The kiss

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Evelyn's (POV)

We eventually called one of Jerome's friends to bring us some gas. Once Jerome paid for it, we went home to watch some movies. We also listened to some One Direction. Alex sang along to one of them. (Half a Heart) She sings really good.

After that, everyone pretty much passed out on the couch to some chick-flick.

When I woke up this morning I felt a little dizzy. I went down stairs to get a Tylenol, and I surprisingly saw Mitch. He's usually not up until 10 or 11. That's odd. Why is he up at 8?


"Hmm..? Oh hey El. Look, I found this cute little apartment for Alex, and I think she should live in it. After all she can't just-"

"Can't just what? Are you kicking her out? She was homeless Mitch. HOMELESS."

"I know, I know, that's why I'm getting her an apartment and giving her a thousand bucks. Besides, she will only live two blocks down." He said running his fingers through his hair. God... He looks so sexy right now...

"That's fine. What are you doing up at 8?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Like... At all???"


"So you stayed up all night?"


"Oh. That's bad for you."

"I know."

"I want a potato."

"What kind?"


I love mashed potatoes. They are like heaven to me. Mitch is currently heating me up a potato in the microwave.

He then, takes it out and to mash it..., he uses his hands. (After washing them) what a genius. Are you mental? Why do you fucking think they call they game 'Hot Potato'?THEY ARE SUPER HOT!!

Just as he smushed it, he yelled out. I thought it was so funny watching him run around with mashed potatoes burning his hands raw and looking around franticly for something to help him.

A few minutes later he had recovered and made me some killer mashed potatoes.

We sat yet again, in utterly awkward silence. I was just about to speak up when I felt two lips on mine.

It took me by surprise. A lot. But..., eventually I had recovered and kissed back. I cannot believe this is happening. I. Am. Kissing. Mitch.

Our lips moved in sync with one-another for about eleven seconds. He slightly moved away ruining the moment. Reality hit me like a train.

That was my first and best kiss, EVER.


Whole new plot change twist up, new cover, no hate, stay kool, eat cake and love TC.


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