How it Really Happened

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A/N double update WHOO.

Mitch's (POV)

She takes the potion willingly from my hand. I really wasn't expecting her to just take it. I was expecting someone of protest or argument, of which I ended up having to shove down her throat, but nope, she just chugs the lutumia potion. Soon, I will be able to make her believe anything I want her to.

She is almost done with the whole bottle when she asks for more. I laugh and tell her no. And then her eye lids grew heavier and I looked at her with the grin of success. She stands up only to fall, and to where I catch her.

I lay her back on the couch, her head in my lap. Now is when I tell her everything I want her to know.

"Evelyn, these are the things you will now believe." I say the chant. Now I can speak to her freely.

"You do not remember any of the days you spent with the girls in the concrete room. You will not remember Alex, or Jasmine, or Kylie, or Lola. But you do know that you hate those girls with your heart an soul. You remember a man named Mitch. You know he is the most beautiful man you have ever seen in your life. You know that you are madly in love with him. You are also obedient to him. You will do anything that he ever tells you to do. You can't exit the house unless Mitch invites you outside. When Mitch tells you to forget something, you forget it. Is Mitch tells you to sleep, you sleep. If Mitch tells you to tell the truth, you tell the truth."

I fished that off and went upstairs to get some axes and some old boxes. I rush downstairs into the girls room and put the best sad face I can and walk in.

"Is she okay?"
"Is she dead?"
"How is she?"

"She's... Dead." I say to them and hold back a smirk.

They look at me stunned, Jasmine even faints. Bingo. I'll take that one.

"Help me get Jasmine out of here girls I'll take her upstairs."

"And so the girls help me get her up the stairs. I lay her on the kitchen table and order Lola, Alex, and Kylie downstairs.

We don't really send them off to Africa. Jerome had the sick idea to-

"Is this the one?" He picks up an axe.

"Yeah." I sigh and look away. The axe is for-

"EEEEEEEE!!" I hear the scream from the table. I see the blood scattered against the now red walls. And the box is for-

"Hey Mitch help me get the parts into this box. So we can ship them to Sheldon." Jerome says already piling the box with human limbs. I can't stand the killing. That's why Jerome does it. It's not right.

We go upstairs to wrap the box up. "Jerome I used one of our potions on Evelyn." I said sheepishly.

"You did what?!"

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