Chapter 5

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"Hey! Stay where we can see you, Y/n!"

I glanced back to see Shal-nii waving at me from a distance.

"Don't make Machi tie a thread to your arm and act as a child's leash!"

I grimaced at the image then turned to face the Troupe.

"I'm not a child!"

"Technically you still are from how you were raised!"


I sauntered over to Shal-nii and pounded my fist against his chest.


Shal-nii laughed and caught my wrists.

"Come on, baby spider. You're still a kid, whether you're turning eighteen or not."

I jutted my lip at him.

"Meanie," I mumbled again, yanking my wrists away from Shal-nii. "I'm being bullied."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!"


"Baka," Feitan muttered, walking away from me and Shal-nii.

"That hurt, Feitan!"

"It was a gentle bop to the head, Y/n."

"But it hurt!"

Shal-nii ruffled my hair again with a soft chuckle.

"There, there. Pain, pain, fly away!"


"What? Uvo used to do that all the time."

"Yeah, well, you're not Uvo."

"How mean."

"Says the one who was mean first."


"Bah, humbug."


"Are you sure it's a good idea to split up? Now of all times?"

Y/n glanced over to the Troupe, watching them quietly discuss amongst themselves over their next move.

"Well, at this point, we've all gone our separate ways," Phinks said. "I don't see an issue as long as one or two of us get the exorcist to boss, right?"

"Yeah, but it would be better if there were more surrounding Y/n. You've seen first hand of how uncontrollable she can be once she's been triggered."

"You sound like you're volunteering to look after her."

"Of course I am! She's our responsibility while boss is away!"

Phinks sighed.

"Well? What about the rest of you?"

"I'll stay with her," Machi said. "Like Shalnark said, she's our responsibility until boss comes back."

"Or we can leave her with someone else," Franklin muttered. "You know, the former number 5?"

"Taskuete?" Feitan murmured. "Boss's love?"

"Boss's what?"

"Boss has a lover," Nobunaga explained. "She was number five before you replaced her, Phinks. She was with us for a year before personal issues came up and she had to leave."

"Personal issues?"

"We don't know what issues she had. Whatever they were, it forced her to leave."

Tasukete Yasashi, age: 23. Nen: Specialist.

It's not that I don't like her, it's just...she's kinda creepy. It's like a dark curtain or shadow is looming over her and I can't shake that feeling off. I don't understand how her Nen works and I don't think Nii-chan does either. Even so, he still fell in love with her and remained in a steady relationship with her.

"Why leave her with boss's lover?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, turning my full focus on the Troupe again.

"Well, the chances of boss with his lover is high," said Machi. "I also happen to trust Yasashi's abilities to keep herself, boss, and Y/n safe."

"Are we all in favor?"

Hands went up.


Shal-nii pursed his lip.

"Alright. But if she calls me, I will be taking her with me."

"Fine. Let's go."

"You don't even know where she lives, Phinks."

"So guide us then, oh so wonderful Machi,"

Feitan shook his head.

"No know," Feitan said

"What do you mean?"

"He means none of us knows where she lives. Her apartment is always moving."

"Moving? What, like it grows legs?"

"No. It teleports, baka. The best we can do is make a rough estimate."





"Your heartbeat's been changing a lot lately. Is everything alright?"

The blond Young Boss sighed and turned to face Melody.

"That's none of your concern."

"If it's about Y/n the-"

"Don't you dare say her name again."

"But it's true. You're still thinking about her, even though it's been weeks now."

Kurapika stared out the window then spun on his heels to leave.

"It's in the past now, Melody."

"You say it's in the past yet your heart says something else. You still care about her despite it all happening between you two."

"I said leave it alone, Melody."

Kurapika left as Basho approached Melody.

"I see he's still in denial."

"Sadly, yes."

"Do you think he'll get over it?"

Melody shook her head.

"No. I don't think he'll ever get over it. In fact, he refuses to believe he still loves her. In reality, he still does." 

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