Chapter 21: Twitter Beef

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The next morning...

Nicki's POV:

Sunshine beamed through my windows of my bedroom. It was so bright and beautiful. I felt so good, better than I have been in a while.

I heard some snoring next to me, so I turned to my right. There lay Drake with his arm wrapped around my waist. He looked so peaceful.

Believe me when I say this, this man had helped through a lot man, and in thankful for it.

Memories of last night filled my head, Safaree breaking up with me, and then Drake kidding me last night. Everything seemed to be moving so fast and I couldn't hang on.

I gently gave Drake a little kiss on the cheek before unwrapping his arm from my waist. I'd deal with his ass later.

I hop out of bed and go to the bathroom. I really need to do my hygiene. I probably look a fucking mess.

Looking in the mirror, I was right I looked a mess. But on the inside I was truly happy. It made me think. Was I really happy with Safaree?


The sound startled me.

I looked on my marble bathroom counter and saw my iPhone. I remembered leaving it there when I called Drake last night.

My jaw dropped wide, and my eyes pipped out of their sockets. I got tweeted by Safaree. It read, "@NICKIMINAJ treating me like shit, trust me I hated it. Now you're gonna get what you deserve."

This nigga bugging.

I hit the pen icon and tweet back.

"@SafareeSamuels ain't nobody treated you like shit, grow some fucking balls and be a real man.

Instantly the fans go wild. I definitely won that round.

I sigh and go ahead with brushing my teeth, then washing my face.

When I get back in the room, I see Drake sitting up on my bed. He looks so sexy right now.

"Hey Aubrey." I wave shyly.

Why the fuck was I being shy?

"Hey. Um, I gotta go. We'll talk later." He says getting off the bed.

"Why so soon?" I ask.

He points out the window, and my heart drops.

"Safaree?! What the fuck is his bitch ass doing here?" I yell.

"I'll see you later Nick."

"Later. Go out the back, I ain't tryna have no drama right now. You feel me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got you. Bye."

He puts on his Timbs and is out.

What game is Safaree tryna play? I don't know, but I'm going to find out right now.

I rush down the stairs, and beat Safar-. You know what? Fuck that his name is Bitch Nigga now. Anyway I beat Bitch Nigga to the door, and am ready to cuss his ass out.


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