our day off. Time to relax. No time for playing around Jyunho." Namjoon spoke in a calm yet irritated tone. "What no! I wasn't joking. I saw th-" "Why were you in Alpha's room?" Jin asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Uh... I was trying to talk to him(?) " Jyunho answered hesitantly as he looked away from Jin. "Jyunho we all know that you like alpha Jeongukk but that doesn't mean you try to make it look like Jeongukk and Taehyung are sleeping together to push Tae away." The Luna appeared out of nowhere as she looked at the alpha with a disappointed look.

"Don't accuse Tae of things like that! He is a good boy! If you like Jeongukk try to speak to him. Don't act like this!" She spoke scowling as she took a bite of her sandwich. "B-But!" "No buts! Now back to whatever you were doing!" She shut down Jyunho as she continued to munch on her sandwich while sitting beside Jin.

Jyunho grumbled some curse words before running back into the hallway where he saw the couple clutching their stomachs, trying their level best to hold in their laughter.

"I will make sure to expose you both!!!" Jyunho grumbled angrily as he glared at the giggling pair. "oO i'M sO sCaReD! wHaT wIll i dO!" Jeongukk mocked as he watched Jyunho stomp away like an angry elephant.

"You look so pretty when you laugh bub." Jeongukk whispered as the two walked down the hallway, into the kitchen. Taehyung blushed and giggled lightly as a response. "Good morning everyone." Jeongukk and Taehyung wished together as they both sat in different places. "Good morning to you both." The luna spoke as she continued to talk to Jin.

The two wolves stayed as far away from each other, acting completely oblivious to the situation Jyunho had created. The luna watched the two intently as she noticed something.

"Come to think of it.... Jinnie don't you think Guk and Tae would be a perfect match, don't you think so? Then I would have the prettiest and best grandbabies!" The luna asked randomly making Jin choke on his wasabi. "Woah that came out of nowhere! Why did you even think of that aunty!" Namjoon asked quietly as he handed his lovely mate some water.

"I don't know.... It would be a dream come true to see my and my best friend's son be mates. I feel like I owe him something... " The ex luna spoke as he stared at the two young wolves. "Too bad Tae is mated!" Jin said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well.... We've never really seen Taehyung's alpha in the picture. . So maybe he died (?) " Lisa whispered the last part as she put her dishes away. "I mean... We can try to do something you know.... " Namjoon spoke, pointing towards the two sitting in the seperate corners of the room.

"Then it's decided! We will try to make our ship sale! GukV for the win!" Luna cheered in a low voice as the other two joined her. "Why are we doing this again?" Jin asked in a sarcastic tone to which the queen replied with a sassy tone, rolling her eyes at the young omega.

"Well I'm old, bored and want grandbabies so let's go and make some."

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