Reset: Technological Outbreak

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Atashi wa Dorian Moon. Four score and seven years ago, Neptune was killed by a rampaging Bionicle reference. In order to bring her back to life, I became a bodyguard and began reliving the past three games. Now, I have arrived at the time when I first arrived in Gamindustri. I became aware of a third member hiding in Ultradimension; my investigations led to Anonydeath, who declared that Lastation would be attacked in two days. So, now I'm in Ultradimension preparing.

I teleport into the Basilicom, scaring Noire, who was in the process of wrapping up her work for the night. Noire glares at me, "Why are you always popping in whenever you want?!" ~ "I'm sorry, do you not want my help with that-thing-you-keep-in-your-drawer?" ~ "Wh-Wha-?!" ~ "No, that came out know what I mean." Noire deadpans, "What do you want?" I feign playing coy, "Oh? And here I thought you enjoyed my company... But I guess I'm just an accessory of Plutia's to you... How unfortunate." ~ "N-No... Ugh, I'm sorry. Would you like some tea, or some sweets?" ~ "No thanks. I'd accept, but it's fairly late. It's already difficult keeping a clear head; wouldn't want me bouncing off the walls, now would we?" ~ "If you say so... Was there something you needed to inform me of?" ~ "Yeah,'s fairly important, actually." ~ "Then spit it out!" ~ "Okay, okay. Don't need to bite my head off. I already get that enough from Histoire every time I use the Cyatch+ to prolong the effects of caffeine. That's a high I do not need...but I want so much... But being autistic, I'm more susceptible to addiction; so I switched to hot chocolate." ~ "That is a problem. 54% of citizens over the age of eighteen consume caffeine on a daily basis. And we have evidence to assume that three out of four of regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance... Wait, you mentioned something pretty serious earlier, and now you're changing the subject." ~ "It's my natural talent." ~ "Throw away that talent for a minute. What was it you needed to tell me?" ~ "Oh, that? Yeah, Anonydeath will be attacking Lastation in two days. Sounded serious. Might want to prepare the guards and evacuate the citizens. That, or pull out the red carpet and try to seduce him; either way, I'll get a show out of it." Noire sweatdrops, "No, that's very serious. You couldn't have told me sooner?" ~ "Hey, I would've if I could; I kinda got stuck in Hyperdimension for a bit. Apparently, you need a passport to cross dimensions; who knew?!" Noire sighs, "We have two days to prepare...and you're sure he said this?" ~ "Cross my heart and hope to di- ...actually, I'd rather not. It sucks after the seven hundred twenty-eighth time." Noire steps over to her desk, where she presses a button, "This is Lady Noire. Lastation will be entering a state of emergency tomorrow; all citizens are to be evacuated to Planeptune and the guards are to report to the Basilicom at oh-five-hundred-hours. That is all." Noire turns back to me, "If you're wrong about this..." ~ "Don't worry, this isn't the first time I've gone through this. Although, this time we can prepare for it." ~ "Still, I can't help but to worry about the wellbeing of my citizens." ~ "We can worry about that tomorrow, for now, I'll leave you alone. I was once told that sleep deprivation was the cause of depression; so I don't see that therapist anymore." Noire looks to me with a raised eyebrow, "You're acting differently from how you usually act." ~ "It's late, I'm tired. Kinda hard to act when all your energy goes into not falling over. Besides, I feel like I can be myself around you. We've known each other for more than two decades, so we must be friends at this point." ~ "Friends... Okay, you can leave now. I have to get to sleep or I'll be cranky in the morning." ~ "Ah, I always thought that cranky was your personality." ~ "J-Just get out!" ~ "Yes, Ma'am!" I disappear in a puff of Dark Aura.

(The Next Day)

Lastation had entered a state of emergency, the citizens currently being evacuated. Noire had the guards gathered in the Basilicom to explain the situation to them, "Tomorrow, Lastation will be attacked by an unknown enemy. Until then, everyone will receive new equipment and will be briefed on the plan. The squad leaders will lead the different teams to their stations. We need everyone on high alert for anyone entering or leaving Lastation-" I appear in a puff of Dark Aura, "Hey kids, want to see a dead body?!" My question was received with silence, Noire facepalming. I sigh, "You guys are no fun... The kids at the preschool had better reactions than you." Noire groans, "We're trying to take this seriously, and here you are making jokes." ~ "Hey, don't diss my coping mechanism. Anyways, you said an unknown enemy, but we know that Anonydeath was the one that sent the threat." ~ "So you say... Early this morning, I found a dozen emails from Anonydeath swearing that he wasn't the one who sent the threat. So, either he was lying, or you were mistaken." ~ "I thought we got rid of all the the hell did he find out? A-And that's not the point; I know what I saw. He was wearing Anonydeath's armor; albeit, the armor was white, he could go invisible, he had these needles that were thin and slippery- I might've made a terrible mistake." ~ "You think?" ~ "Either way, someone will be attacking Lastation tomorrow. Whoever they were, they were probably from another dimension." ~ "What makes you say that?" I deadpan at the blatant ignoring of the fact that several people from other dimensions have been crossing over, "...just a guess." Noire shakes her head, "This is all a big mess, you better be prepared to take responsibility." I deadpan, "You really think I'm going to take responsibility for something that wasn't even my fault. This isn't some baby that I forced upon you under the influence of alcohol and shattered dreams, only to leave you a single mother with mountains of debt and one less leg." ~ "Uh- Wh-What?!" ~ "I watch too many medical dramas; I think I'm getting confused." Noire turns back to the guards, "You're all dismissed, work hard to protect Lastation." The guards disperse as Noire sighs, "You...You're going to be the death of me." ~ "That is both highly likely and unlikely; I'll let you decide." ~ "We have to meet the others in Planeptune regarding Bamo and Regu." She checks the time on her watch or whatever device she has, I don't know. "Oh, even if we fly there, we'll be late. I can't let myself be the last person there; Neptune would never let me hear the end of it." I nod, "Okay, then let's do this." I take Noire's hand, as she flinches, "Wh-What do you think you're doing?!" ~ "Risking assimilation. No worries, I've only tried this once." ~ "That doesn't reassure me!" ~ "Don't care~!" We teleport away in a puff of Dark Aura.

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