Chapter 12

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"So the Troupe has killed your people," I murmured, lowering the cup of tea down. "I'm sorry."

"I doubt you even knew what their plan was," Kurapika stated. "Seeing how far-sheltered you are."

"H-hey! I'm trying my best not to be!"

"Even so, that will take years. Perhaps even longer than that for you to learn the world does not revolve around you."

"But I know that, Kurapika. I know the world doesn't revolve around me."

"Do you?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I grew up in Meteor City! The world there was harsh and cruel! Survival of the fittest!"

Kurapika lowered his cup as well, turning his full attention to me.

"Then you understand the Kurta Clan was the same?"


Kurapika sighed and leaned back into his seat.

"Let me tell you a story about the Clan, Y/n. Yes, our eyes were one of the seven most beautiful colors in the world. However, many called us devils, demons."

"Because of your eyes?"

"Our eyes, Y/n."

Right. Right...

"Why though? Why call us devils or demons? Just because our eyes turn red?"

"Correct. Red represents the devil, Y/n," Kurapika explained. "Therefore, the people associated us with the said devil."

"But that's stupid," I said. "Why call us that when we're no different?"

"The people believe in what they're told," Kurapika told me. "Because of that, we've driven away. We were forced into moving and hiding for years, if not decades. We were forced into the obscurity of the Lukso Providence forest and we've lived there ever since. Well, until your brother decided to massacre everyone."

I swallowed.

"I-I had nothing to do with that for your information."

"I know you haven't, Y/n. Seeing how little you know about yourself, what your brother had orchestrated five years ago, or even about your own parents."

The table started to shake and clatter, the dishes on the top started to topple off, the tea in the cups sloshed and slushed.

"But I'm here to learn about myself, Kurapika," I said to him. "I want to learn, I want to know why he didn't just kill me and take my eyes."

The objects slowly came to a stop, Kurapika's eyes slowly returning back to his dark gaze.

"You'll have to ask him then. I can't answer it."

"At least help me make a theory or something."

"The best I can say is he felt he could use you for something, something that was important to him."

"Like what though? Lore of the clan?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not."

"That doesn't help me much," I stated, standing up from my seat. "Good day, Kurapika."

"As if we won't be seeing each other around the estate, Y/n."

"I said good day!"

I slammed the door shut behind me and stalked away from the dining hall.

"The audacity he has," I muttered. "Smug? No, no. He's not satisfied with himself. Annoying? Sure."



I grimaced and turned to see Melody giving me a worried look.

"I could hear your conversation from all the way out to the front yard. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just really annoyed," I told her. "Kurapika-well-I-"

"He's unreasonable sometimes," Melody told me. "He believes relationships are a hindrance."

"That's a shame," I murmured.

I guess our fling was a hindrance too...

I sighed and shook my head.

"That's very unfortunate," I emphasized and walked away from Melody.

Damn him, damn this situation, damn everything!.

I leaned against the railing of a balcony, resting my chin on my palm. I softly sighed.

Life is tough, with a lot of big decisions to make too, I've come to realize that now.

I sighed again.

I have no one to rely on anymore. Just myself now. Surely Nii-no. Not Nii-chan. Chrollo would feel betrayed I left him without a word. So would the rest of the Troupe, especially Shalnark.

Decisions, betrayal, pain.

Why was I even born?

I tilted my head back and stared at the sky.

"You know, you used to tell me God loves everyone. If that were true, why does he keep throwing one obstacle after the other?"

I pulled away from the railing and walked back inside the estate.

Well, there's no point in asking something that won't be answered. The best thing I can do now is doing some research on the Kurta Clan and find more about myself.

I found my way to the library. Sitting off to the side was a long computer by a large window.

"Hope it doesn't have a password," I muttered, sliding into the chair. "Otherwise, asking for the password is going to be a little embarrassing, honestly."

I turned on the computer and it immediately popped open.

Huh. Guess not. That's a shitty way of keeping your privacy honestly.

I cracked my knuckles.

"Alright. Let's get down to it."


Scarlet eyes, seven of the most beautiful color, Lukso Providence Forest. This is basically everything I know that Kurapika had told me this morning.

I leaned back into my seat and stretched my arms over my head with a groan.

Damn. My search is not going the way I want it to go. It's so unfortunate.



I sat upright and looked around the room.

No one around.

"Melody?" I called out, sliding out of the chair. "Was that you?"

Definitely, a woman's voice as far as I can tell.

"Did you need something?" I asked, approaching the library door.

As soon as my hand touched the doorknob, I was overwhelmed with a bright light. 

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