New guy in town

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Evelyn's (POV)

I wake up in my bed, feeling some one else's presence. I look up and someone's hands touch my cheeks. All I can see in the dark light are bright blue eyes. I start to panic and look around the room. Is he here to kill me?!

"Look me in the eyes Evelyn." He says. I do as he wishes hoping not to get killed. "You will stay calm"
And my body calms all over. "How did you do that?" I ask him curoisly. "You will answer all my questions with only the truth."

"Do you know a man named Mitch?"

"Yes." I hit mentally hit myself for telling him the truth but I couldn't help it!

"Good. Have you swallowed any potions lately?"

What does he mean potions- "yes." What the hell is going on?!

"Okay and one last thing. I want you to remember this as a dream. But in your dream you say the man with blue eyes and dark hair says; watch out Mitch." The man says and I fall back asleep.


"Mitch honey, food is done!" I say piling the food onto plates.

Mitch and Jerome rush into the room, Mitch sliping on his socks.

I place the food onto the table, and sit down.

"So Mitch.. I think I'm coming down with something. You know just like cold sweats and weird dreams and just dizzyness all the time-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence, Mitch dropped his fork.

"Evelyn get in the car." Mitch said sternly.

I walk to the car, feeling almost compelled to do it.

As we drive to who knows where Mitch asks me to tell him what happened in my dream. "Well the only thing I can remember is a man. With dark hair and blue eyes."

Mitch slammed on the breaks. "What?! Oh no... OH NO!! We are going home." He says and turns the car around but in the road someone is standing. "Shit." Mitch yells.

The man starts to walk twits us and Mitch rolls up his window.

The man peeks through the car and I see the same blue eyes from last night. I back away from that side of the car hoping he wouldn't do the thing in my dream. How is he here right now? Am I psychic?

"Hello Mitch, Evelyn." He says. Mitch clenches his teeth together. "Damon. Why are you here?" He says. "Mitch, I'm scared." I say in a low whisper so that he couldn't hear me. "Well you should be." He says and send me a crooked smile.

I can't help but think how beautiful he is. "Are you going to kill us?" I say scared.

"Only if you want me to. Hey Evelyn did you know that Mitch fed you a potion to make you do whatever he says, true story. You told me last night. Isn't that right Mitch?" Mitch, with clenched teeth rolled his window down and punched Damon in the face. It did nothing. Damon cocked his head.

"Wanna go?" He says as he brakes the car door off. THE CAR DOOR. Okay so hot looks, super strength and mind compulsion that's three things.

"Damon I'm sorry-" he can't finish his sentence because Damon quickly, snaps his neck.

"MITCH! Oh my ow. Ow!" My head starts to throb. The memories come back the potion and the girls and everything he didn't want me to remember. "Thank you sir." I look up. "Come with me." He says.

"To Mystic Falls Virginia."

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