Rebirth: To The Future

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"What are you going to do about it?" The shadowy hands reach out to me, as I tear them apart with the Gehaburn that appeared in my hands. My eyes turn red, as I appear behind Eqin in a flash, swinging the blade at him. He stops the blade with his fingers, the blood within his skin trickling down his arm. The blood slowly forms a puddle at his feet, which expands, flooding a large radius of the field. Eqin turns to me, shadowy hands rising from all around him. My eyes turn orange, releasing a burst of heat from my body, but the shadowy hands aren't affected. The shadowy hands shoot towards me, as I summon a reflection mirror in front of me, taking the seconds granted to break the shield with Gehaburn, sending glass shards flying at Eqin. The glass shards break his skin, but disappear as soon as they touch his blood. I take a step back, before noticing a hand reaching out from the puddle. It grows longer, as something starts to stand up from the puddle. All around me, disfigured humanoid creatures were coming out from the puddle. Dark Aura tendrils launch out from me, impaling the creatures, but they aren't harmed. Instead, the Dark Aura seems to be absorbed into their bodies. Eqin steps closer, as my eyes turn white. Eqin breaks into a sprint, as a hailstorm of bullets fly towards him. He doesn't even try to dodge them, instead, the shadowy hands catch the bullets. Eqin reaches out for me, just as the Gehaburn tears through his abdomen. Eqin stops moving, the shadowy hands around us slowly descend back into the puddle, along with the creatures. I stand there with Gehaburn impaling the demon; unexpectedly, having met him here had me panicking, but I was starting to calm down. Eqin suddenly places his hand on my chest, to which I push Gehaburn in deeper. Eqin pauses, " seems like you're not ready...yet. As I thought, I'll need to remove the CPU of Purple before I can enter you." Eqin slowly backs himself off of the blade, not fazed in the slightest. Gehaburn disappears from my hand as Eqin walks away. With a sigh, he turns back around, "Well, since this is our first meeting, I feel I should leave you with a gift. It'll be up to the others to finish this job, as I have business to attend to. Remember to play nice, and don't make a sound." Eqin proceeds to slice a long strip of skin off his arm, letting the sheet slowly fall to the ground. With that, the puddle retreats back into Eqin's shadow, as he sinks into the floor. I look back to the layer of skin lying on the ground, before turning to where the other me had landed, "After all that... he's probably in the Basilicom now. I should hurry over before he leaves for Hyper Dimension." I glance back to where the discarded foreskin had been left, only to find a mass of flesh in its place. It looked like a pile of skin and muscle, and pulsated as if there was a heart inside it, or if it was the heart itself. From the mass, a leg rips out through the top, coiling around itself, stretching the skin-like material, as it spun into place on the ground. It was almost like a towel that had been wrung, the muscle and veins throbbed as the creature pulsated. Another leg came from the mass, followed by two arms. The creature flipped itself over, as a head came out of the mass. It was like the rest of the body, with a large chunk missing from the front. A zipper formed where the edges of the hole was, as the inside became dark, as if it went on endlessly. The creature didn't have any eyes, but it looked around as if it did. It slowly crawled along the floor, the mass in its center constricting, forming into the shape of a normal human torso. There was no doubt, this creature was human. It slowly made its way in an aimless search, bending over itself occasionally. I take a step back, the crunch of leaves sounding from behind me. The creature immediately turns its gaze on me, the zipper opening as it lets out the loudest screech. I covered my ears, but the noise was overwhelming. But, it soon stopped. I lower my hands, summon the Gehaburn Dagger. The creature lunges at me, as I fall backwards, pointing the dagger upwards. As the creature pounces on me, I turn the dagger back into a sword, the blade hitting the creature's skin. But instead of ripping through it, it slides right off. I manage to teleport away, just as the creature slams its head into the ground. I reappear in a puff of Dark Aura a few meters back, the creature crawling around; searching. I point my hand towards the creature, launching a Dark Aura tendril at it. The tendril pierces through its skin, raising it into the air. I quickly slam it back down onto the ground, as it goes limp. I turn away from the creature, looking back towards Planeptune, "Now then..." The creature grabs onto me, constricting its limbs around mine as it tightens its grip. I struggle to free myself, shadowy hands rising around me. The creature opens its zipper, releasing a screech directly into my ears. The shadowy hands sporadically thrashed around, blood dripped from my ear. The creature