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Mitch's (POV) -huge plot twist dbm!!!-

I pulled away gently and griped her arm. Now that Iv won her, I can have her. Forever. Just like the others. I yank her up from her chair and drag her to the cell.

I hit the combo on the padlock, not letting her see. She looks like she's seen a ghost. I open the door and look inside. Time for role call.










"She's not here Mitch." Scarlet tells me.

"Where the fuck is she then???" I state looking at the girls for an answer. "We don't know. The last time we saw her, she was sleeping like the rest of us, and in the morning, POOF! She's gone." Lola says.

"Show the new girl around." I say grabbing an ankle bracelet and put it on Evelyn. She looks at me like she's just been shot, and also like she's having trouble with a math problem. I shove her in with the others and close and lock the door.

Evelyn's (POV)

He gently pulled away, and took hold of my wrist. It kinda hurt. Just then, he yanked me up a stormed to a door with me trying to keep up.

He opened the door and from what I can see, there are four girls playing a board game.

Mitch looks at me, and calls out names.










"She's not here Mitch." The one that I have learnt the name of Scarlet, tells Mitch.

He looks infuriated by now and I cower back. What. In the fuck. Is going on?

He talks with them a bit more and all I think of is what's going to happen to me. The door says "Baby Gurls"

I'm lost in my thoughts until I feel cold metal around my ankle. And just before I can even take a glimpse of what's on my skin that's so fucking cold, I'm shoved into the room, followed by a lock.

I look at the door, and look at the girls. I look at the door again, and then I look around the room. Six beds. A table with food. A bathroom, and a closet.

"Come on."

I look to my right to see a rather tall African American girl.

"Well don't be shy." She says. I just noticed she has an Australian accent.

"I'm Jasmine." She says extending a hand. "I'm Evelyn." I say shaking her hand.

"Let's go to the closet so you can put on your dress." I look around. They are all wearing the same dress, but all different colors. Jasmine has a bright pink dress on. Scarlet has red, Lola has purple, and Kylie has yellow. Jasmine takes me to the closet and there is a bag with my name on it. I take it out and look at the dress.

Lime green.


DONT BE MAD. I understand if you do t want to read this book anymore. Now here's what's happening:

Mitch is a crazy bipolar hot guy, who kidnaps girls and locks them up. He takes good care of them and stuff. Evelyn is his favorite. Okay, so yeah.


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