An Iron Door.

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A/N okay I want to change Eleanor's name but it would take way to long gablah. Okay I did :) it is now Evelyn.

Evelyn's (POV)

I open my eyes groggily. Where am I?

I look around. I'm at Mitch's house. But why? Oh yeah. I live here now.

Mitch. The word gives me joy. And this warm cuddly fluttery feeling washes over me. Mitch.

I sit up on the couch listening to small voices. My head still spins and I feel dizzy, but I try to make sense of the conversation.

"You did what?! I told you those potions are to be saved for when we really need them. Not for lovey-dovey stuff."
"I love her. And I couldn't have her go crazy, and in order to do that I can't let her down there with the girls! But if I let her go she will blab to everyone about what we are doing!"
"Why didn't you just ship her to Africa? Who cares about her anyways."
"What's your problem? I thought we were friends. We are supposed to understand each other's dilemmas."
"Okay fine. But just tell me which one you used. You didn't use the-"
"No, I didn't. I used the latumia spell jeez calm down."

What are these crazy people talking about? Maybe it's Jerome and Mitch watching a movie or something. Maybe I'm just hearing things.

"Mitch?" I say quietly. "Hello?"

I couldn't really tell where there voices were coming from so I looked around the house. I went in the kitchen. Maybe they were eating sandwiches or mashed spinach?

I open the food pantry. But I'm surprised when I don't see shelves or food. Instead, I see stairs leading down to an iron door.

My curiosity takes over and before I know it in at the door turning the handle.

Evelyn you idiot! You are already looking in rooms your obviously not allowed in. Maybe this is were he keeps his condoms or something. What are you doing?!

Yet, despite the voice in my head telling me not to go down here and open this door, I continue to turn the handle and open the door.

The sight I see before me is actually quite unusual. There are three girls in a circle sobbing. And they are in dresses? All the same dress. Okay I'm officially creeped out okay what in the world? Why are there girls down here in a secret room?

One girl notices me and points. "Look! Look! It's Evelyn! Guys look! She wasn't shipped away!!" The girl in the yellow dress squealed. The two other girls turn to look at me. They run up to me, about to hug me, but I back away. They look startled.

"What.. How do you know my name?!" I say raising my voice a little. "Well tell me you freaks." I say angrily. I don't know why but I feel as though I despise them. With a very large hateful passion.

"You.. You don't remember us?" The blonde haired bitchy one said.

"No. She remembers us. She is just pretending. Right Eve?" The girl with the red streaks in her hair looks at me as she says it, wrapping one arm around the weeping girl.

"Uh.. No I don't you gothic bitch! Who do you think you are anyways?" I almost scream, why am I screaming? I am not a hateful person yet I hate these girls with so much hate.

"I'm your best friend?" She says.

"And who might that be?" I say putting one hand on my hip. I can hear Mitch calling my name. "Well answer me." I say still in a bitchy tone.


And in a quick second, my vision goes black. I can't see anything but I feel myself fall to the ground with a low thud. And a peaceful sleep takes over my emotions.

A/N okay sorry for the witchy bitchy what the fuck is going on shit. Basically she doesn't remember the girls, and when Alex says her name she passes out so :/ yeah.

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