Chapter( 500) What is the fruit of serving Paramatma in any form?

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What is the fruit of serving Paramatma in any form?

देव तुम्हारे कई उपासक कई ढंग से आते हैं।

सेवामें बहुमूल्य वस्तुएं कइ तरहकी लातें हैं।

We offer so many things to Paramatma but what do Paramatma demand from a devotee? Can we please HIM with valuable things or by serving HIM? How should a devotee serve and please him? And what would be the fruit of his services or Prasadam of serving Him? Above prayer says that every Jivatma worship power of eternity in different ways. People who make show that they do not believe in God, are afraid of ghosts and furious nature, nurture negative feelings and distrust power of Paramatma as we have heard about Rawan and Jaydrath not recognizing Shri Ram and Shri Krishna as Avtar.

But generally fear makes man worship them; from whomever, he is getting afraid. Our history shows that we worship all the elements that had created fear in our mind for the protection of our life and limbs, threats to our existence and our property. The ultimate goal of human life is Dharma, Artha, Kam, and Moksha – the attainment of salvation.

A person has to earn wealth ARTH through Dharma -the religion. He wants to entertain his mind and senses i.e. the Kama permitted by the religion that he follows and through the above three, he would complete his destined karma successfully and desires acquisition of liberation at the end of his life.

Sam Veda describes the knowledge, karma, and coordination of Jivatma-universe and Paramatma through music. Hence Sam Veda contains musical concerts for the coordination of Jiv and Prakruti LILA with Paramatma. When a person recognizes the power of fire element, Sun and Moon he worships TEJ Tatva, his hunger made him worship rain and tress like banyan for shelter and Peepal for pure air, various plants Tulsi and Durva for health and hygiene, his thirst made him bow down to rivers as Gaga and Yamuna, his search for livelihood made him worship seas and oceans. His fear of death made him worship Vayu Devta and when he saw that Agni, Vayu, Earth with all its greenery and sky above; with clouds full of water cannot help any living to live forever and something invisible and incredible element enters in everybody in the womb of a mother, make him aware of his presence through heartbeats and when it abandons the body, a person dies; he started worshipping the Supreme element, we call him as Paramatma by different names.

As Sam Veda describes: O Fire God! We worship you as you give us life and you are Omnipresent in various forms, Sun Moon, Stars, and fire –The TEJ Swaroop. Help us to live happily healthily by providing everything we need like food, clothes. Water and air.

अग्न आ याहि वीतये गुणानो हव्यदातये।

नि होता सत्सि बर्हिषि ।। (सामवेद- १)

You can only enlighten us by providing knowledge of all the secrets of the universe. A knowledgeable person can see you inside his body as usual and ignorant people worship you in various forms of Sansar through various ways. Sometimes he wants to please you with offerings as Panchopacharपंचोपचार पूजनम्, Shodasopachar षोडसोपचार or Sahastropacharसहस्त्रोपचार पूजनम् Poojanam. Some Yogi tries to follow Ashtang yoga. Some worship you by serving as Vaishnav Jan does. There are three main gates of salvation; Path of Gyan ज्ञान Karma कर्म and Bhakti भक्ति to enter in the Spiritual world as GYANI, YOGI OR BHAKT . But a person cannot follow the spiritual path of liberation because he is attached to Sansar. He feels detachment from Sansar only in hours of depression and sorrow, disease and loss of power, prosperity, and his beloved person but after some days he is again trapped under the web of Maya. Rishi Chanakya says;

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