Chapter-(557) How are the six senses overpowered by our minds?

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How do these six senses overpowered by our minds?

पर्वताग्रे रथो याति भूमौ तिष्छति सारथिः।

चलते वायुवेगेन पदमेकं न गच्छति।।

A person enveloped by Prakruti and his trio of virtues cannot control his six senses. He is like the wheel of a potter which rotates round and round continuously with the speed of a wind but cannot move a step forward. It is like a chariot driver who tries to climb on the top of a mountain, not on his feet but riding on the chariot and cannot move a step forward on the narrow path of a mountain – A Sadhak cannot move a little on the path of liberation with six senses overpowered by a monkey mind.

A human being is blessed with five karmendriyas and five Gyanendriya along with mind. If the mind is not the controller of all the ten senses, they could not work. Gyanendriya recognizes beauty, with eyes, scent with the nose, smells and tastes of food through the tongue, feels the touch of a beloved with a skin and listens to voice through ears. Our karmendriyas can be activated only during the presence of the mind. When our minds desire to entertain these senses by acquiring that source of attraction, we do different kinds of activities to get different things.

Our organ VAK- tongue is the origin of speech, PANI- hands organ is to grasp things, to apply force, to work for the  attainment of outer objects. UPASHTAM is the organ of generation Payu or Guda -anus –the organ of excretion which throws negative forces out from the body. While our SHROTRENDRIYA helps us in listening to music and words. Our GHRANENDRIYA helps us to smell with the nose, RASEENDRIYA– we taste with the Tongue, TWAK-TWACHA is a SPARSHENDRIYA .We touch with skin and the mind is the controller of all Indriyas and it is the center of all reactive functioning.

त्रिविधं नरकेस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः।

कामःक्रोधस्तथा लोभास्तस्मादेतत् त्रयं उच्यते ।।

Lord Shri Krishna says that, there are three gates of hell desires, anger and greed. So a wise should abandon them. Until a Sadhak has control over his unsteady mind, harsh language , stubbornness in acceptance of truth, shameless who is not wearing clothes in limitations or becomes ungrateful to what he has, not welcoming guest whoever comes to his home, he should treat him well, he is not able to be considered as a respectable person in the society and nobody worships him even If he is a great scholar.

अधीरः कर्कशः स्तब्धः कुचलः स्वयमागतः।

पञ्च विप्रा न पूज्यन्ते बृहस्पति समा अपि।।

If a person develops virtues like learning Vedas and Shastras, delivering his logical thinking abilities, learning the science behind the Vedant, developing his memory power, remaining curious to know Brahm and remaining active in his destined karma, he could achieve anything and nothing remains impossible for him to achieve.

विद्या वितर्को विज्ञानं स्मृतिः तत्परता क्रिया ।

यस्यैते षड्गुणास्तस्य ना साध्यमतिवर्तते ।।

But he should be free from all the Vikars and weaknesses related to his habits. A Sadhak should be free from too much sleep, dizziness, fear, anger,idleness-looking busy and doing nothing and foresightedness. These six habits are great hurdles on the path of success in any field including the path of self -realization.

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