Losing our Minds

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Evelyn's (POV) *one month later*

I have to get out of this place.
I'm going insane. I need help.

"Evelyn! Evelyn please say something! Eve please!" The girls shake me but I don't respond. I just blankly stare at them. I can't move. I just sit there staring at them panicking.

"MITCH! JEROME! HELP SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH EVELYN GUYS!" Kylie shouts, whilst pounding on the door.

Mitch bursts through the door and finds me. "Evelyn baby, you okay?" Me and Mitch are dating or something I don't know but there is something going on between us. I kind of like it. He told me why we are all here. It's kinda like that show The Batchelor where the guy slowly cancels of girls from the show until he marries the last girl. Except in this case he sends the girls to the African rain forest with nothing but an axe.

He looks at me and shakes me. He puts his hands on my cheeks and shakes my head around. Still, I can't do anything.

Finally my vision starts to blur and black dots seem to fill my vision. Mitch looks scared. He screams my name over and over. Until the darkness has consumed me.

I wake a little while later in Mitch's arms. It's weird. One day I thought I loved him, the next day he kidnaped me, and now I am in love with him. It's so strange.

Mitch seems to be... Crying? Why would he be crying? I'm not dead that dumb fuck.

"I'm not fucking dead so why the hell are you crying you big baby suck it up and carry me back to the basement."

He looks at me as soon as I start speaking, and his face lights up with joy. "Evelyn baby your heart stopped. I had to give you CPR. I'm so glad your okay Evelyn.. Don't ever do that to me again." He whispers the last part.

But what he doesn't know is that this isn't the first time this has happened. Well, not this bad but I'm going crazy I think. Sometimes I start to pet a cat that hangs around in the basement but... It's not real. And sometimes I'll randomly have a temper tantrum and sometimes I'll even punch someone and cry and scream for no reason. I'll rock back and forth in the corner and whisper Darrell's name over and over until someone stops me.

I don't want to live like this. I want to either die or get out of here.

Since I have my sanity back right now I choose to use my time wisely.

"Mitch, there is something you should know." My voice is a whisper.

"What is it? Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Do you need-"

"Mitch I'm insane." I cut him off. "Or going insane. I can't be cooped up in there anymore or I'll lose it."

Mitch stares at me pale as a ghost. He stutters for his words but eventually finds them.

"Honey, do you believe in magic or potions, or witchcraft?"

His question takes me off guard. Witchcraft? Potions? Magic?! What is he crazy? Oh wait. I am in no position to be saying that.

"No!" I laugh.

"Evelyn it's real. And I have a potion that will fix you right up!"

Okay maybe I'm not the only one who's lost it.

He lays me down and goes to his room. He come back with a water bottle filled with black liquid. It makes me shiver.

"Here drink this." He says.

I have no idea what this is or what it does and if I want to drink it or not. Like who's just gonna be like 'okay!' And chug a frickin bottle of black tar? A crazy person! Meaning me.

I take it from his hands. I don't actually know why I'm doing this. Like I don't want to it looks disgusting and why the fuck should I drink this if I know it's not going to do shit? But then I find myself bringing the bottle to my lips and taking s sip.

The liquid tastes so heavenly that I drink it all. I then ask for more but he says no. And then he tells me a few things that catch me off guard again and have me getting worried.

"I'll be back honey I just have some packages to mail to the rain forest and some axes to buy. I'll see you later. Goodnight El."

And just as he said goodnight I felt my eyes droop. I try to keep them open but I don't understand. Why would he drug me? What is this? What's going on?

I panic and try and get up only to fall back down and hit my head on the coffee table.

That's when the world spins around my and I fall into a big black hole of darkness.

I'm having a dream. It's a dream and there is a picture of every day of my time spent with the girls. Slowly they fade one by one. And then all of a sudden... I can't remember what was there. And there are pictures of each of the girls too, and each one fades away and when they do I remember nothing about them. And then the dream ends and I am left standing there.

Alone. Dark. Quiet. Vulnerable.

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