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"Where have you both Omegas been all this time!? It's past 12!" The annoying voice of Naejun rang through the place making every wolf in the vicinity roll their eyes. "None of your business." Taehyung spoke as he walked away. "Probably slutting around, sleeping with alphas. That's what all you omegas do anyways."

A shiver ran down the spines of everyone present there as the scent of bitter poison and wilting roses surrounded them. Deep blue eyes and terrifying sliver eyes bored into the scared alpha's soul.

"What the fuck did you just say?" The deep voice of Taehyung rang through the dead silent place as he stepped towards Naejun. Naejun gulped as he stepped away from the obviously pissed of Omega.

"N-Nothing... " Naejun mumbled as he looked away from the head alpha who looked like he would snap his (NJ) neck at any second. "Disgusting old bastard. Control your fucking tongue. I won't even hesitate to cut it out." Taehyung growled as he clenched his fists.

The omega was intimidating and nobody deny that. "Taehyungssi..." Jeongukk spoke in a calm yet powerful tone. Taehyung instantly calmed down at the pheromones released by Jeongukk. "Where were you till now?" He asked making the omega gulp slightly.

"O-oh alpha! I apologize it was my mistake. I thought I smelt my mate and decided to take Taehyung oppa with me for protections. But turns out i-it wasn't my m-mate.. " Lisa spoke with wobbly lips and tiny tears in her eyes making Taehyung internally chuckle at her acting skills.

The sudden news making all the alphas slightly sad. Lisa was one of the most loved omegas of the pack who was looking for her mate for a long time. Everyone felt bad for her when they would listen to her ramble about her failed attempts at finding her mate.

"It's ok Lisa! You'll find your mate sooner! I bet they are a wonderful person! " Jeongukk comforted her making Lisa smile. "The next time you are going out just inform anyone of us. It will prevent all of us from freaking out." Jin spoke as he held Namjoon's hand. "Yea... And good night!" Namjoon spoke yawning as he walked away.

Soon all the alphas left one by one along with Lisa. Just as Jeongukk was about to leave a gentle pull on his t-shirt stopped him. The alpha rolled his eyes before turning around.

"Distance Taehyungsi...... Please move away." Jeongukk spoke in a pissed off tone as he slightly pushed Taehyung away from him. Taehyung closed his eyes, exhaling to prevent himself from breaking down.

"I'm sorry gukkie........ " He muttered lowly, low enough for Jeongukk's wolf ears to hear. "Please don't call me that. Only my mate is allowed to call me that. I'm not even your mate, I didn't even mark you. It would be better if you could call me Head alpha Taehyungsi." Jeongukk spoke as he walked away from Taehyung.

"Please.....I'm sorry Jeongukk." Taehyung pleaded as he walked behind Jeongukk. "Please maintain distance and don't follow me. Thank you." Jeongukk spoke in an angry tone as he walked away from Taehyung.

Usually Jeongukk is a very rational person who would be calm in most of the situations. He was always calm and collected and took good decisions. Even when he found out his mate had been marked by another alpha, he remained calm and didn't snap at the poor omega. He understood his mate's condition and decided to stay by his mate's side.

But the moment his omega, so rudely decided to say that he (jk)wasn't even his mate as he (jk) didn't mark him, his wolf decided to give him a cold shoulder. He felt hurt, betrayed and angry. All this time he remained patient and tried to resolve their problems.

"Please Jeongukk! It was a mistake! Please! I'm sorry!" Taehyung spoke as he followed Jeongukk. "Please leave Mr Kim." Jeongukk spoke with a sick smile as he shut the door on Taehyung's face. Sighing Taehyung turned back to leave to his room when he heard a strange noise.

The noise was from the Queen's chambers. Taehyung quietly walked towards the Queen's chamber as he put his ear on the door. Small sobs and sniffles were heard as the sound of footsteps echoed in the room.

Taehyung panicked as he quickly ran back to his room to avoid getting caught. He quickly changed into some comfortable clothes before getting into his bed. His eyes wandered into the sky as his eyes caught the bright full moon. Gritting his teeth he looked at the moon with anger and hatred.

"Good night bitch....... "

A knock on his door made the alpha grumble as he got out of the bed. "Let me have some peace... " He grumbled before opening the door with his eyes closed. Before he could register what had just happened. He was pushed back onto his bed as he felt some heavy weight right on his groin.

Jeongukk groaned as he rubbed his eyes to take a look at the person who had the audacity to push him and sit on top of him. His brain finally registered the scent making him sigh.

"Get the fuck off of me Taehyung!" He snarled as his eyes glowed silver. "Wow good morning to you too Jeon." Taehyung spoke rolling his eyes as he pressed his palms flat on the alpha's chest. "Get out! What if someone sees us!" Jeongukk spoke as he tried to sit up.

He could feel his dick slowly rising up at the view of a glowing Taehyung wearing a huge white t-shirt and some black booty shorts. Adding to that, the soft flesh sitting right on top of his groin made him want to do unimaginable things to the omega.

"Uh uh uh! No going anywhere. Don't worry, everyone is out for their works. Since you were awake pretty late last night, everyone let you sleep in." Taehyung spoke as he pushed Jeongukk back onto the mattress.

"What do you want?!" Jeongukk asked trying to sound annoyed as he looked away from the omega's pretty face. Yes he did feel hurt by his omega's words but he also needed to know the other side of the story too... He wanted to know why his mate said those words.

Was he not a good alpha? Was he not enough for his snowflake? Was he like too clingy? Did he accidentally say anything he wasn't supposed to say to anyone? Many questions ran through his head last night and maybe he might get his answer now.

"Well..... I'm really sorry about what I said gukkie... I didn't mean any of it... I..... I just get super scared and agitated whenever I feel like someone is trying to control me.. It reminds me of that incident... I'm really sorry. Lily is still not over that incident..... " Taehyung spoke as his head hung low.

His lips automatically formed into a little pout as he blinked his tears away, not letting Jeongukk see his tears. A loud sigh was heard from the alpha as Taehyung looked up. The silver eyes long gone, as they were replaced by warm brown eyes.

"Fine......... I accept your apology. But I have some questions too. I won't be fully accepting your apology if I don't get my answers."

 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 | 𝐓𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now