Reset: Oneself Under The Moonlight

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I often took comfort in darkness; the unknown had never been something I feared, but now... there's an empty feeling inside myself, one that keeps me up at night, makes me think; things that I'd rather not ever imagine.

A barbed whip cracks against the floor, Ace making a quick escape into the stairwell. Iris Heart looks back to the other me, chained to a chair.

Those days would bring me to a sense of calm, now they only leave me wondering...

Through flights of stairs, the two climbed, chasing after the figure several flights ahead. A door stood at the end of the path, having been swung open with enough force to dent the wall beside it.

The past was my escape, but what are you supposed to do when you can no longer remember? Every thought and word just leaves you spiraling deeper into a well that you cannot escape from; a red thread tied around your neck, a constant reminder of this inescapable reality. What had I lost?

Ace stood on the edge of the building, glancing back at the two. Iris Heart smirks, "You gave us quite the workout, you better be prepared to pay back in full." The other me grips his IPod Touch, "Trigger Burst!" A pillar of digital letters and symbols appeared around the other me, as panels appeared on the ground. They slowly moved their way up, circling around the pillar as purple crystals started forming around his feet. The panels moved upwards, spinning around faster as the crystal followed, forming a suit around his body. The panels finally reach the top, forming into a visor in front of his eyes, a heartbeat symbol appearing on it. The crystal forms around the visor, creating a helmet, as the rest of the crystal catches up. The crystal shattered, revealing a completely purple power suit with cracks running through it. The feet were like boots with a sharp point, the shoulder pads were triangular, the helmet having two antenna-like horns coming out on either side of it. A blade of purple light forms in his hands, as he points it at Ace. Iris Heart cracks her whip, smirking. Ace turns to the two of them, as the wind picks up, becoming a powerful blast of air. From just behind Ace, a large dragon rises, shining from all the reflective metal making up its body.

(Location Update: Ultradimension: In A Resort Somewhere)

Several days had passed since the attack on the Planeptune in Hyperdimension, as per Neptune's suggestion, we had gathered the CPUs of Ultradimension to have a wonderful vacation where nothing bad could possibly happen. Because why would it, it's not like this book is being written by the sadistic CPU Cyan Heart or anything. Neptune was back in Hyperdimension on vacation with the other me and everyone else; I was left to look after the Ultradimension gang, which is going as expected... Plutia hums, "And then there was this huuuuuuge dragon...!" Ultra Noire deadpans, "What kind of villain would make a dragon out of knives." I chime in, "Sounds like something an edgy teen would come up with." Ultra Blanc glances over to me, "You're saying that like you know something..." ~ "Whaaaat? Noooo~..." Ultra Vert hugs Peashy, strangling her in the process, "I get my precious Peashy all to myself for the weekend. Ah, how wonderful!" I deadpan, "Hey, 'wonderful' is my thing." Plutia looks out the window, "Loooook, the beach is so quiet." Ultra Noire nods, "Why don't we spend the day at the beach, then? I picked out a new swimsuit for this occasion." I raise an eyebrow, "Obligatory beach episode? No thanks. Not a fan." Ultra Vert looks to me, "Do you not enjoy the beach?" ~ "Nah, I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough...and irritating...and it gets everywhere." Ultra Blanc sweatdrops, "Did you just make a Star Wars reference?" ~ "Make a what now?" Ultra Noire sighs, "You really should watch those movies." I shake my head, "Not interested." Ultra Noire deadpans, "Is there anything you're interested in?" ~ "I can't possibly believe she'd allow me to say..." Peashy cheers, "The beach! Pea wants to go to the beach!" Ultra Blanc nods, "Seems like we're in agreement." I glare at Peashy, "You traitor!" ~ "Pea was promised a reward for siding with you. Where's the money, Lebowski?" Ultra Noire looks to me, "What the hell are you teaching her?" ~ "Would you believe me if I said that was the other me?" ~ "No." ~ "Meh, worth a shot." Plutia speaks up, "Ummm...are we going to the beach or not?" Ultra Blanc looks to Plutia, "We can head over without them. They'll be a while." ~ "Aw, no fighting..." I look to Plutia, "No worries, we're not fighting. Just having a heated debate on why beaches are the spawn of Satan or something." Ultra Noire deadpans, "That's not what we're talking about." I look to Ultra Noire, "But we could be. And we should be. That means we are!" ~ "Your logic makes no sense." Peashy nods, "I get it!" I bow, "Noire, a child is more fluent in the words of the god than you. How does that make you feel?" Ultra Noire deadpans, "I think that's more because you're more of a child than an adult." I sigh, "You don't have to be that blunt." I disappear in a puff of Dark Aura. Ultra Noire sweatdrops, "Did...Did I say something wrong?" Ultra Vert shakes her head, "He must have his own worries to deal with. It's nothing you did." Peashy tugs Ultra Noire's sleeve, "Let's go! Pea wants to play at the beach!" ~ "Okay, okay. We're going." The group make their way to the beach, as I reappear back in the room, "Now that they're out of the way..." I give one last look out the window to the beach, before disappearing in a puff of Dark Aura.

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