tightens down on my arms, as something pops, then snaps. My arm bends inwards, before twisting around. The shadowy hands grab at the creature's neck and arms, tightening around them as it tries to pry it off me. Its grip tightens, as the bone at the base of my neck snaps. The creature pushes its hands into the space where my collarbone broke, squeezing even more, as the rest of the bone breaks apart. I scream, but no sound comes out. My chest sinks inwards, as the air in my lungs is cut off, my screaming becomes choking. Dark Aura tendrils spike up through the both of us, as I had given up on saving this body. The shadowy hands finally pull the creature off of me, as I teleport a good five meters back. With my one good hand, I stab the Gehaburn Dagger into my chest, healing the bones that had been grinded to dust. I let out a breath, as the creature gets back up, continuing towards me. My body bursts into Dark Aura, as thousands of wisps appear in the sky. The ground becomes overtaken by the puddle, as I rush forward. Dark Aura tendrils spear up from the puddle, spiking all around the field. The creature runs straight through the field of tendrils, as the wisps above started raining down on it. The creature is impaled by thousands of sharp wisps, as I charge towards it. It opens its mouth to let another screech out, just as I drive my hand deep inside its throat. I rip it out of the tendrils, holding it high in the air. I let out an angered yell, as the creature's insides are filled with tendrils, spearing out of every part of its body. The creature finally bursts, sheets of skin falling as the shadowy hands erase every last piece. I finally recall all of the Dark Aura, taking a moment to rest. It was quiet... very quiet. Not a single moment of that fight had made a sound, not even the creature... maybe it was the adrenaline. I look to my side, seeing Ultra Noire standing there. She looks mad. She was yelling something at me, but I couldn't hear her. I tried to speak, but I couldn't hear myself. Ultra Noire just continues to yell at me...wonderful. I take the Gehaburn Dagger in hand, stabbing it into the side of my head. Ultra Noire reacted how I would assume anyone would react if the person you were talking to suddenly stabbed themselves with a Discount Power Rangers toy. That's a triple discount! "Sorry, I think the ear issue came back. What's going on?" Ultra Noire looks to me, "You disappear for a year without a word, and then I find you here doing your... your roleplay!" ~ "To be fair, the nudist community accidentally let their dog out. Well, their dog was more of a human, which puts into question just how much kink they're capable of, to which I say; at least five." ~ "Okay, let me get this straight... you were fighting a dog...?" ~ "Yep." ~ "That turned out to be a human?" ~ "Full kink, all shame." ~ "And you killed it?" ~ "Just like Old Yeller." ~ "What is wrong with you?!" ~ "Yes. I can't seem to find myself, do you happen to know where I've gone?" ~ "You're right here." ~ "No, I mean me, not me. The me that is not me, but is still me but from not right now." ~ "You're not making any sense." ~ "Okay, look. You take a pineapple, right? Alright, take that pineapple, and then take another pineapple." ~ "This isn't going anywhere, is it?" ~ "No, no, I've got this. So, that pineapple is a time traveler." ~ "A what?" ~ "Trust me, I've got this. And the other pineapple, is the time traveler's alter ego Parrado-sama." ~ "You're just saying random words now, aren't you?" ~ "If you take that pineapple, and shove it upon the other pineapple, what do you get?" ~ "A mess." ~ "That's right, a very well thought story! Now, what would happen if that pineapple were to become big depresso espresso?" ~ "Sometimes I wonder why I worried about you..." ~ "It'll form a contract with the pasta mafia and gain the ability to unripe itself." ~ "This metaphor is losing meaning." ~ "And that's why we must stop the squirrels who are plotting against me!" ~ "I somehow knew it would come back to this..." ~ "And that is our mission, any questions?" ~ "Yes. What does anything of that have to do with you being here right now?" ~ "No, no, you missed the point. The pineapple is a metaphor..." ~ "I got that." ~ "It's a symbol of being..." ~ "..." ~ "It's me. I'm the pineapple." ~ "So we've established." ~ "The other me is also a pineapple." ~ "Shocking..." ~ "And I have to stop the mulberry from falling off the tree-" ~ "What are these metaphors?!" ~ "And that's why I need to know where the other pineapple is!" ~ "He already left." ~ "...huwhat?" ~ "He went back to Hyper Dimension. Jeez, you should've just started with that instead of doing your usual spiel..." I open a portal next to me, "Well, good seeing you again, I'll be going now." Ultra Noire looks to me, "Wait, you're leaving already?" ~ "Yep. Gotta make sure the pineapple successfully becomes a smoothie without adding dog hair to the mix." ~ ".........." ~ "..........." ~ "...Just go." ~ "Got it." I step through the portal, leaving Ultra Dimension behind.

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