Rewrite: The Path We Walk

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"Woah. So this is the legendary weapon!" Neptune admires Planeptune's legendary weapon that the Planeptune staff brought out. We had dealt with the 'fake CPU' problem, which involved a lot of chasing them around and me dying, but in the end, everything was under control and we claimed the legendary weapon. Compa looks at the weapon with slight disappointment. "But it's all beat up. You can't even cut a radish with this." The Basilicom Staff nods. "The Trinity Blade... It's hundreds of years old, so it's only natural." IF looks to the guard, am I just changing this guys title card? "Can we just borrow the blade for a short while?" The Seemingly Only Male NPC shakes his head. "Unfortunately, no. Without our Lady's approval, that won't happen." Neptune springs up, suddenly. "Ta-da! I'm Neptune! Planeptune's CPU, the one and only, Purple Heart! So, as CPU, I allow the blade to be used!" ~ "Hahaha! You're funny, as usual. But, this isn't a toy, so, sorry there." ~ "Hmm! I'm not fooling around! I'm really the CPU!" IF puts her hand on Neptune's shoulder. "Nep, you should stop while you're ahead. No one will believe you right now. We at least know where it is. Let's head back for now." ~ "Well, let's get back and get us some grub!" Amen to that.

We all regroup back at Compa's place, which seems to be the base for all our operations... Histoire starts us off. "Now that everyone is here, can I look at the legendary weapons?" Noire lays the weapon on the table first. "Voila! Here's Lastation's legendary weapon." ~ "Ah, I thought it was the Dual Revolver..." ~ "Oh, that? It blew up when my fake self-destructed." ~ "Blew up?! K(*A*III)" Blood sprays all over the room, as my hand entirely rips in half. "F***********************************CK!!!" I stab my dagger into the wound, which was a bad idea, since the hand reformed over top of the dagger. "Oh Goddess Dammit." I get a collective 'Hey!' from the four goddesses in the room. I take the dagger handle that was sticking out in between my ring finger and middle finger, ripping it out. I stab the dagger into the side of my hand. "Never. Do that. ...Again." Histoire nods slowly, as Noire continues. "Don't worry. Chian and the folks at Lastation rebuilt it for me to use." ~ "It's not even a revolver anymore... Are you sure it's safe to use?" Blanc places hers on the table as well. "I was able to get it as well. Here." ~ "Um, Blanc? I thought the weapon enshrined at Lowee was..." ~ "The Trust Spear." ~ "This is... a hammer. Plus it's gold and it feels so super-smashy..." ~ "It was old and lacked resilience, so it was remade into a hammer. Not to worry. The shaft is still the same from the spear." ~ "Uh... where in that line was I supposed to not be worried?" ~ "I said not to worry." ~ "..." Vert places hers on the table also, is this becoming a running gag? Hmm... Nope. That's not how it works. "Now it is my turn. Behold the beauty of the spear." ~ "I'm getting tired of this pattern, but I might as well follow through... I thought the weapon at Leanbox was the Wisdom Bow?" ~ "It was moldy and was broken and unusable, so..." ~ "You made it into a spear." ~ "Ran-Ran did it overnight." ~ "So not a single one retains its original form. Don't tell me even the Trinity Blade was altered." Neptune shakes her head. "Oh, you worry too much, Histy. I haven't brought it in the first place." ~ "Was it taken by the enemy?" ~ "Nope. The Basilicom said they need the CPU's OK before lending it." ~ "...Now this is a problem. You are missing that one weapon. You are facing Arfoire. You need all four to have a fair chance at battle. But, there is very little choice now. Let us prepare with the three weap~..." Histoire was cut off by a loud roar that shook the whole building. Neptune instantly recognized it, looking towards the window. "Wha~?! This traumatic voice I'm hearing... can it be?" ~ "...It looks like it is coming from outside." Thank you Captain Obvious... You know what time it is, play Noble's Mimicking Laugh Track... "Hear me, lowly scum! I am Arfoire! I am your god!" I look out through the window. "Uh, girls...? You may want to see this..." We ran outside and found Arfoire standing in the center plaza of Planeptune, what's worse, is that Overlord Momus is there, too. Civilians had already started questioning her words, a crowd gathering. "Wh-What? What does she mean, 'god'? What happened to the CPUs? And... what's that monster