Chapter 3

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"This is boooring!"

Shalnark laughed and turned to face me.

"Come on. It's only been three days, kiddo!"

I stopped and pouted at Shalnark.

"Yeah, but I was hoping for something more exciting to happen! Not us wandering around for ages!"

"Ya gotta be more patient, Y/n. Finding a Nen exorcist in a game won't be easy as pie," Nobunaga told me. "And if we find a cheat then your brother's gonna die that way too."

I grimaced.

"Touche, Nobunaga, touche."

The group started to move again and I caught up to Shalnark.

"I don't understand why he used Hisoka to send a message to you," I pouted. "Of all people, why him?"

"Your brother probably made a deal to fight him once he can use Nen again, Y/n," said Shalnark. "And it's up to us to find the exorcist, hire him, and free your brother from the chain-user."

"Wouldn't he find out his Nen was removed?"

"I don't know. You tell me. After all, you know him better than any of us."

I stopped.

He's right.

The Troupe only knows him as the chain-user. The user who wants to end the Troupe for good. Kurapika started off by killing Uvogin and Pakunoda. He had the chance to kill Nii-chan too but he didn't because of his two friends.

My knuckles clenched.

"You're right," I said. "I do know him better than you. It doesn't mean I know him well enough to answer that question."

"At least make a speculation, kid, or are you too immature to think about that?"


"I'm just saying. She's been sheltered too much by the boss, and you. Pretty much almost everyone in the Troupe sheltered her."

"That includes yourself, Phinks."

"Fuck, no. You, Franklin, Paku, and Shizuku are all about babying her and coddling her."

"Well, she is, or was, the youngest. Plus, it was hard not to!"

"Well, she's turning 18 soon. The sooner you stop coddling her, the sooner she learns the world doesn't revolve around her."

"I already know the world doesn't revolve around me," I muttered. "Bitch."

Shalnark burst into laughter then reached over to ruffle my hair.

"Hey, don't let him influence you," he whispered to me.

"Not my fault he is one."

"I heard that!"


"Can we take a break?"

"From what?"

"From finding the exorcist! It's been days!"

"I don't recall you being a whiny bitch."

"I don't recall you being a bully, Phinks!"

"Come on, let's be nice!" Shalnark butted in. "Phinks, stop bullying Y/n. Y/n, stop provoking Phinks."

"Wha-? I'm not provoking him!"

I pouted and turned my back to them with my arms crossed.

"Come on, Y/n. Let's not pout. We still got a long way to go."

"Carry me."


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