CHAPTER-( 523)How could a Sadhak feel oneness ADWAITYA?

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How could a Sadhak feel oneness in ADWAITYA with Paramatma?

Lord Shri Krishna says when a Sadhak understands the concept of Kshetra GYAN and GNEY; he would be able to feel oneness with Paramatma. Paramatma is there in everybody's heart ह्रदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम् । He lives within u in everybody from an ant, a moth or a giant hippo or dinosaurs and he is available to everybody in all the countries, all the periods, all the jiv in every event, in the entire situation and in all the stages of different bodies as in childhood, youth or old age but the condition is that one should feel oneness with Paramatma as Bhakt Prahalad and Dhruv could see him in the childhood. A Sadhak should have for Paramatma as a dying person longs for oxygen when he is on a ventilator, just as a fish longs for water when thrown out of the water, just as a hungry man longs for a loaf of bread. This anxiety to see Paramatma makes a Sadhak eager for. Darshanam. He forgets everything. His family, his possession, his work, his sleep has gone now. He is not feeling thirsty or hungry now. Raidas is focusing on the feet of Paramatma, he kills his own son with his own legs. While doing kirtan. Chaitanya Maharaj becomes so excited like a mad person, that he roams here and there. He forgets his own existence. He sings hymns on the road, he dances on the crossroads. When Bhakt Narshinh is engrossed in Bhajan, he forgets that guests are waiting for dinner at home and his wife is waiting for groceries to cook food for them. But Paramatma does his duties of bringing groceries to serve his Bhakt's guests. A Sadhak involved in the depth of nectar of Hari Nam Jap and Kirtan he forgets that he has taken a birth as a human and he has to perform worldly duties too.

When a Sadhak of Gyan Marg, Karma Marg turns Bhakti Marg and when a Sadhak feels वासुदेव सर्वम् everywhere in everybody,he could see Paramatma in Nirgun Nirakar and Sagun-Sakar or Sagun-Nirakar Swaroopof nature and at that moment the real knowledge of the real element of Param Tatva becomes easily accessible to him. When a knowledgeable person tries to understand Paramatma's swaroop through Shastras, Swadhyay, Pathan, and Paathan so many questions and puzzles remain unsolved for him. He gets involved in the maze of puzzles. He could not understand what to do and what not to do in real Karma yoga he would not understand which method, which Shastras, and whom as a Guru, he should follow Gyan Marg but when he feels DWAITA and love for Paramatma longs for him. Entire knowledge of the universe, all kinds of Riddhi-Siddhi become accessible as if he is blessed with a Karmendriyas So Paramatma says that a person who follows karma Marg or a person who follows Gyan Marg should be a great devotee first of all. He should not remain confused about his karma. What to do and what not to do but he does everything, performs every role that may be given to him by the great Director of the trio-world to him to perform on the stage of the world. He would read and recite Sloka and verses of Veda but he would be free from doubts. Devotion to Paramatma absorbs all his doubts. His doubts turn to faith. His karma becomes selfless services offered to Paramatma. Whether he is a butcher or a Saint., a family man –GRUHASTHA or a VAIRAGI.A Sadhak would get true knowledge only through Bhakti devotion. The meaning of true knowledge is the knowledge of Brahm so that a Sadhak could be SATCHIT AANAND Swaroop as Paramatma and Bhakti –Devotion means to feel ADWAITYA oneness with Paramatma.

प्रेम भगति जल बिन रधुराई।

अभिअंतर मल कबहुँ न जाई।। (मानस-उत्तर.४९।३)

