Chapter 23

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Wake up.

Surely he isn't imagining things now. He's certain he heard a woman just hours ago.

Chrollo raked his fingers through Y/n's h/c hair, brushing it away from her eyes, and tucked a strand behind her ear.

No. He's very certain he heard things correctly. A woman had spoken and it certainly wasn't someone from the Troupe.

Wake up, Y/n.

There it is again.

Gently placing Y/n down, Chrollo stood and examined the room. His En picked up nothing except for the current members of the Troupe, himself, Yasashi, Kusuri, and Y/n.

He narrowed his eyes and glanced over at Y/n's sleeping form.

Maybe, just maybe, her memories will tell me something.

"Y/n, darling."

My eyes fluttered open and I saw a woman hovering over me.

"Oh, thank goodness," she sighed, gently embracing me. "You're finally awake."

She smelled like...vanilla and strawberries. No, she smelled like...home.


The woman pulled away and smiled at me.

"I'm glad you remember me," she said. "Also surprised but mostly glad."

"I-well, yeah. It's a bit of a surprise for me too," I admitted, sitting up. "W-where are we?"

I gazed at my surroundings to see a field of grass before me.

"I don't have much time to explain things, Y/n," I frowned.

"What do you-"

"Y/n, I need you to do something for me and quickly. I need you to kill your father. Snap out of Chrollo Lucilfer's grasp and kill your father,"


My eyes opened and shrieked. My back collided against the wall.

"C-Nii-san!? What the hell!?"

His hand basically engulfed my entire face! Why wouldn't I panic!?

"I apologize, Baby Spider," Nii-san cooed. "I was only worried-"

"Worried by grabbing my face?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah! No thanks!"

I stood up and stumbled out of the room.

Kill your father.

I shook my head. Surely that was a dream. Only a dream.

I lightly chuckled.

Yeah. Just a dream. But a nagging feeling...told me it was not.


"Sir?" Hideko said. "We've pinpointed Y/n's precise location. Will we be attacking soon? If so, shall I notify Kurapika?"

Eita turned his chair around to face Hideko.

"No, not yet," Eita told her. "In fact, do me a favor."

"What is it, sir?"

"Tell Kusuri to break her out. As soon as we attack with Kurapika. Once Kusuri gets her out, fake her death and we tell Kurapika her was killed during the fight."

"But, sir. Surely he wouldn't-"

"That is why we tell him a different location. Far from where the Troupe actually is."

"And then?"

Eita softly chuckled.

"And then...I take over the world."

"Take...over the world?"

"That's right, Hideko," Eita said. "Her mother wasn't a Kurta. I am."

"And you are telling me this why...?"

"Why, Hideko. I want purebred Kurta's ruling the world of course!"

Melody pulled away from the door and silently left, returning to the Nostrade Estate without suspicion.

"So?" Kurapika asked Melody. "Anything?"

Melody swallowed and let out a shuddering breath.

"I-it's...Kurapika, her father is a disgusting man."

"Why? What did he say?"

"....he wants to use Y/n as a breeding cattle."

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