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Evelyn's (POV)

We left the restaurant, stomachs satisfied. Steph and Jerome exchanged numbers at the restaurant. I mean, who just gives someone your number when you just met? I mean come on... Oh wait... Mitch invited me over on the first day we met and let me live with him the next day so... I think I just confused myself.

Oh well, point is... I think he's going out with the girl we met at the restaurant. I mean, really Jerome?

Jerome was driving us home. Currently, there was a really awkward silence consuming us all. Just then, Mitch decided to break the silence.

"That was really good food." Mitch said.

At first, nobody responded. So I nodded in agreement, and Alex nodded just like me. That girl is getting on my nerves so much- I was torn out of my thoughts as they pulled over in the middle of the road.

"We... We are all out." Jerome said looking behind him to look at us. We all sat in the back since no one wanted shot-gun.

"All out of... What?" Mitch asked quite concerned.


"Well shit a brick and call me Sally." Mitch replied.

At the moment we were in the middle of nowhere by a cornfield.

"Well now what are we going to do?" I asked quietly.

"Get some gas."

A/N okay this was a SUPER short chapter, because I seem to have a case of... Writers Block. If you could send me some things you think I could put in this story. I would be more than happy to put them in. Also, if you do not like the new cover, (I'm not quite fond of it 👎) if you want, you can make a new one by, putting it on Instagram and hashtag it #coverfornell I will check it out. You could also email it to me at

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