The Doll House

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Evelyn's (POV)

I woke up to see Alex hovering over my face.

"What the hell...?" I asked sitting up.

"Eve it's 3:00 in the afternoon!!!" Alex exclaimed.

"Oh fuck... I missed breakfast..." I whispered.

"Oh goodie thank you Jasmine." I say getting up and walking over to her. She hands me the tray with eggs, toast, and corn beef hash. I take it whilst Kylie hands me a glass of orange juice. "Thanks guys." I say with a small smile.

I go to my bed and start eating. It's cold but I don't care I'm fucking starving.

I eat the last bit of toast and chug the rest of my orange juice. "Thanks again girls." I say while they giggle.

"Let's play BARBIES!!!" Kylie yells. "Okay." All the girls say.

Everyone finds there house. There is two houses with me and Alex's name on it. We give each other a quick glance as we walk towards the houses. When I see mine, I gasp loudly.

It has two floors and three bedrooms. I feel like I'm going to pass out when I see the vines on the side of the house leading up to a window. That window. Is my window. This is my house. It has my room and Darrel's room and Mom and Dads room and the creepy closet... I look in my room to see everything in place. I check all the tiny cabinets. In my medicine cabinet everything is were it's supposed to be. I check the dresser. I feel as though I might faint at the sight. Every article of clothing in place and folded neatly. My blue lace tank top is next to my pink one just how I like.

And next to the dresser is my secret box. It has a combination lock on it that no one knows the pass code to. I take it out of the small house and try my combo on the small lock. It opens. And inside lay all the money I have ever owned. I gasped and locked the box. I gently put it back as I look on the bed. There is a girl. With a lime green dress. Sleeping. I pick up the Barbie that is me. She looks just like me.

"Well are we gonna play or no?" Kylie says.

"Yeah yeah hold on." I mumble.

I pick up the girl and say; "Party at my place!"


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