The Girl

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Evelyn's (POV)

I wake up to a loud pounding on the door. With my eyes still closed, I walk over to where the door should be and walk into a wall. "Ow..." I whisper to myself. I open my eyes and realize I'm in Jerome's room. "Oh yeah..." I whisper again. I walk slowly down the stairs as the pounding get louder.

When I reach the door I hear loud sobs. I quickly open the door startled by the sight before me.

I girl about 16 or 17 lys on the ground in front of me. Her hair is black with red highlights scattered around her messy hair. She has slightly ripped skinny jeans and wears a black shirt that hangs loosely off her shoulders. Her gray eyes show pain, hunger, and the expression on her face tells me to let her in as soon as possible.

I quickly step away, allowing her to crawl in. I run frantically to the couch where Jerome lays, asleep, and shake him.

"Jerome! Hurry!!! Get up! Someone is hurt!!!" I scream into his ear.

He jerks awake and looks around. "Who's hurt?" He says almost to quick for me to understand.

"I have no idea. There's a girl here that is hurt!!! I let her in! She looks hurt, tore up, and starving."

I hurried back to the girl, planning to find where she is hurt. It was obvious she was bleeding. There was a pile of blood at the doorstep!

When I get to the place of which she lay, I look at her back. There is a HUGE gash across her shoulder to her hip, and her head is bleeding.

"Oh god... I'll... I'll get... Mitch..." He says and runs away fast.

She looks at me with pleading eyes. "Help... Me..." She whispers so quiet, that if you were anywhere else in the room, she could not have been heard. Her voice so small and dainty. Blood gushes from her mouth and she looks back at me.

I don't know what your supposed to do in these kind of situations. Call 911? I don't know.

"IM A DOCTOR!" Mitch yells as he runs down the stairs.

"He's not a doctor." Jerome says.

"No shit Sherlock."

"He went to medical school."

"Oh." I said surprised. Mitch? School? MEDICAL SCHOOL??? I don't see it...

He runs to the kitchen and gets his first aid kit. "NO NEED TO FEAR! DR. HUGHES IS HERE!" He yells.

"Shouldn't that just make us even more scared...?" I say. Mitch. A doctor. From the talk we had at dinner last night about if the Easter Bunny is British or Australian, makes me think Mitch isn't the brightest.

He kneels next to the girl and takes the back of her shirt off. (A/N just a portion of the back!) He takes a container out of the box and takes out a small pill. He puts in her mouth very carefully as her eyes start to droop. Then he pulls out something similar to a needle and thread and uses it to patch up the the gash that spreads across her back.

Then, he very carefully wraps up her wound with white bandages that quickly turn red. He looks surprised and quickly lays more bandages on. He looks at her head.

The cut on her head is not as bad as the one on her back, it is bleeding however, but there is a bruise blooming. This must be VERY recent.

She is asleep and Mitch tends to her wounds. I am very surprised at how good he really is at this.

"Wow Mitch... I've never seen you in action before... I know you always told me you went to medical school but I didn't really... Believe you..." Jerome said. Mitch looked up. "Yeah. Actually I'm really good at this kind of stuff..." Mitch responded.

I watched as Mitch stopped all the bleeding, put cream on the wounds to make them heal, find more cuts and bruises, tending to every single wound.

"Done." He said breathing out. He picked the girl up bridal style and brought her to the couch. "I gave her a cold pill. She won't wake up until almost 2 hours. Who want breakfast?" He said going to the kitchen to wash his hands. He acted so cool about all of this. THERES A GIRL. IN YOIR LIVING ROOM. DIEING. Well I don't know about 'dieing' but currently loosing blood fast.

I look at the clock in the corner of the living room. 1:16p.m. He took longer than I had thought. 5 hours!

What could have happened to the poor girl? I bet her parents are worried sick! I walk into the kitchen to see that the boys have made me some fruity pebbles.

"Thanks." I say as I sit down.

I should probably get going but Where will I crash tonight? I know these guys pretty well... Do I tell them I ran away? Do I tell tell them about my jerk of a brother? About my abusive mother? I have to.

"Hey. Um... Guys? Can I ask a favor-"

"ANYTHING!!!" They both said in usion

"Uh... I ran away from home and don't have a place to-"

"YOU CAN LIVE WITH US!!!" They both said again.

"Oh. Really? Oh yeah. That would be great. Thank you guys so much. Do you want me to pay rent?"


"We've got that covered." Mitch said.

"SLUMBER PARTY EVERY NIGHT!!!" Jerome screeched.

"BRAID TRAIN!!!" Mitch yelled, and they both got on the ground, Jerome patting As space in front of him for me to sit in. I sit, and Jerome braids my hair. Mitch however is at the end trying to braid Jerome's short hair.

I laugh out loud at how immature they are. They are like two years old.

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