behind her?!" Arfoire looks to the Citizens, raising her hand to the Overlord. "Behold! Overlord Momus! The harbinger of doom to Gamindustri!" There was panic, the citizens had started pleading for their goddess. "Purple Heart will not come! She has been defeated by Momus!" Arfoire was gloating of her victory against the CPUs, she knew she had finally won. "Liar! Lady Purple Heart would never lose to no Overlord!" Arfoire scoffs at the citizens' protest. "Fools. Her not being here proves my words to be true." Neptune pouts. "I'm not dead yet or anything..." IF glares at Arfoire. "She's using the fact you can't change to her advantage." Histoire nods. "With Momus' appearance, the people must think it's stronger than Neptune." Compa looks to the goddesses. "Okay! Let's beat it up before anyone else believe it." Neptune steps up to Arfoire. "That's as far you go, Arfoire!" ~ "Oh... So you're back for more, Neptune?!" ~ "I won't let you mess with Planeptune and Gamindustri like you want!" ~ "And how will you stop me with you now being a normal human being?" Noire glares at Arfoire, unimpressed. "Are you forgetting us?" ~ "...The goddesses." Compa nods. "Yessy! We're going to avenge Nep-Nep!" ~ "Uh, Compa? You're making it sound like I was killed or something..." I pat Neptune's shoulder. "You'll get used to it." IF sighs. "Minor issues aside..." ~ "That was minor?!" ~ "We're all here now, so I think it's time for Momus to leave the stage." Arfoire smirks. "And how will you defeat Momus?" The three goddesses activate HDD, summoning their weapons and charging towards Momus. Black Heart goes in for a Drop Crush, as White Heart slams her axe down onto Momus. Green Heart launches Sylhet Spears to pin down the wings, which White Heart follows into a Hard Break. Momus launches off a laser, which the CPUs dodge. Momus swipes Black Heart out of the sky, slamming White Heart with its wing, and launching a laser at Green Heart. I appear in front of Momus, and raise my dagger. "Boot up!" My eyes turn yellow, as my body gains a yellow glow. "I still haven't thanked you for last time. Reflection!" My body split in five, all with their own daggers. I stand in the center, as my four other reflection clones stand behind me. The one to the far right's eyes turn red, as the one next to him turn purple. The one on the far left's eyes turn cyan, as the one next to him stays yellow. I smirk at Momus, as I slowly float into the air. "Install." My eyes turn green, as what seems to be holographic grids appear in my hands. "All right everyone, let's take out the trash!" For better understanding, I'm going to be calling them by the colour of their eyes... Red dashes out immediately for a dagger slash across Momus' leg, while Purple mimics a Cross Combination on the other side. Yellow grants boosts to the others, while summoning powerful mirrors all around the others to deal with heavy blows. Cyan raises his hand to the air, as a powerful bolt of electricity strikes Momus, although only causing it to stagger upon impact. The sharp laser grids forming around my hands grow bigger, as I toss them towards Momus' wings, resulting in a large amount of shredded wings. Momus fires off a laser, which is reflected by Yellow's Reflection, which strikes Momus' arm. I raise my hand to the sky, as a spherical orb appears in the air, Red and Yellow both launch lasers towards it, while Purple casts Reflection and Cyan surrounds it in an electroweb. The lasers hit the orb, and turn it into a blinding disco ball, sending multi-coloured lasers flying everywhere. Momus roars as it hits its body, large wounds open as the disco ball disperses. "Alright, let's finish this!" I summon a keyboard of sorts in front of me, five grey orbs lined the edge of the board, as the other four teleported behind me. "Install!" The center orb lit up green. "Boot Up!" The orb on the far left lit up yellow. "Access!" The orb on the far right lit up Cyan. The other two raised their weapons high, as the final two orbs lit up red and purple respectively. I begin typing rapidly, the entire keyboard glowing brightly as the five orbs drained of colour and into the keyboard. "Delete." The keyboard drained in colour, turning completely grey, as an A.I. voice command appeared. 'Do you want to delete your saved data?' "Yes." 'Are you sure? This saved data can't be restored.' "I'm sure..." 'Warning! You're about to delete your data, are you sure?' "What the hell is this?! Yes! Delete!" 