Chapter Sixteen

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It was impossible for Taehyung not to look at Jin. "You look, wow, I cannot put into words how good you look. When I thought you couldn't amaze me anymore, you shocked me once again."

Jin smiled, and he leaned against the railing outside Taehyung's room balcony, where Taehyung had taken him to get away from the noise. "Thank you; I tried to dress up tonight after Jimin told me everyone usually wears their best for your parties. Which got me thinking, do you have a lot of parties?"

"Hoseok is usually our best dress shining star at my parties, but tonight, you've put a challenge to him. You look fucking amazing; I don't think I want you going off to seeing anyone else but me tonight." Taehyung steps closer to Jin, staring at him, "As for me hosting parties, I don't do a lot. My parties tend to be well known, but Jungkook and Yoongi always host more than me."

Despite the blush on his cheeks, Jin did not speak as he stared at Taehyung, a smile on his face.

"So tell me about yourself, what do you like doing? From what I have gathered thus far, you are a big fan of anime; you don't do parties, so tell me, what does Seokjin like to do?"

Jin wrapped his arms around his waist, covering the area showing as the night breeze became chiller than he had expected. Taehyung noticed this and took a step back, "don't answer that yet; give me a moment."

Jin watched, a bit confused, as Taehyung left him on the balcony, keeping his arms wrapped around himself, as he looked down at all the people on the lawn and in the back by the pool. Besides being amazed by how big Taehyung's home was, he was also surprised by how many people showed up. The peace he experienced from being separated from the crowd helped him adjust, despite being curious about why he didn't spot Jungkook, as he wondered if he was there.

Taehyung returned with one of his jackets and handed it to Jin, "you can wear this if you are cold."

Surprised, Jin smiled and went to take the jacket from Taehyung, "wow, thank you."

"Let me help you, turn around," Taehyung suggested, and as Jin did as he said, he helped Jin put on the jacket, then he turned him to face him, buttoning the middle button and adjusting the jacket, "it fits you nicely, now back to what I asked before, tell me about yourself."

Jin leaned back against the rail, looking down at the crowd and then at Taehyung, "I don't think there is much; as you said, I love anime which I do, maybe too much that people always saw me as odd in my old school. While many people had a crush on me, I think I was too awkward for anyone to like me. I prefer to spend time alone, but after meeting Jimin and Hoseok, I realized I also hunger for their company. As strange as that sounds, I also love school. It's a place where I excel a lot, and being the teacher's pet has always made me feel special. The trips I take with my parents during the summers have always been a highlight for me. My parents take me to lots of different countries. I like that I am also an only child because my parents are very loving toward me.

I am looking forward to starting college soon; I hope I can experience college life. I think I have missed out on a lot in life after meeting everyone here, and I want to explore all those things, you know?"

"Really? Like what?" Taehyung asked, leaning against the rail as well, keeping his eyes focused on Jin.

Jin shrugged, "I don't know, everybody my age is having fun and stuff, but I guess I have been stuck somewhere else. For example, I am at this party right now, and I have no idea what to do, but everyone else is having a great time. I was so relieved that you brought me here because I don't feel so awkward now, and wow, it feels so good to say everything out loud."

Taehyung chuckled; he couldn't get over how innocent Jin was, "there is nothing wrong with you doing what you like. There is no need for you to follow everyone else's lead. Even more so if it doesn't bring you happiness. My friends have tattoos, but I do not. It's not that I object to it. I think it's a beautiful art form on others, just not on me.

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