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"How the fuck do you know that!" Jeongukk choked out as he ran after Lisa. "I just know things... Just like that!" Lisa spoke nonchalantly as she cleaned up the kitchen. "No, wait! Tell me please! How did you know?" Jeongukk asked desperately as he helped Lisa clean up.

"Well..... I may or may not have... Um... Accidentally heard a secret conversation of yours in the forest... " Lisa spoke as she flashed Jeongukk a guilty smile.

"Please I beg you! Don't tell about it anyone! Tae isn't ready to announce it! He isn't comfortable! Plea-" "Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down, big boy! I won't tell to anyone!" Lisa spoke wide-eyed as she stared at Jeongukk, ready to fall to his knees.

"I swear on the moon goddess! I won't tell a single soul about it." Lisa swore as she smiled at Jeongukk. Jeongukk sighed as he thanked Lisa profusely. "Make sure to never break his heart. He is a kind soul. Take care of him." Lisa spoke as they both finished the chores.

"I will... " Jeongukk spoke lowly as he left the kitchen. "Jeon let's fucking go to our mate right fucking now!" Raven growled loudly making Jeongukk clutch his head in pain. "What the fuck raven! Don't do that! It hurts my head!" Jeongukk complained as he walked toward his room.

"I don't give a fuck! Some dipshit has been irritating our mate and we need to crack that bastard's neck as soon as fucking possible! So get your ass to Arictan right away!" Raven commanded as he took over Jeongukk.

"Guards!" Jeongukk yelled loudly, alerting everyone. "Yes Sir?" One of the older guards asked as he noticed the change in Jeongukk's eyes. "Get my horse ready. I'll be leaving for Arictan in an hour." Jeongukk commanded as he walked away. 


Taehyung was talking to the Luna when she noticed Jungwon staring at him with an unreadable expression. "So are you ok with it Taehyung?" Haeyeon asked as she stared at the younger omega. "Oh great! Then you can share a room with Jungwon. Uyngmin and Jyunho will share a room." Haeyeon spoke smiling as she looked at the omega through the carriage. 'What? Did I just say yes to that?!' Taehyung thought as he smiled back at the Luna nervously. 

"Haeyeon shi the head alpha has sent a message. He said that he will be here in an hour or so." Uyngmin spoke as he interrupted the two. "Oh, Jeongukk? But why? Doesn't he have some things to settle?" Haeyeon asked as she frowned. "I don't know about it Haeyeon shi. Why don't we rest for a few minutes? I know a wonderful cottage nearby." Uyngmin spoke as he smiled at the Luna. 

"I think it's better if we leave Uyngmin shi. This place seems too isolated and it's too far away from any village." Taehyung interrupted earning a scowl from Jyunho. "It's a safe place! You don't need to worry about everything Taehyung shi." Uyngmin spoke in a bitter tone making Taehyung sigh inaudibly. "Fine. Let's wait here till Jeongukk arrives." Haeyeon spoke as Uyngmin took the lead. 

They traveled deeper into the dense vegetation as the sun shone brighter. "Oh, there it is!" Uyngmin spoke with excitement as they spotted a pretty ok looking cottage a few meters away. "Let's move faster. It's getting too hot, the sun is shining brighter." Jyunho spoke as they neared the cottage.

The five of them got down, trying their horses to the nearby trees. Uyngmin opened the door to the cottage as everyone looked around. "Taehyung stay with me." The Luna spoke making Taehyung nod. The two omegas walked into a big room. The Luna smiled as she motioned the taller male to sit on the tiny bed as she locked the door.

"So...do you remember me? Anything at all? Honey bear? Does that ring any bells?" The Luna asked as she sat beside Taehyung. The confused omega shook his head as he stayed silent. "Of course. How would you? The last time I saw you, you were five years old. Never got a chance to see you again." She spoke as she played with her dress.

"Um, I'm sorry I don't understand...." Taehyung spoke as he looked at the Luna. "I never knew anything properly about my childhood. Please tell me what happened. How did you know my parents? I only remember parts of my childhood." Taehyung asked as his hand shook slightly. Sighing she took the younger omega's hands into hers.

"Your father, Jaewon, and I were best friends. We both studied together and lived together in another pack. Your dad found his mate, Hyejin when he was seventeen.

He was over the moon. They dated for a few weeks before finally introducing her to me. Then we three stayed together until we graduated. Two weeks before graduation I met my mate. We grew close instantly. All four of us made a promise that even after graduation, we would stay close to each other, and we fulfilled that promise, well partly.

I and my mate got married first and soon after your mom and dad got married. After my husband and your father took over the thrones, your mother and I met very often. We both used to go for hunts and picnics and had family dinners together. Two years passed by like two seconds. And the next thing you know, she was pregnant, with twins. Alpha and omega, it was extremely rare. I was with her when she gave birth and she was with me when I went through pregnancy.

Everything went on smoothly like a fairy tale until my husband's best friend came into the picture. We considered him a family but he ended up betraying four of us. I and my husband didn't want to believe it and it caused a huge drift in our relations. We four split apart. One day, through spies, my husband found out something bad happened to you and your sister in the castle. He never told me what happened. He just told me he loved me and Gukk, gave me one final kiss before vanishing.

I didn't hear from him for two whole days. I was terrified so I sent my trusted guards to find him. It was then my mark started to burn, it burnt and burnt for twelve hours before I felt a force stab me in the heart. I passed out from the pain and woke up eight days later to find out...everyone was dead. Everyone. Hyejin, Jaewon, and e-even my mate died. I found out you and Jennie were taken away and raised by your grandmother. I f-felt so guilty. I was such a bad f-friend. I couldn't even take care of his c-children. And now I punished his son so cruelly."

The Luna sobbed as Taehyung awkwardly hugged her, slowly releasing calming pheromones to ease the elder omega. "It's ok Luna, the past is the past. Besides the punishment wasn't decided by you anyways..." Taehyung spoke as he tried to ease the awkwardness.

"When I was seven I was um.....abducted for six weeks by a way elder alpha who I knew but didn't know. During that..uh incident I suffered severe head trauma. I don't remember my childhood at all..... Was I a good boy?" Taehyung spoke in a low tone as he drew circles on the back of his palm.

"Good boy?! Hell no!! You were such a naughty child growing up. You and Jeongukk used to team up on Jennie. Once you and Jeongukk hid in a closet and made Jennie search for you for three hours. She was so angry that day!" The Luna spoke with a bright smile. "I was a naughty child?!" Taehyung asked in surprise. "You were a little devil and Jeongukk was your partner in crime. To put it in your words, 'I am his Tae and he is my kookie." Taehyung blushed Scarlett as he looked away.

"Hmm tell me something about you or your mate. I have never heard about your mate..." The Luna spoke making Taehyung freeze. 'What am I supposed to tell....' Taehyung thought as he awkwardly smiled at the elder omega.

"Well.... Um... He is uh fine..." Taehyung awkwardly spoke trying to spin a believable lie in his head. "Don't be shy. Tell me about him. I wanna hear~" The elder omega spoke giggling as she mistook his fear for shyness. "N-No you don't g-" A loud bang caused both of them to flinch as Taehyung quickly stood up.

He carefully opened the door, scanning around the place to see the origin of the sound. The two omegas smelt strong pheromones from the front door but neither of them was affected by them. The two walked in to see an extremely angry Jeongukk choking a terrified Uyngmin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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