As described in the previous chapter all the twenty four objects with nature, Mahat Tatva ,the universe ,pride and Five Mahabhoot five Gyanendriya ,five karmendriyas ,mind and five senses with their subjects as desire, envy ,joy ,sorrow ,body-Pran ,power light ,strength and all the VIKARS emerges in our sensatory organs are known as KSHETRA,,. All the instruments or method to know Paramatma the KSHETRAGNA with every Jivatma are described above as twenty instruments to know Paramatma as अमानित्वम्, अदम्भित्वम्, अहिंसा, क्षान्तिः, आर्जवम्, आचार्योपालनम्,शौचम्, स्थैर्यम्, आत्मविनिग्रहः, इन्द्रियार्थेषु वैराग्यम्,अनहंकार,जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधि दुःखदोषानुदर्शनम्,आसक्ति-पुत्र दारागृहादिषु, अनभिषुङ्गाः, इष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु,नित्यम् समचित्तत्वम्, अव्यभिचारिणी भक्तिः,विविक्तः देशेसेव्तम्,जनसंसदि अरतिः.अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वम् तथा तत्वसार्थ दर्शनम् is known as complete and true knowledge and what next to know after studying all these Shastras and developing all those virtues in a Sadhak is known as GYEYA –PARAMATMA and THE आदि,अनादि, अमृततुल्य, परमब्रह्म,तत् सत्,विराय एवम् वामन ,स्थूल.सूक्ष्म ,स्थाणु स्वरुप, सर्वव्यापी,सर्वेगुणाभासं,सर्वभूत्, निर्गुणम्,सर्वगुण भोक्तृ,बहिःअन्तः व्याप्त सचराचर,दूरस्थ,अन्तिक अतिसूक्ष्म अति बृहद् स्वरुप of Paramatma.The one in multiple form within every object and stretched inside and outsideof the entire universe. The ultimate source of light and knowledge living in the heart of evry Jivatma is Paramatma.

The entire universe is created by one Paramatma one PURUSH with PRAKRUTI in multiple forms and nobody could trace the beginning and the end. We live in the middle part, perform our roles, and roam in the cycle of birth and death in different yonis following our good and bad karma with trio SHRIR and in the trio world. The universe is made with five elements that feel joy and sorrow with different bodies आहार भय मैथुन क्षुधा निंद्रा एवम् प्रजोत्पति are characteristics of all JIV. Every JIV enjoys and suffers from joy and sorrow in different BHOG YONIS. Only a human body is blessed with the mind and thinking power to understand his deeds as good or bad. And when a jiv is blessed with a human body he is blessed with above mentioned twenty instruments to attain Salvation to be free from the cycle of birth and death.

All VIKARS –Negativities emerge from the misuse of the above-described twenty instruments. The instruments are like swords given to defend our soul from VIKARS but when we misuse Prakruti, we make them curse instead of blessings to human beings. All the seven VIKARS विकारांश्र्चगुणांश्राचैव like desires, pride ego, envy, joy, and sorrow SANDHAT, Chetna and DHRUTI are emerged from trio-virtues known as SATVA, RAJAS and TAMAS. It means that Paramatms–Purush has no Vikar.Trio–virtues created Vkars with the help of Prakruti.This Prakruti is inspired or misguided by our karma, Gyan, and Bhakti. All the ten Mahabhoot, five elements, wind, water, fire, and sky with five senses of touch, words, Swaroop, and smell are related to karma. Our thirteen organs nine organs, NAVDWARI NAGRI-our body with mind, intellect, pride, and speech are instruments to do our karma so they are our KARAN SHARIR The product is known asKARAN which emerged as a result of seven Vikars added with trio virtues and ten instruments described above these KARAN instruments to do our various karma are of three types. They are our five Karmendriya, and five Gyanendriya along with three - mind, intellect, and pride. We can see our karmendriyas' eyes, ears, skin, mouth, and hands so they are considered as STHULA –Our Gyanendriya mind, intellect, and Pride are invisible so they are considered SUKSHMA Our Karmendriyas and Gyanengriya are known as बहिः करण and our mind intellect and pride ego are known as अंतः करण Karmendriya do Kriyas and Gyanendriya inspires the mind. Mind intellect and pride are bosses of Gyanedriya. Mind is the boss of Gyanendriya. Intellect is the boss of the mind. And mind rules by our pride and ego.No senses could work without the help or guidance of mind, intellect, and pride then what is the real Swaroop of Pride that rules over our Karmendriya and GyanendriyaLet us surrender to Jagat Guru Lord Shri Krishna to find out the right path of liberation

Om Tat Sat 

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