Chapter Seventy-Three

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A/N: The same warning applies to this chapter as the last.


Jin leaned his back against the shower walls, his fingers tangled into Jungkook's hair as Jungkook's tongue and lips toyed with his nubs, hissing out each time, Jungkook's teeth tugged at his nipple rings.

Jungkook pulled away and smiled at Jin, "I didn't think I would like these things, but they are actually fun."

"Too bad I am getting them removed!"

"No, you are not; stop this nonsense; I like them; please keep them." Jungkook asked as he wrapped his arms around Jin's waist and picked him up, "wrap your legs around me."

Jin complied with Jungkook's request and wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist, "you know how much I wanted us to do this right, but I believe we're doing it all wrong again- fuck!" Jin gasped as Jungkook slammed into him, his head colliding with Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook pushed Jin against the wall for support as he slowed his thrust, thrusting slowly into him, "sorry about that. What are we doing wrong?"

Jin raised his head and rested against the wall, soaking in Jungkook's leisurely pace. It was comforting. "This, us."

"When did having sex become wrong in our relationship? I believe we have incredible sex, don't you agree?" Jungkook murmured, kissing Jin's lips.

"We do, we do, that's not it. Maybe we should talk about this later."

"It's all right; we can discuss it now. Consider it sex therapy."

Jin smiled, and he rolled his eyes, "I don't like you."

"As long as you love me, I don't care if you like me. Now seriously, why are you saying this? What are we doing wrong?" Jungkook demanded, his hand slipping into Jin's ass as he thrust upwards.

Jin placed his arms around Jungkook's neck, seeking more support, but this caused him to examine their position, and his gaze shifted to Jungkook's body, "you've become hotter through the years; how is that possible?"

"I ask myself the same thing," Jungkook smirked. "Fuck, babe, you can't do that." Jungkook hissed as Jin unexpectedly squeezed his hole around his cock.

"I can when you- J-Jungkook!" Jin cried out as Jungkook pulled out and thrust back into him hard. "H-how is this sex therapy?"

"It is when you are nice to me. Now, please tell me what you were ranting off about earlier." Jungkook said with a smile on his lips and slowed his thrust.

"You are so rude! As for what I was saying earlier, I meant to say that we were supposed to be doing things the right way this time around, but here we are having sex, no protection, nothing."

Jungkook paused, thrusting into Jin as he stared at him, "I told you I wanted to get you pregnant. I thought we were in agreement, no?"

"No, that's not it. I don't think I will get pregnant anyway, but I just. Jungkook, we live in two different apartments, and you are trying to get me pregnant. I guess that's what I am trying to say."

"Oh, you're asking me to move in with you, correct? I will be able to move in after this weekend. Two apartments are excessive, I agree. Even with kids, we will not need both. We're going to need a home soon."

Jin stared at Jungkook dumbfounded, "that's not what I was asking."

"I replied to your worry based on how I received it," Jungkook kissed Jin's lips. "I am alright with you moving into my apartment; I just didn't want you to have to move. It's more convenient for me, but I'm good with anything you choose."

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