The Resturaunt

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Evelyn's (POV)

*a week later*

We walk into the restaurant, looking around in amazement. It was tall, new, and expensive. It had crystal chandeliers hanging loosely from the ceiling, secure but looks like it could just drop at any second.

The girl who arrived all bloody --Alex-- I learned to be a very nice singer. (A/N singing voice is Perri Edwards.) I also learnt that she ran away from home and has no friends, nor family for that matter. I felt bad and begged Mitch and Jerome for hours to let her stay. They finally agreed it was the right thing to do and let her stay.

She kinda has this thing for Mitch... Like when she looks at him, she looks like she could just melt away. She stood nervously next to Mitch as she tap-tap-tapped her foot.

The server leads us to a very nice looking booth across from some old people and behind a girl. Just one. Sitting there watching YouTube videos of an 8-bit game that does not look interesting what so ever. I guess someone is playing the game and she is just watching it. What kind of losers would do that?

"Ma'am." I look up, startled, and realize the sweet old lady holding a pen and paper looking at me, her glasses on the very top of her nose.

"What drink would you like?" She asked, her voice small and fragile.

"Um... Do you have Dr. Pepper?" I asked the old lady. Is it rude to call them old? I think I will call her elderly. The elderly lady gave us a small smile before going to get our drinks.

"So I'm thinking about getting... The chicken noodle soup. What do you guys think?" Jerome asked. I looked back at him to see if he was serious. Was he really going to order off the kids menu? When I took a glance at him, he was dead serious. "Whatever floats your boat biggums." Mitch said. I swear I saw the girl in front if us tense up. What was her problem?

"I think I'm going to get the Chicken Gnocchi Soup. What are you thinking on Mitch?" I asked looking at him. He wiggled in his seat-- quite attractively-- next to me. "I think I'm getting the all veggie salad-" he was cut off by Alex.

"That's what I'm getting to." She blurted and I sighed. How long does she have to keep up the whole 'Mitch Thing'? I mean, we get it already. You like Mitch big whoop. Seriously though.

The elderly lady--who's name I now see is Karen-- walked over and stopped at our table. She set down all our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked her voice shy and quiet. "I'll have the chicken noodle soup!" He said cheerfully. The lady looked at him questionably, but wrote down his order anyways. She looked at Alex with a look that meant; I-can-take-your-order-now type of look.

"Oh. Me and him," he pointed at Mitch. "Are having the same thing. Yeah. We are gonna have the vegetable salad and uh... That's it. We are getting the same thing." She blurbed. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. She didn't catch the rolling-of-my-eyes so that's a good thing.

"And for you Ma'am?" She asked sweetly and kindly.

"I would like to get the gnocchi soup." I said as she scribbled down my order. "I will be right back with your food." She said and waddled off to who knows where.

A few minutes later she came back with our orders.

"Is there anything else I can get you fellows?" She asked.

Jerome, stuffing his face, shook his head meaning no. "No thank you." I translated.

She gave us a quick nod and smiled, leaving us to eat our meals. I took the soon best to my bowl of soup and began to dig in. I love this soup.

Mitch looked at Alex pulling off avocados. When Mitch realized what she was doing he stopped her. "What are you doing?" He asked her. "Taking off the avocados. They are so gross."

He looked at her in disbelief and took her avocados and put them on his plate. "They are not just avocados. They. Are SQUAVOCATOS!!!" He yelled the last part making all the people in the room look at us. Except, the girl in front of us. She was acting very strange. She was all frozen. The hair on her arms shot strait up and she had goosebumps.

She threw of her headphones and jerked her head around. Her mouth fell agape as she looked at the two boys. She looked at them in shock, her eyes wide.

"M-Mitch and Jerome. Ha. Haha. HAHA! I knew it... I KNEW IT!!! I JUST KNEW IT!!! You... Your my- my life. C-can I have a picture...? Please???" She said. What the fuck is going on?

"Yeah hold on hun." Jerome said getting out of his seat on the booth. She quickly got out her IPhone4s and pointed the camera at her and Jerome. I still don't get why she needs a picture if a total stranger. Like, she looks at him like its Harry Styles.

"Say; BETTY!" Jerome says as she snaps the camera. Mitch nudges me as he says; "I should get a picture in before she leaves. Don't want her to be disappointed."

I'm not following one bit. Even Alex looks like she knows what's going on. I am going to have some serious talk with Mitch after this. Jerome isn't to well at being serious. Only when it comes to chicken noodle soup I guess.

The girl was very pretty. She wore skinny jeans and a dark red sweatshirt. Her hair was in a ponytail and went all the way down to her knees. Jeez. Need a head with that hair? God, that a lot of fucking hair. She had chestnut colored hair and a couple lighter brown hi-lights. She didn't wear much makeup. Just a little mascara and lipgloss. She wore a pair of black converse. (A/N I have no idea how to spell that cuz my auto correct is a bitch.)

She looked at me and smiled. "This must be the famous Evelyn. She's even prettier in person. And Alex. Love the hair. So... Mind if I hang? I mean, I technically already was on YouTube but... This way I can see your face." She said.


"Sure you can. Alex scoot. Um... " he looked at her looking for a name. "Steph." He smiled brightly. "Steph will be sitting with us." He said with a grin on his face.

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