'Are you sure?! You will not be able to get it back.' "Yes, I know that, Delete! Delete! Delete!" 'Final Warning!' "Oh, goddess dammit!" 'Deleting...' "I'm reprogramming this later..." 'An error has occurred.' "F*ck...!" I slam on the keyboard, as the A.I. disappears and a thin laser shoots out towards Momus. The four other Me's return back to my body, as the keyboard disappears. Momus slowly starts disintegrating, more like it was being erased, but same thing. Momus quickly turned into an outline, as it disappeared entirely. The others slowly got up, White Heart using her axe like a cane, kinda funny if you think about it. "Dammit! That thing was stronger than before." I glare towards the three goddesses that were struggling to stand. "Thanks for the help, girls..." If my sarcasm isn't noticeable, which it wasn't, I'm basically at the point where I may die of exhaustion, and I'm not ready to perform a Dan Kuruto... Arfoire turns to me, with her staff pointed at me. "Why was it defeated?! It should be more powerful than the goddesses!" ~ "F*ck you, that's how." ~ "So what?! As long as there are believers, Momus will revive infinitely!" I look to the others. "Is that how it works?" They shrug in response, but the loud roaring and shaking buildings says otherwise. "Crapbaskets..." Neptune looks up at the monstrosity, surprised. "Shoot... I thought we could get rid of it." IF pats Neptune on the back. "It's your turn next, Nep." ~ "B-But, no one will believe me without me changing forms..." Compa turns to Neptune. "I know Nep-Nep the most, so I'll prove to everyone that Nep-Nep is a goddess!" Neptune nods, walking out to the citizens. "We interrupt all programs for this special announcement..." I fall over, not sure if it was from exhaustion or Neptune's stupid joke, either way... IF karate chops Neptune on the head. "Stop fooling around already, Nep! Next time you crack a joke like that, I'll stuff your face with eggplants!" ~ "Oh, come on. I wasn't sure how to start my speech off, you know?" ~ "You get serious at the wrong points. Just talk like you normally do. 'Hey, it's me, your cute, Nep-Nep! I'm your CPU, y'know! C'mon, trust me!' Something like that." I lower my IPod Touch, which I had hit the record button before IF had started. Blackmail Material... Worth it. Compa nods in agreement to IF's impression, just in case, I hit the record button again. "That sounded like Nep-Nep. Even the line was like what Nep-Nep would say." ~ "I'm not THAT kiddy, am I?" I pat Neptune's back, in silence. "...Y~~~~~~~~~~~yep." I hold the 'y' for a little while long, and I think Arfoire is getting annoyed. Mission successful? I'll let them decide. "Hey, did you hear?! That kid there's Lady Purple Heart!" Success. The one time that someone actually hears you when you're yelling really loudly. The citizens voices rang throughout the nation ~ a little too exaggerated, it was more like just the plaza... ~ but it was loud. "Seriously?! Lady Purple Heart was that small?!" And now I'm thinking it wasn't a success... Can someone hand me the script, I am so confused... I think Neptune agrees. "Really?! I didn't say anything yet and their believing what Iffy said?! Not sure what's going on, but...yeah! I feel like I can do anything now!" I'm calling success, I don't care what it says on the script. We're gonna party it out and~... "Gah! Unnatural Light!" The four goddesses, including Neptune for some reason, were all glowing brightly. "Histoire, explain. No one should have to stare directly at the light." ~ "Is this... the Shares resonating?! This is coming from everyone's faith towards the CPUs. Shares are originally based on people's prayers and faith." ~ "Doesn't explain why Neptune is also glowing." ~ "I believe it is because the people have accepted Neptune as being a CPU. Neptune. You should be able to become their CPU again!" Neptune nods. "Okay! Now this is what the main character is supposed to be about! Hey, everyone! I'm gonna change now! So everyone, take a real good look!" That could be taken horribly out of context... This is around the time when I remembered I'm still recording. Why am I going out of differently tenses of time and fourth wall breaks? No idea. A pillar of light surrounds Neptune, and standing in her place, was Purple Heart. "HDD, complete." Purple Heart looks to the three other CPUs. "Sorry for the wait, everyone." White Heart smirks, summoning her axe. "That took you too freakin' long." Black Heart eyed Purple Heart down. "No fair! Why are you in