Chapter 11

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Standing in front of a mansion, Jiyu and I stared at the iron gates baring us from entering.

"So, do we just press the button?"

Jiyu shrugged.

"I mean, yeah, I guess so?"

Jiyu pressed the button on a box and the box crackled.

"Who is this?"

Jiyu and I shared a look.

"My name is Jiyu," Jiyu started. "My friend and I are here to see the young boss, Kurapika."

The box remained silent until it crackled again.

"And who is your friend?"

"Y/n uhh..."


"Star. Y/n Star."

The box remained silent again.

"Your request has been denied. Goodbye."

"Now, hold on-"

The box crackled again and then it went silent.


I would've guessed as much he would've done this.

I sighed and looked past the gate. Even though I am at least a hundred feet away from him, I can feel his Nen from here. It's strong, And I'm certain he can feel mine too. Maybe that's why he turned me away. Because he didn't want to see me after all this time.

I reached over to the box and pressed down the button.

"Kurapika, I know you're listening. This is Y/n Lucilfer. Let me in."


The wooden oak doors slowly creaked shut, separating Jiyu and Gan from me. I turned from the oak doors and saw Kurapika sitting behind a desk, leg crossed over the other.

"Hello, Y/n," Kurapika greeted, leaning forth in his chair. "It's been a while."

I swallowed and met his intense gaze.

"Hello, Kurapika," I softly greeted back. "It's...well, dumb for me to walk right into the lion's den, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes it is," Kurapika agreed. "Yet you came anyway."

I bit my lip.

"I-I didn't know where else to go honestly," I admitted, lowering my bag to the floor. "Everything's just...confusing and difficult. One moment I can turn him but he's only trying to manipulate me as far as I can tell. Another moment I turn to you and, well...I don't know."


I clenched my knuckles.

"You're the closest source of information I have to figure out about more of myself."


"You're letting her stay?" Basho exclaimed. "But, Kurapika-"

"I won't let her in any of the mafia business," Kurapika cut Basho off. "She will remain at the estate and only the estate unless I give you orders to move her to a safer location. Until then, she will remain here."

"And your other friend?" Melody asked. "The one with the puppy."

"If her only reason to come here was to bring Y/n here then she can leave. She has no other reason to be here."

"I'll go tell her," Basho sighed, standing up from his seat.

"Melody," Kurapika started after Basho had left. "Be honest with me, do you think Y/n would betray us?"

"Hmm," Melody hummed. "No. I don't think she would, Kurapika. When she passed by me earlier today, her heart was confused, lost, but she is searching for a way back to her path. Her heart desires to pick a path she wants. Not have it chosen for her."

"I see..."

"Will you...will you teach her about the Kurta Clan? Answer any questions she may have about herself?"

"Depends on what ask asks, Melody."




"No! No! I am not letting Y/n stay here by herself!"

Gan growled and barked at Jiyu's feet in protest.

"Jiyu, Y/n and I have a lot of history-"

"I don't give a damn!" Jiyu cut him off again. "Look, I know she's the head of the Spider's sister or whatever. What if they find out where you are? What if they kill you?!"

"Not if I kill them first."


"Jiyu," Kurapika finally cut Jiyu off. "I trust in my own abilities to hold them off. I killed two of their members before and I'll do it again."

"Yeah, but-"

"And doesn't your father need your help? You mentioned to me before he and his group are researching about a new species, didn't you?"


"If that's all, then you can join your father in his research. That's why you became a Hunter, isn't it? To help him as a Biologist Hunter?"

Jiyu clenched her knuckles.

"Fine," she said. "But if you get into any sort of trouble, I will come charging back here with Gan hot on my heels! Got it?"

"I understand, Jiyu. Now go."

Jiyu huffed and slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Come on, Gan! We're going!"

Jiyu marched towards the iron gates and it swung close behind her and Gan. I watched from the upper floors as my newfound friend and her puppy leave the Nostrade estate.

"She seems to be fun," Melody commented, approaching me.

"She's...well," I started. "She's kind, even though we hardly know each other."

"I can tell she has a kind heart," Melody agreed. "Light and joyful."

That's right. She has excellent hearing.

"Hmm," I hummed, peeling away from the opened window.

Melody trailed after me.

"You've come here for answers," Melody started. "What is it you're looking for other than them?" I stopped walking and turned to face Melody. 

"Honestly, I'm not sure. To tell the truth, I'm not even sure Kurapika would even give me any of the answers I want. For all I know, he can be holding me here as hostage for him to come to find me later." 

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