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Evelyn's (POV)

I get in the car to start heading home. Wait. Home? No. More like,... Prison. Yeah. That's the word. Maybe I will escape prison. My dad was a drunk my brother is spoiled and my mom could get a job as a contest judge just so she can criticize everything they have done wrong.

I will run away.

That's what I will do. I can start packing now and head to Mitch's house after.

As I drive to my "home", I decide to just take the bag that is already packed invade of this.

I decide to climb through the window. Like the graceful person i am.Wow. I'm really stupid.

So I climb the vines that go up our house, surprisingly not falling off, to my window. I crawl up and into my room. Well more like falling on the floor face first. My mom or Darrell is not here luckily.

I tip-toe to my closet, and look around for my run-away suitcase. It's already packed for this exact situation.

Under a pile of dirty clothes, I see the handle to a black leather suitcase. I pull it out from under the clothes and examine it. I quickly look inside to make sure everything I need is here.

When I am done packing extra things, I go to the window, just a I realized I forgot the keys to the car. Shit! They were all the way in the bathroom, and I could hear footsteps. Shit shit shit shit!

I slowly tip-toe to my bathroom when I hear the doorknob turn. Well, I'm fucked. In a panic, I quickly jump into my closet and cover myself with clothes.

I hear the voice of my mother ask if anyone was here. She then quickly shut the door, and I waited until I couldn't hear her foot steps anymore.

I then run to the bathroom, get the keys that are on the sink, and rush out. I grab my suitcase and fall through the window. I climb down the vines and into the car.

When the car finally starts, I hurry back to StarBucks to get another roll. Rolls always make me feel better.

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