that new suit of yours?!" Histoire clears her throat. "With the four goddesses now together, Momus can be defeated!" ~ "Okay. Let's lower the curtains on Momus! Here we go!" And so they fought. It was a long battle with no clear victor, although from the sidelines one could say it was glorious. No one ever heard about the battle again, as it faded from history entire~..." ~ "Dorian! Get over here and help us!" ~ "On it." I quit my inner monologuing and join the four goddesses in the fight, running out and summoning Gehaburn to my hand, as my eyes turn purple. "Let's make this quick." I slash down across Momus' leg with the sword, switching into a powerful cyclone with red eye colour. Purple Heart unloads a Cross Combination on the beast, as Black Heart and White Heart used their EXE Drives. Momus launches off a laser, which I deflect with a Reflection. Green Heart makes spears rain from the sky, as I switch to green and use Prism Rain. Sharp crystals pierce Momus' body, as spears pin it to the ground. Purple Heart reels back her arm, as White Heart pins one wing to the ground with her axe, and Black Heart pins down the other. "Neptune Break!" Purple Heart flies forwards, striking Momus hard. The Author decided not to include details on the EXE Drive due to a certain someone chewing him out. (Get your mind out of the gutter...) My eye colour switches to red, as I use a Hyperspeed-Lazer combo, speeding around Momus and blasting lasers through its body. Black Heart uses Lace Ribbon Dance on its legs, causing it to fall to the ground, as Purple Heart strikes it across the front. My eyes turn purple as the dagger turns into the Gehaburn, rushing forwards for my own EXE Drive. Purple Light escapes from my back, as massive wings form. The blade extends out in a purple light, as I leap into the air. "Wings of Light!" I enter a triple flip, slamming my sword onto Momus' head, and slicing all the way down. A puff of Dark Aura escapes me, as I reappear next to Purple Heart, avoiding Momus' explosion. She looks to Momus and then to me with a smirk. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Momus explodes in a massive explosion that would make any pyromaniac proud. "A bit~." Arfoire glares at me, gripping her staff. "I can't believe you defeated Momus!" Purple Heart turns to Arfoire, her weapon still in hand. "Overlord Momus is no more. Give it up, Arfoire!" ~ "Hmph! Don't get too excited, defeating that shell of an overlord. Have you forgotten? I wield all four of your powers." Histoire looks towards Arfoire. "You, too, seem oblivious to the fact that they are stronger than before." ~ "What do you mean?" ~ "They were a proxy to the former goddess to oversee the people. But with the prayers of the people, seeking for them to be their CPUs... They have been reborn as goddesses, entrusted by the people they protect. It seems you have foiled yourself at the very end." ~ "My dream... My goals... So close... I can't have this happen!" Purple Heart raised her weapon, looking to Arfoire. "Just give up already. You have no chance against us, Arfoire." ~ "We'll see about that!" ~ "If you won't give up, then you leave me no choice... Haah!" Purple Heart charged towards Arfoire, bringing her weapon towards her. Arfoire smirked, as Purple Heart's weapon shatters like glass. "My shattered?!" ~ "How fragile! No weapon can scathe me!" ~ "We need the legendary weapons!" White Heart steps up with her hammer. "Move aside! We'll take care of her!" ~ "What?! No! That's...!" ~ "It may look different, but it's exactly what you think!" ~ "Tch! At a disadvantage, I see... I'll take my leave, then!" IF looks towards Arfoire's fleeting figure. "What?! Are you running?!" ~ "Run? No. I'm simply giving you time to enjoy until the end of this world! Hahahahaha!" Damn, she runs fast... Neptune drops out of HDD. "Phew! Thank goodness. I was at my limit already in that form." Compa ran up to Neptune. "Welcome back, Nep-Nep. You were really cool out there." ~ "Really?! If it made Compa happy, that's a reason I can transform to." Vert dropped out of HDD, turning to Noire who had also reverted to human form. "Now all that remains is Arfoire, but... what she said is concerning." ~ "'End of the world'... Wait. Let's rest a bit first before we go on." Blanc, who had also dropped out of HDD, turns to Noire. "I second Noire. I'd like to rest, as well." Neptune nods. "Okay then! Let's go back and have our victory pudding!"

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